Next Week this corrupt monkey goes to jail

Next Week this corrupt monkey goes to jail.

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It's funny because it's true...

Praise Kek

He'll be the coolest monkey there!

>being this delusional

It would be something if the first black president wound up in prison though. The memes would be to infinity and beyond after that.

Who's ready for the race war?

Can someone give me a quick rundown what's going on? Is this half nigger faggot really in trouble or is this more horseshit?

no high up cunt is going to jail m8.
If you think that you have 0 understanding of the oligarchy.

This. They will escape justice one way or another. Regular James Bond villains really.


Oh wow you showed them.


When the American Publicâ„¢ find out how deep the rabbit hole goes and how this nigger has deceived them for so long they're going to apoplectic with rage. If this makes Sup Forums angry can you imagine what is going to be like for an outsider who doesn't have a single clue about any of this. They're going to learn all of it for the first time as the fucking media frenzy explodes. All at once. Not little drips or drabs like we have been getting but every little inch of this vast conspiracy is going to be dumped on them all at once.

They're going to be fucking BAYING for blood and the Democrat party is FINISHED.


I hope it happens. But I'm not gonna be surprised it nothing happens.
>mfw the first black president goes down in history forever as a traitor to his country
Can you imagine the butthurt.

Even imagining gives me the biggest hardon imaginable.

HOLY SHIT that webm must have taken weeks to make. We really do have the best memers, folks, don't we? Tremendous. Really. Just tremendous.

Except he won't because he's done nothing wrong you stupid fucking racist

He's a nigger, when isnt he wrong?

>being this shill.

Top fucking kek lad.

wow big if true

>be nigger
>be president
>be inmate

It's like you missed the threads that were being slid.

Would you be willing to bet Money on that?


Defeating hillary grants you immunity to prison,

Why don't you cucks focus on this race mixing lunatic?

Why would he? Because of memos that never pay off?

Maurice Strong
Bush Family
John Kerry
Togsun Park
Edward J Derwinski
Robert Kephart
Agora publishing international
Dan Quayle
Tom Railsbeck
Phil, Dan, & George Crane
David Vitter
Louise E Jenkins
Signature Bank
Sunrise research corp
Mel Reynolds
James Traficant
Thomas M. Davis
Willie Tan
Tom Delay
Jack Abramoff
Mariana Islands
CTSI logistics
Richard Helfenbein
Tony Rudy
First Principles LLC
Bob Ney
TriCity Family Services
Robert H Michael
Kirk Fordham
Thomas M. Reynolds
Scott B. Palmer
Thomas Klatt
Dallas Ingemunson
Nancy Pelosi
CenterPoint Properties
John T DooLittle
David Drier
Thomas W. Ewing
Porter Goss
Tyrone C. Fahner
Daniel J. Matoon
Kimberley Fritts
Kay Hagan
Jefferey Ricchetti
Steven J Ricchetti
Edward M. Kennedy
Christoper J Dodd
David E. Bonior
Dick Armey
JC Watts Jr
Kay Bailey
Heather & Haley Barbour
Jerry Berman
Hilary B. Rosen
Tom Daschel
Jeb Bush
Connie Mack
Missi Tessier
Robert L. Livingston
Toby Moffett
At Qorvis
Seth Thomas Pietras
Richard A Gephardt
Hogan Lovells
Richard Sullivan
David Jones
Ethan & Joshua Hestert
Mayer Brown LLP

when do the pedos go to jail?

Because e-celebs aren't important.

Who cares about some irrelavant coal burner?

>Half black
I dont see a single trace of black physical or mental characteristics


>when (((they))) hire a leaf

ok seriously, if this comes to head do you guys think he will:

a) run for the hills
b)whistleblow everyone he can
c)be assassinated
d)all the above

Trump is taking down the Rothschilds.



>black president
Never again


>media has been chasing ghosts and conspiracy theories


Behold the power, witness it.