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Yuyushiki - ゆゆ式
Is it Tuesday already?
I want Yuzuko to be my best friend.
I want to hold hands with Yui.
It's always Tuesday in my heart.
ogenki desuka?
Please refrain from inserting foreign objects into your friends' ears.
What is the best YYS doujin?
I couldn't possible pick a favourite. Pretty much all of them are pretty goshdarn good.
mel's and Tatunokosso's are pretty top tier. I would actually consider Nekohigetei a step even higher, but the problem with them is they don't sell their doujinshi online and I almost never see them come up in used shops.
forgot my image
Has there been any chapter releases in the recent weeks?
>It's a best time of the week has arrived episode
I feel bad for Fumi.
>it's a dies on tuesday episode
I hate those episodes. They always rerun those too.
>It's a low-power Kei episode
Yukari and Yuyus a shit, I have a new waifu now.
But that's me.
Thank God this isn't a GabDro thread or your post could have ended badly.
Please refrain from inserting cotton swabs into your own ears. Earwax removal syringes are the proper method of earwax removal, but don't do it too often as the presence of earwax prevents ear infections.
"Bi daisuki nano" - Nonohara Yuzu-chan
What do you m-
But nothing beats cleaning your ears out with cotton buds run under the hot tap, nothing.
The hot water makes the ruptured eardrum extra pleasurable.
That's only if you shove the cotton bud down the ear canal like a pillock, you're supposed to be gentle. And besides, the cotton bud isn't supposed to go all the way in, just near the entrance to clear away only excess wax.
Reminds me of Joshiraku threads where the Mariifag would regularly come in and post about how he'd eat her shit for breakfast everyday.
That's just weird. I mean, I'd eat Yui's shit but some things ought to be kept private.
That's disgusting user, the max I'd do is drink her piss, but nothing past that.
Tuesday is definitely in my top ten days of the week.
How can you say you love her if you can't even eat her poop?
I'd eat yukari's mellorine for her.
I call dibs on the dundurma
You're like those people that lurk the newest first part of Onion and Clickhole videos and look for people who fall for them so you can say "UHH, ACTUALLY IT'S SATIRE"
Everyone knows cotton swabs are bad for your ears.
Which yuyu is most likely to become a muslim extremist and wage jihad on foreign soil?
Yui's mom
Is this trying to get me hard? Shit worked.
>It's a living on the edge episode
Yuzuko when she finally snaps.
I don't get it. How do you find this show funny without being stoned? It's like the first episode of Lucky Star but every episode.
Very easily.
>it's a walk this way episode
>it's a cryin' episode
>it's a Yuzu's got a gun episode
>It's a swimsuit episode!
>it's the last episode
>it's a get a grip episode
>thinking about mitsu
I want an okaa-san in high school episode
I want an okaasan sitting on my face episode.
I like to shove it all the way in. Actually, I do more of a sweeping motion, but I do go all the way in with it.
Nothing feels better than getting that deep wax out. Only problem is I sometimes get an itch-scratch cycle going
Was she known as okaa-san during high school too?
We all do, user.
Yes after I impregnated her and left her a single teenage mom.
>I like to shove it all the way in.
user likes it deep.
>erotic nails
Imagine Yuzu fingers your bum, wouldn't that be a treat?
>It's a biased BBC3 documentary episode
Please, no.
I'm planning to marry her
Not if I marry her first, loser.
Which yuyu would you shiki?
Yuyu's aren't for shiki, they're for yuyu!
No, me.
I want the Yuyus to sit on my face and pee in my mouth!
Best girls
I want the Yuyu's to sit in my room and talk with me.
Or the other way around, either's fine.
>You will never be a cute lesbian high schooler who goofs off her best friends every day
How do I cope with these emotions?
first episode was more boring than expected, does it get better?
Do you usually like SoL?
Yes. If by "better" you mean "more lewd".
its my genre of preference
does it get cuter
Also yes. There's plenty of "aw, they really do love eachother" moments later on.
How do you feel about A Channel?
havent watched it, should i be ashamed of myself?
A Channel? More like A+ Channel because it's really fun!
Dropped it after the second episode.
No, it wasn't
Yes, it was.
No, it wasn't
It was.
A-Channel confirmed for shit.
That 2chan clone that appears on Steinz;Gate?