What kind of gentleman must I become to get Akaza Akari to fall madly in love with me?
What kind of gentleman must I become to get Akaza Akari to fall madly in love with me?
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One who can interact with people who exist outside of the five senses.
Akarin would never do that.
Sure she would.
They will when they go to college where there are many handsome boys like me.
The excesive Akarin bullying in the show gets annoying. Was funny at first but then it gets overused. It's get old. Made me lost interest on the show.
You need to be a colored gentleman with a large penis.
>Akaza Akari
Literally who?
Akaza Akari, the main heroine of the hit SoL comedy series Yuru Yuri.
Stop posting blank images, OP.
Never saw her
The one who saved Toshinou Kyouko from the mean bully in the past.
I think you're hallucinating, OP
There is no such character
That's like asking "where does (x^2)+1 cross the x-axis." You're gonna need to do more than just improve yourself.
Then who saved Kyouko from the pink bully?
The anti-bully ranger, of course
Even lesbians succumb to the dick. I know /u/ don't want to believe it, but it's the truth.
Just stick to being a woman, you'll have a much better shot.
Why does Akari spend so much time on Twitter? It isn't healthy.
Just because you can't get enough dicks doesn't mean everyone else wanted it
/u/fags will never accept this even though is the truth. They hate the fact deep down they love cock.
Every female wants the cock user. By having a vagina and womb, they consent to the cock.
Hetero fags get out of the thread
A futa
Cease this tumblr-tier speak at once.
No they don't. They grow it themselves
I'll fuck off to tumblr when you hetshitters fuck off to reddit.
It is, in the end, still losing to the cock. One of them is controlled by it, the other penetrated by it.
Kill yourself, slowly and painfully, but not tolerably.
Both of them grows it
They still love cock. Even getting off to cock dildos prooves that. It's a fact
/u/fags really get triggered by the fact they can't win against dicks
>come to a thread about a show that literally has lesbianism in the title
>"hurrrr people who enjoy homosex should kill themselves"
I'm straight myself but a true patrician realizes that lesbiansm is the superior sexual orientation. You might understand some day too, sport.
No way fag.
A feminine cock is not a cock. Hence why it is not gay sucking it
If you don't agree with this then you are a pleb.
Yuri is the most plebian taste on earth though.
You just don't fucking get it. As a straight male who is attracted to females, watching a yuri relationship gives me double the cuteness, but since both of them are gay, I'm not jealous of either of them (harem protags piss me off 95% of the time).
You hear that? That's TWO TIMES the cute and ZERO TIMES the insufferable MC. You are the real pleb here, dude.
Nah, your mental gymnastics are old. Yuri is shit, end of discussion.
t. soon to be fag
Yuri is cute and all user. But in the end it doesn't make sense because lesbians are all bi. They want both cock and pussy in their lives.
Does it matter? They'll just grow it themselves and you won't get a taste
Having an aesthetic preference for homosexuality doesn't make you gay, as silly as it may sound.
People who hate yuri should be burned alive desu
Your yuri girls are not real user. And they can't grow dicks. Thats the reason why they seek males when they want dick. Lesbians do this irl.
Sounds pretty gay to me. Good aesthetics require a good contrast, usually in the shape of an opposite.
It's called "Dickgirl"
>Good aesthetics require a good contrast
Nope. I like chocolate milk with my brownies, I like tea with my soup, and I like girls with my girls.
>main heroine
But Kyouko is the main heroin.
except Akarin is a proud Christian user!
I like Yuri shows because they are funny and cute. They're relaxing in a way. The thing is a lot of /u/friends get triggered when the girls are portrayed as wanting dick. It's childish and autistic. Even more when lesbians admit they like dick irl.
The one who does the intro segment at the start of each episode is the main heroine.
Fuck off, cancer.
Jesus surrounded himself with a harem of hunks
Why discriminate over gender?
>season 3 had no intros
Why did they do this?
Didn't watch S3 yet, they really took out one of YrYr anime iconics?
It's a completely different studio, so a lot of the cute Yryr-isms are gone. I still enjoyed S3, but I think Dogakobo was a much better fit for the series.
a pedo
They should have watched the first two seasons. Taking out the Akarin intro segment is a sin
Boys x boys is too gay
You are both appalling.
You have to look EXACTLY like this AND not be a male.
PS, "not a male" is different from "numale" this is very important.
See and stop being triggered
Don't you have plenty of straight characters to work with?
Why are you so bothered by facts? A lesbian is still a lesbian even tho she gets dicked from time to time. Where you molested as a child or something?
No, that's a bisexual.
You yurifags are so easy to bait
>Can't win against the cock logic
Hentai logic doesn't apply to the real world
It also doesn't apply to anime at times
I had a lesbian friend from work that is now married to a man and even has a kid. I went to their wedding 2 years ago. She still likes girls, so deep down I think the majority of lesbians are bi.
>inb4 things that never happened xD
>it happened once so that's the majority
I'm not denying that happened. She was just bi all along.
Bisexuals are not lesbians. That's all.
I'm just saying that it can happen. Don't need to be mad about it. I still like Yuri shows but /u/ tends to get very protective and hateful sometimes.
Bi are just greedy bastard wanting to taste both the worlds
Well, yeah, because yuri is a fantasy like many of the others enjoyed everywhere. And for fans of yuri, a guy coming in and swooping one of the girls away, making her realize she was bi all along, fucks the fantasy up. There's not much canon yuri or canon lesbian characters for them to work with either.
I understand that. The thing is, even tho a lot of girls watch this shows, a lot of straight men do too. Look valkirye drive for example. That show is canon yuri with canon couples but it's pretty lewd and fuel for straight men.
Yuru Yuri is in a timeloop universe, you'd know this if you actually cared about the series and weren't just some horny retarded underage b&
>come to Yuru YURI thread
>complain about yuri
>complain about /u/
come on now
you're making fools of yourselves
I think this is one of the cases where people keep repeating memes for so long they start believing them.
Remember this:
Madoka never loved Homura and despises her now, she wants Homura dead.
Sayaka never cared for Kyoko
Yuuna never loved Togo and will happily abandon her to become a hero.
Reina and Kumiko are straight, one of which even gets the dick.
Hibiki has no love in her heart for Miku and would be hurt to know how Miku feels.
The Yuru Yuris are going through a phase and do not really love each other.
Sakura got the D and Tomoyo will die alone.
Nanoha doesn't love Fate, they're only friends.
Flip Flappers is pretentious pandering without substance and is confirmed het
Izetta is confirmed het
Yuri is never ever real and canon lesbians are always awful people without love. Get a better fetish, one that isn't degeneracy.