Why is Japan/Anime/Manga obsessed with

Why is Japan/Anime/Manga obsessed with...
tanned + flat + demon girl?

is it because they are delicious?


god bless mda starou

Please have a dick

That's not flat.

Better question: Why aren't you?

The authors name was already mentioned. Find it yourself.

So glad it's not futa/trap shit.

god bless u user


Has Takatsu done one yet? He's done all those tags for sure,but not combined.

Cum looks the best on tanned skin. Fact.

That isn't flat.

>No full nude sex
Other than that doujin is top tier with god tier art

>Meat buns
I prefer these meat buns

>tfw you will never enjoy a minute long sex with this semen demon


How long has this guy been drawing strength?

How the fuck is this artist's name romanized?

Mdas Tarou?

Mda Starou?

Try the unusual.

A while, and long may it continue

His Chariot is fantastic as well.

>his only doujin still hasn't been fully translated to English

And why are all the scans of it so red?


I love her


M-da S-tarou - the M and S are in english, and the da and tarou are in hiragana

But there's no actual hypens in his name. So it actually looks like


But sites like booru's don't accept hiragana in general so it gets romanized as mda starou.

So you'll keep taking meat buns too? not trying cream or choco?

>that other guy who's been drawing Isadora from Lotte for ages

Truly, the brown inspires dedication in the heart of men.

Demon girls are best girls, its a fact.

I didn't even know these were translated. I only fapped to the Japanese ones on sankaku

Second half isn't translated.

Daingert madelyn

Great artist.
His Strenght is a classic. Is her daki still available for sale?