What do you consider to be "forced aimation"?
What do you consider to be "forced aimation"?
Anything made by kyoani.
Who the fuck genuinely thought rotoscoping was ever a useful idea
Bakshi himself who made prominent use of the technique later admitted how loathsome it was
Anything animated on ones.
Who ever said A1 Pictures doesn't have fluid animation like KyoAni?
It worked really well here.
This looks so bad though.
It's obvious they used male models judging from they way they walk.
No such thing. Silly meme.
>packaging individual crisps already in a bag
maybe two bombs were too many
Forced animation is the dumbest criticism I've heard in a very long time. If you really think such a thing actually exists, and you aren't memeing you're a retard.
Literally anything if the intention is to shitpost.
They also do it with cookies
Something that doesn't look natural and is only there to make you think a lot of movement is good anmation.
Take any major scene from One Piece and you'll see what I mean.
So, Bahi?
The only time rotoscoping as ever looked good was during that like 4 minute scene in thew classroom in Aku no Hana
What anime is this?
I've watched it for sure but I can't remember the name
Reading the filenames sometimes helps.
Stuff that looks like QWOP: the animation.
like half the shit of Monogatari.
Is a stupid buzzword that came from people who want to complain about something in shows
Monogatari is notorious for having bare minimum animation
That one scene where a girl is flipping around while crossing a river for no good reason.
This, I have nothing against rotoscoping in general, especially in action scenes and such, but it's borderline horror when cute idol girls are moving like adult males.
>Uguu faces plastered on rotoscoped bodies
This is getting too freaky. Aku no Hana suddenly doesn't seem so bad now.
I believe Walt Disney did.
motion is irrelevant to animation
I want it to look good, not move good
Any time a show I don't like has a sakuga scene
>motion is irrelevant to animation
It's kinda pitiful that anime is so badly animated that we have to become astonished in seeing the occasional slightly better animated scene.
>holy shit, guys
>they're not just standing around and flapping their mouths
Pleb: watching whole episodes of anime
Patrician: watching sakuga compilations with Death Grips music
That webm is creepy as hell.
As far as I know Disney hated it too after they used it in Snow White, after that they only used live action footage as reference but didn't draw over it
It's not automatically a bad thing, Bakshi was just always shit in general.
Rotospocing has to be used carefully because you don't expect animation to look exactly like natural movement.
Look how the people are animated. The rotoscoping is evident, but the movements are sedate and limited.
It also isn't some shortcut on animating. Rotoscoping takes a lot of work because the tracing is done frame by frame, hence why it is usually only used when very realistic movement is wanted from animation, and even then it has to be done pedantically and right so it doesn't end up looking like which additionally has the disparity of rotoscoped movement and art-style.
>Better animated
>That webm in the OP
I'd rather have flapping mouths than fucking rotoscoping.
a meme
What the hell is wrong with you people they're called chips.
Those old rotoscoped Superman shorts looked pretty nice too
This rotoscope is disgusting
What the fuck. I don't know how I feel about "forced animation" as a whole but this is just ridiculous.
Yea I immediately thought of the OP anime as well. Even back in the Sabondy arc, before the anime turned complete shit, there was a lot of that. Especially in the Luffy vs Kuma fight.
It was a joke in the show I believe.
I was thinking of reading that. What's wrong with it?
there is nothing unnatural in that movement.
what is going on there, why does everything look weird
A dumb Sup Forums meme.
Nothing. It's the anime people had a problem with. It was rotoscoped so people complained that everyone (girls mostly) looked ugly, but the more serious problem was that it just in general looked like ass because you don't rotospoce a tv-anime on a tight budget and tight schedule.
They don't even bother to purchase some little girls to do this and just use lanky men, that's the whole problem.
It wasn't
Burgers please respect the tea drinkers, they're the original.
Holy shit that is fucking terrible
Thank god this shitty trash got BTFO by Love Live
Animation that doesn't serve the/any narrative.
>No one posting this
It's a buzzword that people throw around to shit on good studios with talented animators.
The word you're looking for is "overanimating" wich means going too far in your animation, breaking the character and/or tone/goal of the scene, or just creating something that move so much that it's just weird and hard to read.
However overanimating is quite rare because most of the time people go for the least amount of effort. This isn't overanimated, this would be overanimated in the context of a normal interaction but isn't for a comedic moment (wich it seem to be).
This however ,is. From what I remember it actually not rotoscoped. The guy most likely used a video reference, but stayed too close to it. Either way he put in too many movements, wich means that we end up focusing on it rather than the characters interaction.
In short, it's something extremely specific, that has more to do with a lack of skill than being "too good".
Nice gorilla-walk
It's funny how this was actually parodying those unnaturally shit movements but somehow they managed to make it natural and not uncanny valley (like OP for example)
>motion is irrelevant to animation
>I want it to look good, not move good
Do you even know what the word ANIMATION means?
Do you even know what the ILLUSION of LIFE, is?
Do you know what it means to ANIMATE something?
When has the visuals/quality of the image been relevant to the movement?
I'm pretty sure Forced Animation means that instead of creating convincing interesting looking animations, they give a lot of key frames and inbetweens to the motion without much context, making it almost look uncanny/disjointed for the sake of spectacle.
Smoother animation will always be better, but if the motion isnt accounted for it will look off.
It's why games originally in 30fps get bumped up to 60fps, play better yet look wonky and weird because their animations havent accounted for the higher framerate and are relying on interpolation.
I fucking dizzy now man
This is the dumbest post I've read this month.
This user gets it. Thank Christ someone does.
This scene always fucks with me, it looks like it's being fast forwarded
Man, they don't make them like they used to. I would take that russian animation any day over 3D crap that has infested american animation.
i want whatever the hell she's having
>Do you even know what the ILLUSION of LIFE, is?
Some shit written by 2 Disney hacks?
The only thing that animation needs is movement, everything else falls into directing and effects.
Not rotoscopy
Even if it is, it's executed well enough to look good
forced animation doesnt mean rotoscopped nor that it looks bad.
in this case its forced animation for the sake of comedy
You realise that the word "animation" literally means to breath life into something, right? It comes from the same root as "animal".
I'm getting the feeling that this scene was purposely made to look like that, for the sake of comedy.
If it is being used for a genuine purpose and fulfils that purpose, how is it "forced"?
Forced comedy
We're taking about the animation right now user
The comedic value depends on the person, some might laughing hard at a scene while tearing, others might not even crack a little chuckle
Forced Post
Forced retardation.
A meme, other than that it's usually rotoscoping or off model animation.
>rotoscoping is forced animation now
The state of Sup Forums.
Anything more animated than a manga panel.
Wew, looks actually pretty good.
Forced forced.
Maybe some western animation can be overanimated, but Japanese animation tends to be very careful with drawing allocation so it's hard to think of an overanimated scene. OP's webm is more of an awkward implementation rather than overanimation.
Whole season season was bad, but all animation in that scene was cringe as fuck, almost on OP level. Rotoscoping made it much worse that it would be.
This is actually good.
All the responses to this webm are retarded. This was overanimated as a joke. It was a meme. They're making fun of animators that over animate. Everyone on here is so stupid.
>actually good
Yeah its "good" animation. But its fucking retarded.
>Everyone on here is so stupid.
Everyone except me. I'm not stupid. I'm just slow. And Mexican.
>All the responses
Ok. Because they are super serious posts.
>But its fucking retarded.
How so? It's cute and such good animation showing her in 100% cuteness.
I don't get why people pretend to freak out over this every time.
Nobody's freaking out. More like finding it funny because it actually does prove that forced animation exists.
It's more like the animation has a lot of frames and even so looks really unnatural.
I don't know the context, but it merely looks like that scene is meant to be somewhat comedic and sexual in nature. It's appropriate if that's the point of the scene.
Forced animation is only a thing with anime fans because they're too used to pretty stills or scenes with minimal movement. It doesn't help that proper character animation doesn't get as much focus as action scenes in TV anime.
It's more of a forced food orgasm than it is forced animation. Technically could be shitty writing rather than animation.
>Director: I want you to draw this chick having an orgasm over being fed a piece of pork
>not liking Naotoshi Shida
Shit taste desu he's one of the best animators out there.
that's pretty good.
Too bad the anime sucked.
Shida's drawing style is cool, but the undulating motion he likes to use in his cuts are pretty unappealing.
Nah, she ate it like she had genuine autism.