How could anyone think Nichijou is superior?

How could anyone think Nichijou is superior?

they don't

Because Azumanga has an inferior adaptation.

The same way people don't eat their own shit as it falls out their butthole: taste.

I do.

Nichijou has the same asinine tropes as any slice of life, except they're 'absurd' and that apparently is beguiling to you autists

I don't and I watched both and read the manga for AD, haven't read the manga for Nichijou yet though

Newfags and kyoanifags

Nichijou is a masterclass of animation, cinematography, mood and the thematic emotions of the everyday whereas Azumanga is a mediocre adaptation with awful pacing, production and nothing to say about life.

Just watched the second episode, it's cute and funny.

both are good!

Are you really going to argue that there is supposed to be some grand philosophical takeaway from slice of life? No, there isn't.

This. They are two different shows entirely. Only plebs can't realize this.

Tomo a shit. All she does is hurt her friends.

Who is the best Azumanga girl?

Good slice of life will express life through the very aesthetic construction. K-On's aesthetic such as the staging and lighting immediately brings you a feeling of nostalgia and a lived-in environment whereas Tamako Love Story is framed liked it's drenched with a summer haze. Both capture the radiance of everyday life.


Daily reminder

Higher energy, more absurd jokes. But most importantly, they watched it recently, after watching countless lesser SoL shows that soured their memory on everything in the genre.

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It was so hard to watch azumanga, my head hurt.

Maybe it's harmed by the swarm of pandering LN adaptions after it, but Haruhi has aged pretty badly.


Yes yes, well done OP well done OP, however