Little Witch Academia

>tfw LWA 2017 manga still on Episode 5


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Oh no! The Evil Bitch is loose again and she is going to steal little witches' hopes and yays! Quick, we must stop her!

I want Chariot to steal my heart

>LWA manga
Well, Sup Forums?


All the previous word's predictions based on the moonrunes have been accurate, why do you think it won't be related to following your own dreams or making people share your dreams?

>LWA TV Anime


Why are there so many retarded dumbfucks saying the final Word is about forgiveness or love or anything other than dreams? Literally as bad as the idiots that keep asking about Diana's magic.

Forgiveness would make sense though.


Know that it's bait, but besides the quality of the animation, every single character, plot point and major event of the movies made into the series

>inb4 le shoehorn


We literally already know the Word.

The characters from the OVA are completely different from the characters in the TV series.

We've never seen Sucy cry, just some deadpan.

I want to see it



Stop bullying my girlfriend.

She sheds a tear when Holbrooke's dad reunites with his dead wife.

Woodward is based

>Two tween go into your forest in order to get the Triskelion
>One of them is a up to no good, the other one seems fine
>The girl you elected, by influence of her bitch friend, fucked up magic world even more, almost exploding the moon
>Torments the said girl, saying she should go to Luna Nova disguised, and aid the new rod user
>Turns out the girl had magic stolen by Chariot in the past, and Chariot now had to deal with it every single day, while hostage of Woodward advice

That's what you get


That just shows how bad woodfucker is without the other old witches.

If you liking the TV LWA Anime, then you have a shit taste.

Great plot twist alone isnt enough to fix major flaws TV LWA had.

I rate TV LWA 5/10, after plot twist, 6/10


Hmm, then I mean upset. REALLY upset.

They changed the levels of exaggeration, like every OVA/TV series comparison. TV series are less cartoony, and have more hints and clues. In OVA's they are basically playing with types and tropes.

But the overall idea still there.

How are these two so cute?


No, Diana and Ursula/Chariot are different characters. They might have similarish character traits, but they're completely different.

They are the bestest besties

Who said Woodward was one of the 9?

People just assumes that. For what we know she's the guardian of Arcturus only. And don't forget that the 9 witches made the rod, so they are into this thing too.

>Great plot twist alone isnt enough to fix major flaws TV LWA had.
What flaws? Is it because the show is episodic and doesn't focus on your waifu enough?

OVA is an alternative world where Criox didn't exist, and thus everyone is happier and more well-adjusted.

Diana was the super-talented witch from a rich family, that loves to brag about it for everyone. Now she still the super talented witch, but open to failure, at same time being less proud of herself.

They watered every single character in order to make it work. But again, the overall character still the same. Stop nitpicking

Did Chariot bully the nerd?

Shes just teasing her.

Exactly, the tv series just copied the OVA and added turds on it.

how much make up sex will Croix and Chariot have at the end? Will Chariot call Croix a dork again?

Re-watching it all for the twist I realized the major complains were nothing but misguided hype and expectations. The episodes were all very different from each other, so for people expecting some crescent, linear story, it can be off putting, but that does not say anything about the quality alone of the said episodes. In that regard we had only 2 or 3 terrible ones, All the rest rate as good or better.

People expecting every single episode to be about Akko fighting dragons got upset, but it's only their own fault.

>It will return to you. That is it's nature...

A lot in prison

>great plot twist
>oh no! a character we thougth was a not so strong good guy was actually a strong bad guy!

- Pacing issues (We get the plot twists after 22 Episodes ??)
- Some Pure shit & unnecessary Episodes (4, 9, 16)
- Main Char is Annoying (The Stupid part is already resolved in plot twist)
- Underutilized characters (B Team, Finneran)

Sucy/Akko is top 2 aesthetic ship.

>everyone is happier and more well-adjusted.

I do not know. Luna Nova seemed more dangerous in the OVA. And the same applies to villages that contain evil spirits sealed in the underground or fucking monsters that pop up in the middle of a show.

OVA LWA really looks like a world where monster hunters are needed to keep the situation in check.

I'm not even nitpicking, I like TV Diana. But she is still a completely different character with a completely different role. I don't even know how you can make the argument of them being the same character when their similarities are so superficial.

My main disappointment with LWA TV is the extremely weak art direction, color design and the new character designs. The show lacks the visual oomph of Kill la Kill or Kiznaiver. Croix (both young and old) and Andrew both have pretty forgettable designs compared to the characters designed by Yoshinari for the OVAs. Akko's room in the TV show looks bland and boring.

Well, Episode 3, Episode 7 and Episode 12-13 are exactly what it should have been. But you say, episodes were all very different from each other, sometimes, not for the best.

Can we have webms?

The world of the OVA looks like it's not facing the decline of magic like in the series.

>this kills the yurifag

Your webm brings back memories of cour 1 threads and I almost miss it.

Nobody has even brought up shipping in this thread. In the end, were Andrewfags and hetfags the true shitposters?

>Douglas Walker
Shit, I forgot he has a huge ass forehead

will Chariot be top?

>Turns out the girl had magic stolen by Chariot in the past
You say it like she didn't choose Akko on purpose.

Unironically top 10 anime plot twists.

Do you two need a time-out?

OVA Diana:
-Elegantly smug
-High-class oujosama that loves showing off and actually seems to be able to lead an actual social life
-Just a talented witch with dedication
-Has a strong sense of responsibility and wants to restore dignity to the witches but doesn't seem to have the same pureness of TV Diana

TV Diana:
-Deadpan, serious
-Anti-social nerd that mostly interacts with people out of responsibility and would rather spend her free time studying even more
-The greatest student to have ever graced Luna Nova
-Completely pure main objectives; probably the most pure hearted character in the show
-Has oujosama speech but her high-class lady attitude is more dignified and less show-offy

And that's ignoring the backstory or their feelings towards Chariot.

with the akko faces and minotaur warping you can tell which parts are the animator testbeds

that's sad

Need a translation Bento

I had been waiting for this one.

>not posting the original

>A believing alcohol is your magic!
Been stuck trying to frame/write this one sorry its taking so long

>Coming soon to Netflix, LWA is getting more popular by the way
>Naturally Sup Forums now has to hate it, saying the original source was better, accusing the show of being average

Almost forgot we are in Sup Forums after all."NORMIES REEEEE" memes and all that jazz.

Where did she learn how to dance like that?


I hope the Netflix series does well so we can have our S2 or OVA3

This is why i want to Fuck OVA Diana, Marry TV Diana, Kill Terio Manga Diana

Everyone who says the big reveals came too late, especially when the first episode spelled out the big story beats/visual themes, is either retarded, baiting, or both.

You don't do the big reveal until there's no reason to keep things hidden, because the assumption is the viewer can put two and two together themselves.

Is it bad if I like dyke-looking Croix better than her past dork look?

Thanks. Its cute

We've had this kind of threads since cour one. Get the fuck out.

Good, they improved her

Fuck out of here with your pretend oldfag faggotry. People have been bitching about cour 2 since cour 2 started

Magic declining was the inciting incident of OVA2.

Dork and Dyke Croix have different personalities.

Cute! I hope you never stop drawing those two.

>Kill Terio Manga Diana
But she is the best Diana.

we just know the sorcerer's stone was the source of the magic, no 'decline' was shown, no leylines

my dude


You are disappointed in incredibly minor and petty things, especially considering the expressiveness of the animation was as much a selling point as the art and that is unchanged from the OVA.

And those were most of its good parts, just not as impressive to look at.

It's not a minor thing considering how strong the art direction was in both KLK and Kiznaiver. And LWA is still filled with cheap episodes.

The inconsistency hurts it more than anything. Week-to-week I can't tell if I'm getting a fun adventure or a badly-written slog.

>Akko hasn't returned to LN
>Everyone is worried, including Diana.
>Diana leaves LN for a few days to find Akko.
>5 days have passed and no signs of Akko
>Diana is in the middle of the forest, searching for her.
>Then, she hears someone saying "Forget Chariot!"
>Her voice is familiar
>It's Amanda
>Diana starts looking around, looking for Amanda.
>She finally founds Amanda
>She is with Akko near a river.
>When Diana arrives, she sees Akko and Amanda holding hands.
>Something inside her head says she must stop everything, but the only thing she does is stare at them from a distance.
>Then, Amanda starts kissing Akko
>Diana is shocked, mostly because she could hear Akko say "I love you"
>Since that day no one has seen Diana.

OVA Diana is part of the reconstructed world where her parents never died, so she didn't have to grow up quickly and could just be a typical smug ojousama. Screencap this.

Terio Diana and Akko have a better rival thing going on. I get the feeling if the TV series had been like the manga it would have probably gotten better reception at the expense of an actual plot. Akko isn't AS magically inept, the chapters are actually based around magical tropes, Lotte and Sucy aren't just thrown under the rug.

Diana's OVA2 characterization was "I must prevent magic from declining". When you have more time than 90 minutes to expand on a world and a concept, you do so.

I do not know why, but Croix design, to me, seems more suitable for a special Agent Detective FBI magic character.

>because the assumption is the viewer can put two and two together themselves.

Its called : Lazy writing.

Bento, would you mind posting a higher quality version of this? That twitter encoding is atrocious.

-Weak, bland art direction; the character designs for the new characters are much weaker
-At least a third of the show is cheap-looking outsourced episodes
-Repetitive plot points that keep rehashing themselves, in a bad way
-Most episodes aren't very well directed and have flat and boring framing
-Poorly utilized cast; KLK had a much larger cast and used it much more effectively

LWA is a great show trapped underneath a decent show. Which they had put as much effort in it as they put in KLK.

Terio Diana wouldn't have become the most popular character, though.

This user gets it. I would add 1 and 2 as well.

Hug the dork.

Kiznaiver had a poor everything else, KlK had cheap looking episodes hidden by the art direction deliberately playing with cheap 70s/80s anime tropes. LWA is more subdued than either, but still manages to be distinctive and consistent.

It's not what you expected, but it's not weak.

Kiss the dork.

The two episodes of the Luna Nova festival with the staged sacrifice were magnificent, even as artistic direction. There is practically everything one would like to see in this kind of show.