Why is manga so unpopular compared to anime?

Why is manga so unpopular compared to anime?

Anime is a lot easier to consume, especially in Japan where you can just watch it on your TV. There are ever increasing options popping up online as well that let you very easily watch anime, many more options than manga. Watching something is a lot easier than reading something as well, since it continues whether or not you understood anything about it at a consistent pace. Compare this to reading speeds vary from person to person.

Plus, it has several things over manga, several of those being obvious things like sound, voices, music, and usually color along with others.

I'm not trying to bash manga, by the way. Just answering your question.

>in the west
you mean?

Huh? As a market, Manga is WAY bigger than Anime in Japan, United States, Britain, France, Italy, Germany, Taiwan.

The question should be why is ANIME unpopular compared to manga?

To be fair, normalfags don't know shit about manga

Shit timeslots, poor adaptations, less ability to be creative/interesting, exorbitant media prices, shoddy workmanship, and a general disdain for the medium.

Who gives a fuck about markets, fucking obviously manga makes more money, people have to actually buy it to consume it, while anime is aired on public TV and has to rely on bluray sales and merchandise. And, of course, advertising the MANGA.

Still in Japan manga might genuinely be more popular than anime but certainly nowhere else.

It's not? What makes you think so?

To be fair, I should have specified Manga is more popular in Japan

In terms of money spent, Manga is far bigger almost everywhere in the world. Even in the West, unless you are implying that normal fags watch anime in the west and ignore manga.

If you are implying the latter, it would explain the cancerous threads everytime a good manga gets an anime and the collective discussion thread intelligence drops by 40 IQ points. On which you might have a point.

Threads before anime
"What are your thoughts on the story?"
"This character dynamic doesn't work in the established world."

Threads after anime
"Which waifu would you put the D in?"
"Dat titties"
"I would put my cock in her mouth if you know what I mean."

Again, when talking about Revenue and sales, Manga is bigger in Japan AND the west. There is a reason why manga gets licensed faster and tends to be released more regularly, it makes more money than anime.

Noone is talking about sales you dumb FUCKING faggot get it through your head RETARDED fuck

It's because anime is shown dubbed on TV for free. But really a lot of manga get licensed too nowadays.

Why are books so unpopular compared to movies?

Because they're a shitty fucking medium. Only autistic nerds actually read books. This is somewhat besides the point, but it's fucking bizarre how most of the greatest movies are actually based on some mediocre books with garbage whacky and crude plots.

Unfortunately anime is so poorly and cheaply produced that usually the adaptations end up being worse than the original manga. They always cut massive amounts to fit their retarded 1-cocksucker 2-cocksucker formats and so on.

It requires more attention.

Do you have something like a survey to back your claim?

in west? translation is dying nowadays

As I said, normalfags don't care about manga (in the West; in Japan manga is popular with kids, teens and adults, unlike anime which is more popular with otaku than with the general population).

It's almost the same as with books or comics (which nowadays are getting popular, yes, but not THAT popular): people prefer watching movies or series to reading the original. People don't like to read in the West, and when they do, they're mostly either intellectuals who don't give a shit about popular entertainment or special snowflake hipsters jumping into a bandwagon.

And because people don't like to read, but rather they prefer to get their entertainment from an audiovisual medium, manga is not as popular as anime here in the West.

in the west*

Manga is weirder than anime for westerners, I mean it's read from right to left and it's all in b/w

>threads before anime
furious shitposting
>threads after anime
furious shitposting