Post WEGs, anons


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i really need to watch this show lol















here you go you crybaby faggot









yeah I dropped this one like episode 8 for this reason.


>comparing elves to glorious Xena
Maybe western elves but the nippon rape equivilant? Heresy.

Not even the worst offenders in the thread.


>tfw Sup Forums memed me into watching this








anything that you expect to be AotD 00-09 that ends up being something else will be a disappointment every time.




Soukou no Strain

Kiddy Grade

I feel like this will need an extra panel for all the smut in the R-18 DVD release.

This started off so interesting then it went really far into it's own ass.






These are bait







I love how one is a single image with a single line of text and this autist marks it.





I don't understand this one at all.

This is bait.

Because its a shitty one intended for shitposting.



It's pretty much exactly what happened

This gif makes more of an impression than the entire series did


Don't make me pick this shit back up

If you absolutely hated the first season like me, you will love the second one without a doubt. Do it user, the ending is beyond amazing.

don't let him troll you, ending of S2 was absolute dogshit

my god it went from fun to watch to fuck me in the ass hotshot nidalee gg in 2 episodes

I'm not trolling at all. I absolutely loved the ending of S2 precisely because i hated the main cast and found them boring.



That is my favorite edit of the Kayneth scene.

The ending was mostly good and quite different from the norm, user.

I tried to watch it, but that fucking Gonzo QUALITY ruined it for me.

Fun times.

Why do people hate the ending so much anyway? Did they seriously get attached to the boring ass cast who never developed or went anywhere?

wow i forgot this show even existed

what is that Russian title on the right panel

Restart adaptation when?

Should just be the Ram and Rem frame because that's all anyone cares about.

yeah i was disappointed too


>giving a fuck about the waifu maids when we could finally get Toyota-kun to snap and go full Dark Lord

I'm eternally waiting to see him whoop some Witch ass.

What does "le dive inside man" have to do with anything?

Right after Deluge is tried and sentenced for genocide.

Let's make it fun gujs.


That's actually pretty good.

The people in the country LWA takes place are super butthurt over a football match and the villains are using it for their ends, reminded me of the "no era penal" shitposting
Though if I remember correctly the thing the goal they're butthurt about it's more like Maradona's Hand of God