>Witch who fights Nazis
How did they fuck up this premise and make this Anime completely forgettable?
>Witch who fights Nazis
How did they fuck up this premise and make this Anime completely forgettable?
I will never forget Izetta
They added yuri and tried to make it melodramatic.
Oh the horrors of war! This busty young girl on a broom is laying waste to battalions of soldiers while her equally young girlfriend leads a nation in exile! Another witch shows up to be the big bad villain and she's a clone made by the Nazis of a 500-year old witch that girlfriend's ancestor's betrayed!
It was too stupid to be believable even by anime standards and they tried to be very serious about it. SW did magic and unrealistic tech in WWII with cute girls much better.
I remember it though.
The OP was God-tier
>They added yuri
Was it legit yuri in the end, or just bait? I dropped it because I figured they were just doing all of the ship-teasing for fanservice and wouldn't actually deliver.
Ending spoilers, but they weren't subtle about how it was going to end anyway:
They did everything but come out and say they were lovers. The best scene in the series featured a wild broom ride by starlight,
culminating in cuddling together in night-gowns at the top of a mountain. After the war is done Izetta is living in an isolated little house by the lake and Hime comes to visit her every day.
Tender gazes and everything. It was pretty gay.
Just yuribait with a Schrodinger kiss and an implied yuri ending
the writer didn't know what to do with the setting and they didn't know shit about WW2 other than "wow epic wars so much suffering, european kingdoms and shit!"
>How did they fuck up this premise and make this Anime completely forgettable?
Hiroyuki Yoshino
Obviously Japan likes Nazis more than witches
>lesbian witch kills Nazis
>Sup Forums hates it
Where did Izetta go wrong?
Because the Nazis were the good guys.
Too much focus on the bad guys especially Berkmann.
Legit yuri. Just watch episode 11.
Strong premise and potential, but middling effort to see things through to the end. It was wrought with poor pacing, poor characterization, and it seemed as though the writer and producer obviously weren't on the same page.
The show had major identity problems, and it simply cannot work with only one cour (not that the episode count was the main issue--it was the framework of this series that was the real issue).
Look out, wearing thick goggles is bad for your eyesight
Once they turned it into a fucking SoL with the oppai loli maid and the cake publicist, it was fucking dead to me.
I've never seen a series so quickly and thoroughly ruin its own premise.
People working on it clearly didn't care, it was forgettable, yuribait isn't a guaranteed success (though it wasn't bad here honestly), etc. etc.
I enjoyed it, but it's pretty clear why it didn't do spectacular. Izetta was cute as fuck though, so it's got that.
Go troll newfags somewhere else, people that actually watched the show want to inform this poor user of what he missed for dropping this.
At least read the thread, it wasn't bait.
It was most certainly yuribait. No, vague open endings don't count.
Why do you care about the ending when it turned into complete yuri since episode 11 broomride date?
Although I interpret Izetta and Hime in love, the series itself was too ambiguous about it's very obvious romance. If you want two girls to be gay, fine, go ahead. But if you're going to spend 12 episodes skirting around the "maybe they did kiss/maybe they are in love" line, that's where it becomes stupid. This isn't even considering the whole ridiculous WWII plot, that there was one rookie character everyone hated so fucking much they had to kill him by the river, or that they added that convoluted Witch Clone plot.
I know they played around about the kissing, but they never left any doubt about them being in love.
And really, couldn't careless about the plot, just watched this for this pair.
Already saw it, still don't agree.
by making every character start making the dumbest decisions for no reason
>couldn't care less for the plot
/u/ intellectuals. No one why you can't into context.
They took something ambitious like a witch fighting Nazis in a world war setting and tried to wrap it up in 12 episodes.
They fucked up by not making the show witch joins Nazis instead.
But it's true, even if everyone could tell they were gay to each other you can't deny that the shiw always left it ambiguous for some fucktarded reason
If everyone can tell it means isn't ambiguous anymore.
They could've made it better with all the same ingredients, except maybe gem. Instead of one OP cloned witch- a hundred of weaker ones zerg rushing her down. Instead of SUDDEN yuri- a proper series-long buildup to the same broom scene. Made her paraplegic- keep her paraplegic for entire series, broom flight just got sexier because Fine will have to princess-carry Izy; suffering consequences and then "lol nope magic" tears suspension of disbelief apart. Instead of final fight with that white witch- she chases nukes with witch clones inside. Instead of nuking the witch she just lasers into space to drain the leylines when she's desperate and the nukegirls drop like stones.
OST is top-notch, though.
le nuclear weapon allegory
Who gives a fuck if the yuri was real or not when the rest of the show horribly insults the audience's intellect in between backhanded slaps to the face, while visually looking like complete ass
>greentext without saying anything
Is Izetta the bottom or the bottom?
Wasn't over-the-top enough to be stupid interesting, nor deep enough to be actually interesting.
Negative of all your posts.
the lesbian part
it was stupid and cliche as fuck
they expect to sell more with a bunch of bait instead of making the plot engaging
I normally avoid shows like this because yurifags are insufferable but I liked the premise but it went full yuri bait so I just started skipping to the battles and nothing of value was lost
>it doesn't matter that nothing is ever shown and the show keeps beating the bush around and leaving things intentionally ambiguous because we all know in our hearts that they are gay
What else can I say that you are retarded and fucking delusional like most vocal yurifags
Izetta is my heterosexual waifu and you can't do shit about it
I will never forget Izetta. Every day I wake up hoping for a season 2 announcement.
Because Nazis have been played out for decades.
They're like zombies, the thrill is gone
There were a lot of opportunities to fuck up this show and studio surely used them all.
Dude, ancient magical nukes lmao
So did this show have a decent ending or is this one of those GO READ THE NOVEL type deals
Because they switched from "Witch who fights Nazis" to clusterfuck of random ideas. I mean, they should have stick with their basic magic vs conventional weaponry stuff.
>They're sucking out the leylines!
>Which ones?
>decent ending
It was an original anime
It was an original anime, m8
The ending was still complete garbage and a rushed clusterfuck
Izetta was hot and the OST was good, that's about all I took from it. The plot turned awfully mediocre real fast, but at least Izetta and Fine were a cute duo. I don't know why people are always shitposting about it, then again I avoided the airing threads like the plague.
Izetta asspulls the ability to suck all the magic out of the entire world forever and then somehow swims her crippled ass back out of the middle of the ocean to live in a cabin where Fine can use her when she needs to blow off some steam.
Really not a great ending. Full of holes. Would have been better if they had gone full sequel bait even if it never came.
Because canon yuri are always worst girls. There are no best girls that are canon yuri.
Don't forget how the guy responsible for all the bad things in the show somehow survives being shot in the face and gets away with everything
Don't forget All of WWII happening offscreen and not!Hitler being killed by his manslut offscreen too
That was the best part of this boring anime, in fact.
I hate how the bad guys won.
I think you might be the one wearing straight goggles, bro. Because these two were gayer than Christmas.
Is it sad we get so many shitty LN adaptations I don't even know whats what anymore?
I would have been more interested if it didn't wank the witch vs witch angle so hard. I liked the episode where she had to escort those bombs and the enemy technology was clearly catching up to her unlike the one sided slaughter of her previous battles.
And it requires a lot of convient oversights for the MC'a side not to lose the war hard.
>wanting to watch a show where the nazis are the villain
Your nose is showing, user.
The first few episodes were amazing, but the show eventually became too muddled down in increasing amounts of ridiculousness. But as beat me to saying, when in doubt, the answer is always Yoshino.
Back to your containment board.
Remember this guy? He was the real hero.
This guy too.
>doesn't do a damn thing
>the real hero
Not even once.
Bunbun was a mistake. Yoshino was a mistake.
How did you get self insertion out of that?
I miss Rickert.
they wanted the yuribucks and forgot the virgin otaku.
Too many subplots for a single cour. Showed that the German forces were completely powerless against her so it ended in a big stupid DBZ fight. Having the entire war, not just one campaign wrap up felt completely rushed.
Shouldn't have bothered with German bitch boy, White Witch returning, less spy shenanigans, more Izetta seeing different theaters and the trenches.
I guess I wanted Youjo Senki with lesbians and no Isekai.
By the fact that Anonymous is compelled to not only identify with male characters, but to aggrandize their worth, to the point where they outshine, if not at least in his mind, the show's true central characters perhaps only due to him not being able to relate with them as closely, given they are of the opposite gender.
It's all very simple.
tl;dr some autist is taking a harmless post seriously because someone dared to talk about someone other than the dykes
As expected of a simpleton.
Really the only good parts were the moments with the two of them together, everything else was bad as it usually is in 'historical' action anime. The portrayal of fighting and war was both extremely boring and extremely bad which is typical for all chinese little girl cartoons.
The action in the first three episodes was pretty enjoyable, everything after that not as much. As a whole it could have been much better, but I didn't think it was that bad.
Too much realism and hurr durr seriousness, too little fun.
He died in vain.
If Izetta was fighting for the fascists, it would've been a good anime.
Now consider Tanya, a witch who made the right call, and that show gets pretty much universal acclaim over this.
Youjo Senki had more normalfag appeal than Izetta. But I do agree that the duck's show was a lot more enjoyable.
>SW did magic and unrealistic tech in WWII with cute girls much better.
I was with you until that last sentence.
>Witch who fight for Nazis
They could've gone full Wolfenstein The New Order with it. They didn't.
This. Youjo Senki did the same but better by staying focuse on it's main themes. The interesting aspects in Izetta were that she was the only witch, making magic much more of a big deal, and the propaganda side of things.
The show would have been more interesting if last boss was simply superior german technology and tactics adaptating to her rather than another witch. It would have played with the whole "magic vs tech" and "magic is dying" themes of the show.
And yeah, it did need more focus on the war rather than uninteresting secondary characters.
>make cheap, dumb shit
>wrap it in mildly suggestive covers
>collect the fag wallets
Didn't catch me in 3 episodes.
Sophie deserved better.
A body made for Hime-samas.
Vastly superior concept. Just wish it weren't a middle aged man in the body of a little girl. The whole genderbender concept always just creeps me the fuck out.