Yuis gonna win.
Also should we consider this series as on hiatus?
Yuis gonna win.
Also should we consider this series as on hiatus?
Other urls found in this thread:
Yukino > Iroha > Yui
show her some love or she will be a teenager whore
Are you fucking retarded? Kill yourself you stupid faggot. Yui > Irowhore > Yukinoshitter
Theres no reason to be upset Yuipollfag. Crawl back to your 3rd world shithole
>Yuifag is this mad and delusional
With each day the end is delayed, your tears grow sweeter.
Meant for
>your gay
Iroha a best. A BEST.
Yuckyno a shit. A SHIT.
Why the fuck are you retards still discussing this series? Discussions been dead for over two years, and Watari is a hack whos never going to follow up with the last novel.
Every thread is the fucking same shitters saying the same shit about the same shit girls.
Senseis objectively the best girl and thats that
Great thread, guise.
>Hachiman finally asks her if she's free
>"Let me think about it"
Is Yui dumb?
Also is Yukino even in love with Hachiman?
>muh boogeyman
So how much does genuine and Yukino matter to Yui compared with 8man's dick and becoming his woman?
whoa did you have a stroke
I am not seeing what is wrong with that sentence. Maybe is is phrased weird. The point is where does her her true goals lie.
After two years, I can't give a shit about Yukino's problems anymore and at this point would rather have all that happens after Vol 11 relayed in a final chapter that's just a conversation between Haruno and Shizuka-sensei at a coffee shop.
>Also is Yukino even in love with Hachiman?
No, she isn't.
Just came here to say that Yui best girl.
>Also is Yukino even in love with Hachiman?
Shes in love with his dick
>Your a infidel
No, she loves Pan-san. Only Yui and maybe Iroha want the Hachiman.
What makes people think she isn't interested in him?
1. She is a bitch to him
2. Barely cares that Yui likes him
3. Is dependent on him so any implied feelings are just manifestations of her problem
4. She has stated how much she thinks he is scum and how awful his eyes are everytime she looks at them
she is just being a tsundere you dumb cunt
Because she's got some weird dependency issues.
There isn't any dere in her. Yui is more tsundere than her.
>autistic ice queen bitch is best while your own loyal qt cheerleader is last
So...this is the power...of shit taste...
This. She is the most genuine and will when the Hikki bowl.
>"yukino doesnt love Hikki" is a silly meme conjured by delusional retarded yuifags
>"8man doesnt love Yui" is a legitimate claim based on the source material and what had been shown in the anime
You would notice the dere if you noticed you imperceptive cunt
>the hack author delays the next novel
>probably because he fully intends on fucking everyone's expectations
>probably with a loner ending or having him with a completely random girl that isn't yui or yukino
>might even be a COMPLETE RANDOM, who was never seen prior to the epilogue
Endgame is that no one will win. 8man will end up alone while everyone else moves on with their lives.
8man is just being dismissive because he doesn't believe Yui actually loves him. He has been hurt a lot and is hesitant to make any move or accept any move.
Her acting nice isn't dere. She hasn't been affectionate.
When are Yuifags going to learn? Yui ain't winning anything. She has no real connection with 8man, unlike Yukino.
>Sup Forums
Go back to your own shithole.
The second coming of Haganai. I love it.
>a rather common reaction image determines where someone frequently posts
You're pretending to be retarded, right?
>When are Yuifags going to learn? Yui ain't winning anything.
Yui has done her best for 8man to get what he truly wants and supports him no matter what.
>Sup Forums shit
"rather common"
Fuck off
>Yuipollfag still clinging not canon SS
>her acting isnt nice isnt being nice
>a case for yui winning
>doubling down on his stupidity
I'll pray for you, retard.
You are joking, right?
Show me a Yukino end written by the author. I am waiting.
She won in a good fashion. It shows that 8man can love her and that Yukino is happy to support it, showing Yukino's lack of romantic interest.
Nope. Not in the least.
Yukino won't win because she's a fucking sperg who doesn't even know what she wants.
Iroha > Yui > Haruno > Komachi > Rumi > Yumiko > Ebina > Saika >> * >> Yukino
>next LN is released
>8man winds up with yui or no one at all, maybe even someone random
>all those autistic essays and analyses just burn up in an instant
I can totally see this happening.
I can too. How long does it usually take for one of the LNs to get translated? So how long does it usually take from the initial release and for English readers to be able to find out what happens?
Are you retarded? She knows what she wants. Seeking genuine was and still is true and sincere.
Why does season 2 look so ugly?
Amazing taste
>>all those autistic essays and analyses just burn up in an instant
This will be so funny. The most recent one has hilariously miscast Yui and is so dripping with Yukinox8man shipping it is embarrassing.
If there was going to be a Yukino end then it would have happened by now.
Uncensored please
It will be so great when Yui wins the Hikki bowl and he will apologize.
I bet these demented Yukinofag shippers will have the excuse that "WW wanted to make a Yukino end but the executives meddled and he did a protest end!" rathger than accept the hilariously misinterpreted the story.
She isn't going to get blown the fuck out right? I am not convinced that she gave up on Hikki.
It'll be a Haganai ending, so everyone will lose.
Sena doesn't give up on Kodaka though. She follows him to college and still pines for him. I expect the same from Yui.
Is that nigga that hated Hayama still around?
I always told him to kill himself or something else
Haruno best girl
At this point I don't care who wins, I just want to read or watch the ending
There's nothing new.
The ending is still delayed
Anyone who tells you otherwise has no source and is lying.
Now fuck off and let the thread die.
We're just here to laugh at Yukinofags.
Stop being so assmad.
They are delusional shitters.
>"s-stop talking about it!!"
It is too funner considering how much of asshole cancer they have been.
I know right. Yukinofags remind me of Hillary supporters who were so confident in their win and then got utterly BTFO, and now when they get teased they get really asshurt. Like them, Yukinofags should read the signs and prepare themselves for the loss.
Much like hillary supporters, yukinofags are in for a rude awakening.
>not liking autistic yukino
I still want to KILL this fucking cunt.
yuipollfagging is stronger than usual in this thread
While I think Yukino is the more interesting character, I can't help but thinking that Hachiman and Yui complement each other very well. Having an extroverted and socially competent girlfriend would do wonders to Hachiman's social status and help him ease into normalfag circles.
>Hachiman and Yui complement each other very well
But Yui isnt G E N U I N E
She is. She wants genuine too and cares about it.
Now that's alpha
What is the "genuine" even? I haven't read that far in the ln.
>elf yukino
i hope the artist that makes this does a cow/guild girl yui
>What is genuine?
If you have to ask you'll never know
Posting this
tl;dr: Autist repeats simple things over and over again, shits on Yui, and ships Yukino and Hachiman for half a novel.
You guys are a bunch of faggots.
8man will end up with sensei and become a househusband.
>all these delusional yuifags
not even a yukinofag, but christ, you really are deluded if you think that yui has a better shot at winning the 8bowl than yukino.
I personally am not a Yuifag, but I strongly believe Yukino will not win and when Yahari ends, we will see a shitstorm far worse than Haganai's.
>competent and has a well-paying job
>hungry for a husband
>so much so that marrying a former student of hers isn't out of question
Almost as good as marrying momma Yui.
This reads like shit. Even if they have a valid point (which is unlikely as its a bunch of autists trying to analyze the social behavior exhibited in a mediocre harem anime) they completely fail to get it across. Reading this opened my eyes to the importance of English as a subject of study, and made me fully appreciate my above shit-tier education. Holy shit, thank you so much Mrs. T for teaching me how to structure an essay so I dont ridicule myself by looking like these absolute retards. I'll never call English gay again.
you have shit taste
but at least choose girls intersted in 8man
not hayama harem
fuck this cancer thread
Aw fucking yizz user
What is this from? Who made this?
The original version is just them being fully clothed and doing a cute pose right?
I'd fap to this but knowing it's either unofficial art or just another shoop ruins it for me
yui definitely takes after her mother
She looks like she has downs
Has Yukino shown ANY romantic interest in 8man?
I'm guessing the last novel isn't released yet probably because WW wants to do a controversial ending but his editor won't let him, yeah?
>>the hack author delays the next novel
>>probably because he fully intends on fucking everyone's expectations
Either that or what some user's are saying that he's forced to change the ending by his editors.
>Keika kissing 8man
>Not wanting to fill his fucking cunt.