Well, this is it. We all knew the dream would never happen.
>A near-final draft of the White House’s unlimited and forever amnesty bill says the administration wants $25 billion for a wall over the next five years, and will not cancel chain-migration or visa-lottery inflows until the last of the 4 million foreigners now in the pipeline have arrived in the 2030s.
>The Trump amnesty bill was provided to Breitbart News by someone close to the negotiations. It is expected to be released to the public on Monday or Tuesday, perhaps by Trump’s congressional outreach aide, Marc Short. He is a former top aide to the pro-amnesty Koch brothers.
>The Trump amnesty bill requires $25 billion be set aside from 2018 to 2021 for “tactical infrastructure,” which is a code-word for a wall. But the funds can also be used to buy electronics sensors or even aircraft – giving many politicians an huge incentive to convert construction funding into contracts for hometown aircraft and electronics companies. The legislation does not condition the amnesty on the completion or even the start of wall-construction.
>In fact, Democrats who say they will vote for the amnesty and wall also suggest they will try to block subsequent construction of the wall.
>The continued inflow of 4 million chain-migrants — who will be mixed in with the inflow of one million new legal immigrants per year — ensures continued competitive pressure on Americans’ wages. It also ensures continued high rental prices for urban property, and minimal incentive for investors to hire people in low-migration areas, such as Maine, South Dakota, or Oklahoma. It also allows employers and real-estate owners another 15 years to lobby Congress for alternative expansions in immigration to ensure there is no immigration reduction in 2035.
At this point, I'd say call your congressman, but there's nothing that they can do. At the risk of being considered a "NeverTrumper", they'll go along with it, and those who are legitimate NeverTrumpers are just boys crying wolf at this point.
Jack Brooks
I wouldn't quote anything from anybody until something is officially signed.
Nathan Lopez
>Illegals will be allowed to become citizens after 12 years, giving Democrats a huge electoral boost in the 2030s when nearly all of today’s GOP legislators have retired. If 4.5 million illegals get the amnesty, it will provide Democrats with roughly 750,000 possible new voters in Texas and 250,000 possible voters in Florida in 2030.
Nolan Miller
Dems won't accept any deals. Trump is doing this for optics/ blame game.
Adrian Sanchez
Hahaha! Goodbye USA, was good while it lasted. Your future will be three things: >Anarchy >Balkanization >Genocide
Levi Kelly
It seems as if playing for optics is the short-term game, though. Imagine if they call his bluff? Now, there's amnesty on the table, the wall is being built piecemeal and not as planned, and funding for the wall could be canceled immediately.
Would it mean bad news for the Dem who went along with it? Absolutely, but once again that's a short term loss. The Dems will have canceling the wall funding as a rally point for the next five fucking years.
>You want to make cuts to social spending? Why don't we make cuts to the wall's budget first? Racist much? :^)
Daniel Murphy
You Americans need to spam whitehouse.gov and your congressman and your senators and vehemently oppose this bill
Joshua Phillips
I know I did. NY Republicans in my district are known for fuck all, though.
Bentley Long
to bad they already labeled it a white supremacist ransom bill
Joshua Martin
Sure hope this is the case. He'd be better off to let them reject every deal and let DACA die, deport them, and go for the wall later.
Ayden Harris
They already turned it down.
Elijah Robinson
Colton Reed
>Anarchy You already have rule of mob >Balkanization Your country history includes untegration of immigrants for obvious reasons >Genocide No one it's killing whites but your tech that make you sterile.
Charles Turner
This is Jazzhands' position, that this all is just to make Dems look as bad as possible - 'See? They won't sign even if we give the store away!' But really, I don't see it. I hope he's right but .... I doubt it.
Wyatt Jackson
You don't understand the context within which I speak. The rule of mob isn't exactly true unless the Jews are considered as the mobsters and the whites as the victims being fleeced. The history of the country was assimilation of whites into one language and nation up until 1965. The genocide is the direct result of (((enemy action))). This is unsustainable and there will be war.
Caleb Reyes
The replacing of whites it's because you live in a continent full of non whites.
Cooper Hernandez
This. Schumer already said "absolutely not" to funding the wall. Trump made sure he wouldn't budge by mocking him on Twitter for caving in the shutdown.
Nathaniel Green
I am not worried. I think white people will clone themselves with different variants of genes that will create Aryan Super Soldier, Husbands, and Leaders of their community.
Adam Ramirez
>The Trump amnesty bill was provided to Breitbart News by someone close to the negotiations
TL;DR - Fake news
David Perry
Are you this stupid? No, you aren't getting my goat Jew. See by your twisted logic Israel is becoming Arabic because they live on a continent full of Arabs. How do you like them apples?
Landon Richardson
That's exactly what happens.
Dylan Hall
If they turned that down there is no deal worth making. Just let DACA die.
William Cruz
Josiah Reyes
From here on out I ignore you as it is obvious you are a shill. Have fun in your echo chamber.
Aaron Cooper
oh man you guys he changed his flag it's official now