Why is this board so pro-German?
This board has supporters of national socialism and fascism in general, both of which I have support of under the requisite circumstances, but that's where any general "pro-German" sentiment ends.
Personally I think we should have nuked Deutschland instead of the nips. Not because Hitler was wrong, but because Germans are self-destructive retards whose soil would be better occupied even by slavs.
most of america is of german ancestry, redpill lite makes it easier to accept that the nazis were right about the jews and race realism if you make the blood and soil connection
I'd imagine most modern NatSoc would be considered Untermensch
It's not, most of Sup Forums are classical liberals. Rule of law, economic freedom, etc. It just so happens that Nazi Germany was this on steroids.
that may have been true 10 years ago, but not anymore. Its objectively the best way to run a country in the current era, more and more people are realizing it everyday.
Why are Jews so obsessed with White People? Get a life.
we are just not brought to an orrational state about germany. at this point that is the same as supporting gassing every kike and faggot.
This board used to be called /n/
....guess what the N stands for.