Yes or no Sup Forums? Worth 5 bucks?

Yes or no Sup Forums? Worth 5 bucks?

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yes, btw hitler did nothing wrong and you should watch yuri bezmenov's lectures on youtube

sorry wrong board and cant delete my mistake

It was always too late...

yea it's worth it as dlc goes
retro 80's humorous take on farcry
also this is Sup Forums

Too fucking late, bitch ass.

Good game though, I recommend.

well I guess this is now a redpill thread

Its a good game, but you should probably listen to a William L Pierce talk while you play it. If you're going to waste time on a game you should at least get the most out of it.
Here's one to help you out

yes. I loved this game.
Geart atmosphere, if you liked the terminator you'll love this

Yes, a really funny game, more than recent Far Cry Multiracial ones.

side missions are pretty boring tho