How fucking heard is it to get some native english speaker to proof read your jap-runglish...

How fucking heard is it to get some native english speaker to proof read your jap-runglish? How fucking heard is it to get some native german speaker to proof read your germ-runglish? I'd do it for free. Why are anime makers so lazy?

They're not making it for english and german speakers.

>They're not making it for english and german speakers.

Really? I'd dare make the wager that 1/4-1/3rd of their target audience is non-Jap Euros so....

How hard is it to download a proper file instead of stream bullshit?

>criticizes others for poor grammar, yet makes numerous laughable mistakes himself
>is a shitgeki no kyounko namefag
kill yourself, OP

pretty hard and pointless if you're a work....

>criticizes others for poor grammar, yet makes numerous laughable mistakes himself

Hehe, nice. did you learn that at community collage?

No, I learned that in high school, as you should have.



take off the name and lurk another fourteen months

Its added for the cool factor. They could probably copy paste some UN document or README.txt and it'll still work.

>Namefag makes shitty thread for attention
>Sup Forumsnons give him the attention he wants
Fuck this board. Sage.

fuck off witht the namefag shit, I make a new nick every time I seriously partake in a thread - just for fun. I'm not a namefag.

So the Japs don't have foreign language classes at school? Not even english?

>how fucking heard

You cared about people knowing it was you that wrote what you wrote. You're a namefag.

Community kolache?

>that grammar
>that topic

one bear claw pls.

>complaining about Snkfgts
>Snk thread on a get 200 replies withing 3min and there are always several of them

heh. you'd have a point if the actions of a weren't shitting in your whore mouth....

>that spacing
>on a
you have to go back to your safespace

>name fagging

Sure is summer in here.

here are some (You)s for you...

I don't get this summer meme.

Do kids really can't use the computer during school semesters? What kind of strict parents actually enforce that?

>look mom im fitting in!

it's a meme older than dun dun and like most memes it's stupid.

At least when school is in there's an ~8 hour period when they couldn't post. At least that's how it was before smartphones became ubiquitous.

nope, if anything I'm fitting into your mom right now "son"....

Fuck this board just stop replying and sage this shitty thread. Let the mods delete this thread

report and ignore

They are not making it for english and german speakers.

Do not fool yourself into thinking just because people torrent stuff, Japanese animators and writes have the pirate's interest in mind.

>don't hurt my FEFEs!
>delete this!

spoken like a true 2017 child....

Yes we adults get angry when kids invade their secret club acting like they are some hotshit.

Would you do the opposite? Would you go over budget to pay a Japanese or German speaker to make sure a letter in the episode you're making is grammatically correct, or instead just trust Google translate / that guy on your staff who studied the language back in high school? Would you trust a random Japanese or German guy who's willing to work for free to not to troll you and write garbage, or subtly edit in an insult that only native speakers would catch?

I'm not angry, I'm just pointing out stupid kid shit. Just look at how PC this place has become in the last 10 years. Ultimately, It'll just transmogrify itself into another reddit-tumblr...

>Would you do the opposite?

Probably, I take pride in my work.

>Would you go over budget to pay a Japanese or German speaker to make sure a letter in the episode you're making is grammatically correct, or instead just trust Google translate / that guy on your staff who studied the language back in high school? Would you trust a random Japanese or German guy who's willing to work for free to not to troll you and write garbage, or subtly edit in an insult that only native speakers would catch?

I'd try going with the random guy and use google translate and that guy on your staff who studied the language back in high school to double check. It's not just anime creators who are guilty of this. It's major league Hollywood too. Most recently, The man in the high castle was atrocious....

>I make a new nick every time I seriously partake in a thread
So you're the kind of person who would ban evade.

>if you google it its a reddit name

User should be banned for that post

>if you google it its a reddit name

fake news much?