What's his endgame?
What's his endgame?
100% completion, and not of his manga
It seems that he wants to tie up the Kurapika/Chrollo/Troupe storyline while killing off a shit ton of the cast, then probably finish up the Gon/Gyro and Killua/family stuff and do his Yugioh manga in 99 years.
He already got his endgame, fucking over Shueisha.
to buy time while he comes up with ideas to get out of the creative corner he put himself in.
just like GRR Martin
Although I don't want him to rush to the end of HxH, I think Togashi would make a pretty great card game manga. Considering all the strategies he had shown to come up with.
Do you guys think he's even gonna be up to the task of creating a new series? Seeing as it's taking a ridiculous amount of time just to finish this one, I doubt he'll bother to move on
To be honest, i have no fucking idea. All i can say is that it still has potential, although most of my hype was lost when he started the CA arc (and i mean the manga not the 2011 anime).
>Do you guys think he's even gonna be up to the task of creating a new series?
Forget about a new series, we'll be lucky to see the final chapter of HxH.
My theory about Togashi is that he got fed up with his work after the fanbase that came from the 2011 remake, i know i would have.
Kill Shonen Jump before Shonen Jump kills him.
But Togashi is not a reactive teenager like you.
>What's his endgame?
he's just genuinely here for a good laugh mate
He's definitely not a teenager.
>the fanbase that came from the 2011 remake
hxh was extremely popular in in nipland before the remake though. most of the new fans came from outside of nipland.
He will make Gon x Killua canon, making Hunter x Hunter the first series in Shueisha to feature a gay main character. The reason for this? Before YYH, Togashi pitched an idea to Shueisha -- a sports manga with a canon gay main character who would occasionally crossdress. Shueisha shot the idea down due to their homophobia and ever since then, Togashi has been planning his revenge.He saved Shueisha with YYH and in return, they allow him to do whatever he wants with HXH. Now, Shueisha can't stop Togashi even if he wanted Gon and Killua to kiss.
All as a "Fuck you" to Shueisha for canning his idea all those years ago.
>hxh was extremely popular in in nipland before the remake
That guy you are answering to doesn't realize that the remake wouldn't have come out if HxH were not popular in the first place.
sure thing fujo
It was, but the remake did increase the fanbase with people who judge the series without reading the manga or watching the original anime.
it increased the fanbase mostly in the west and no one in nipland really gives a shit about what the west thinks about anime/manga. i feel like some of you guys forget that anime/manga are made by japanese people for japanese people first and foremost.
But as a creator, Togashi would be concerned of what other people think about his work independently of wherever they are from.
>togashi caring about what others think in general
Togashi certainly appreciates the people outside of nipland reading HxH.
Again, he's not an edgy teenager like you
He is replying to the one you first called a teenager, gotta calm down.
He isn't the author of any moeshit Sup Forums likes to fap to, but an actual story. Authors of stories (at least stories made with a purpose deeper than just being sold) do them in order to project their moral/philosophical ideas to others through characters, so obviously Togashi cared about others opinions (atleast when he started the series).