Are bulgarians slavs?

Bulgarians claim to be slavs when in reality they are a mix of gypsies and mongols, why do these mutts persist to claim that they are white and slavic?

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They are half slavic half mediterranian and only 4-5% noneuropean asian.

>cites wikipedia

Please be patient while waiting for the Bulgarian passport.

heavily slavized turko mongol origin

fuck them

Aren't bulgarians long lost sons of KARA BOGA?

t. Sasho Makedonski

when are you coming to get your passport

>he thinks there are people on this planet who dream about beign Russian

caшкo now you see if you call us tatars you are a tatar too you know

>that image
saving that shit

But on the serious note, from what I know they pretty much look like other south slavs

I think it's referred to Serbian, i bet my balls that he is serboman

make an american version

Everyone wants to be beautiful and excellent.

>that pic

You are a literall half gypsy albanian and half bulgarian in denial


bulgs are white



Why are you shit posting against yourself?

These are subhuman tatar gypsies and the only thing they need is absolute extermination and deportation back to mongolia.

Post Bulgarian QTs


t. little russia

I'm confused how you know about that homeless gypsy. what are you hiding behind that flag?

you are literally bulgarian

That's funny considering your entire national philosophy is built on being perpetually butthurt than we were the biggest empire that made your entire history and contributions to the world irrelevant in compassing while you also got spitroasted every century.
>i-i don't really w-want to be j-just like Russia, h-honest

Bulgarians are definitely >50% turk/gypsy.
All you have to do is get one to the seaside, and the dark gypsy turkroach skin comes right to the surface.
They are super ashamed of it and when I was there, I heard many times of how good my "white" skin and hair looked.
If you can play on it, you can get more than your fair share of 18 year old bulgarki teen bodies.
Pic related is waiting for all Westerners in Bulgaria, along with great food and wine.

slavs are slaves and bulgarians while not necessarily slavs are also slaves
hope that clears your confusion and you'll be able to sleep better tonight


Reminder that FYROM is 60% albanian.

>mix of gypsies and mongols

I never got this part.If they want to insult us why compare us to mongols?
Mongols were fucking badass.If we were related to them i would be larping as we wuz Genghis khan and shit all day long

bulgarians are over 50% thracian (ancient pre-roman people) , that's why they look mediterranean, not russian or nordic. simple

lol none of you balkshits are white

>heavily slavized turko mongol origin

Are BulgAryans dare our say /ourmongols/?

im willing to kill the maker of this thread and his entire family

Sup microdick Chink?

wonder why you hide your flag. HMMMmmmm really makes you think

Only Poles are true Slavs

Neither you are

Bulgarians are the Kurt Cobain of the balkans


we are eastern europeon. we have minority of turks/arabs living here. and we have gypsies. but we generally dont mix


Should have called him
>Aleksandar Bulgarov

Keep calling yourself Asian you insecure little slanty

all finns are asian. Wuz you vikang an shiet? Are you 1/16th white?

bulgarians are not swarthy or nordic, they are white. bulgarians, serbs, romanians , albanians, all look the same, white with brown hair and brown eyes.

You must be a fag since you swing on these American nuts daily

yes, and thank you for finally bringing attention to this fact
so fucking sick of b*lg*rs and their LARPing

who cares what a poorer, non-EU maggot like OP says?

I'm diaspora from Fyrom and my mother's family all have blue eyes, same with my brother and nephew. Don't know how that shit happened probably some Austrian Hungarian raping that then moved south during the centuries.

>we wuz Alexander

Le fyrom face

i havent taken dna test but our language is close to russian. so we are mixed bag i guess

Embarrassing, honestly.

>be crushing hard on Bulgarian girl at work
>start to think about Bulgaria being ruled by Turks for hundreds of years,
>show picture of her to friend, he says “mate she looks turkish”
>med looking sling with brown eyes and hair
T t these are common med or Balkan features r right? Fuck roaches, right?!


i mean that as theres minority gyspies and turks living here. they are all considered bulgarian so yes 'we'

>Bulgarians claim to be slavs

he's 10% eastern european

>In Western Europe

Daily reminder almost 90% of Balkanites in Western Europe are fully or of partial Turkish or Gypsy descent.

>all finns are asian
That's why you are so much shorter, uglier and dumber than Europeans. You should have been genocided already a long time ago.

It's unironically closer to Ukrainian though.

ok aquafresh

She literally said she hates gypsies and Turks. Please don’t do this to me, man ;_;

vedä kätees vitun suomeruotsalainen munaton homo. Tule tänne nii saat turpaas

they're BLACK sons of KARA BOGA

don't doom your kids for some slag

W-where are we™

die in hell albozerg

>in hell
Inglish the Terrible strikes again
dum azz whiteoid

They are genetically autochthonous to the region, like everyone else in Europe.

I was with an English girl for 6 years mate, it was shit. Maybe I’m just rebounding hard, we did only break up last week and it was awful, but I started liking this girl before the inevitable spilt from my previous partner.

Deluded and retarded, great combo.

>my 9x great grandfather came from Bulgaria, we still follow the traditions closely!

>being this uneducated

In the tent

Ukrainian is a sub dialect of the Southern Russian dialect. It’s not a real language and no one would consider it such if Ukraine wasn’t a state.

You Mongoloids are the most cucked race on the planet, literally all your women go to white men because you're so weak and feminine. There are no Asian UFC fighters anywhere to be found, no Asian male models to speak of. Most of you are STEM insect workers under a white boss, slaving away and wondering why you get no pussy like every other race.

Bulgarians (you) are Slavs, just GREEKED Slavs, thus swarthy.

El maestro des mutante...


I'm of Bulgarian descent, but not a purebred by any stretch.

Very fair skinned. Dark hair+eyes though, looks good on me with the pale skin, but I chalk it up to residual mud-blood. My dad and his father are kind of swarthy.

really, for some reason I doubt that.
type something in bulgarian and i'll translate it for you in ukrainain.

Is this swede cuck for real?

This is my ex, she is half bulgarian half med...does it look like a fucking gipsye. Bulgarians are our people, the problem they have are : the high muslim population, gypsies, demoralization, economic problems...European Union promised them a better life, the maoist destroyed their country...I hate FUCKING EUROPEAN LEFTISTS

you are bulgarian you we wuz alexander nigger

q6 xyi

Those are gypsies not slavs u absolute fucking degenerate and btw enjoy getting ur country destroyed, its pretty comfy watching it from here.

ukrainian is a real language though, dipshit.
most russians don't understand ukrainian, and ukrainian is closer to serbian and polish than it is to russian.

Does that mean you'd let me be the bull? Can I fuck your wife while you go to the cuckshed, Sven?

i mean man. im not deluded. those people are considered bulgarian by nationality. just because they are not 'white' doesn't mean they are not bulgarian. i was born and raised there.


яж хyй


It's funny how the standard american line is "your women are whores" (without bringing up any evidence, btw), when american women are known to be some of the biggest sluts there is

bulgarians are some of the darkest people in europe dumbshit
being dark does not make you a mudblood
its a funny thing called THE SUN you pasty nordoid wannabe

This ugly zipperhead knows what I'm saying true.

i sure hope you're talking about dark hair and eyes because if you have dark skin here you definitely aren't bulgarian you retarded fuck

we're not mixed

t.ahmed Muhammad Al Farook

>we're not mixed

oh shut the fuck up nigger, your country is an anomaly in europe, same as hungary, both fucktards deny everything
