>tsundere and MC arguing
>'looks like you two are getting along well'
Tsundere and MC arguing
>tsundere asks MC around for family dinner
>dad says "please take care of my daughter"
>another greentext shitposting thread
>e-celeb shit
>1. All images and resulting discussion should pertain to anime or manga.
Lurk for 2 years before posting.
>All images and resulting discussion should pertain to anime or manga.
>Sup Forums police
lurk for 7 years before posting.
>not caring about the board
go to another website
What does this even have to do with e-celebs? And why do you need a tripcode to tell people to follow the rules? You just do it for attention, you're so fucking annoying.
>characters talk
>one of them start laughing
>the other asks "why are you laughing?" while looking dumbfounded
>OP is a faggot
>everyone blows a fucking gasket over it
>still caring about this cesspoll
You should got to reddit if you want a forum with """"integrity""""
I'm sorry but I know this live action TV show. Its hilarious.
>tsundere and MC arguing
>look at that married couple
if you don't care about the board you should be on /r/anime or the MAL forums, not Sup Forums. sage this shit thread
>Believing it's possible to sage a thread
how much of a newfag are you?
You can hate him all you want and there are enough reasons for it, but at least he is trying to do the work everyone should be doing.
>being fucking retarded
That's not only the Japanese thing OP.
>He never had friends
"Entering "sage" into the options field cause the thread not to bump to the top of the page. Contrary to popular belief, a sage is not a downvote, and should not be used as one."
You seriously need to lurk for 2 years before posting because you have 0 clue what you're talking about.
>cause the thread not to bump
Yes, this is called a sage. Nobody ever said it was a downvote. You should improve your reading comprehension.