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Vaxxers btfo

>100 dead Californians

Not enough


Some Liberal college student with Trump Derangement syndrome probably whipped up a bio weapon with his campus's CRISPr machine.


Bill Gates needs to step up his game.


>dying from the flu

I got a flu shot and I never get them. I was chatting up the pharmacist and she gave me one. I haven't really been sick since. If something happens and I die, I'll let you know.


LOL #Failifornia has one of the lowest vaccination rates in the US, between the ignorant illegals and the ignorant rich... #FOAD with the dumbshit.

PS: Sage

They should stop calling it a vaccine. I thought the word vaccine implied that its purpose is to get rid of a disease/virus.
The flu shot is just a cocktail of what scientists gamble on being the most threatening flu virus of the season, and this year they got it pretty fucking wrong.

Honestly the only thing that would kill the flu virus is if we all stopped eating meat and halted our meat industry for a few years. The virus incubates inside of farm animals.

>dying from the flu

How are people so weak?

natural selection works strange ways

Refined sugar rich diets are to blame for weak immune systems.
The sugar industry is so powerful (more so than even the tobacco industry ever was) that they find round about ways to (((immunize))) people.

Cut all refined sugar in your diet and see the miracle that is an intact immune system.

And nothing of value was lost...


weak immuners, i can fight off the flu on a good day 3 days, on a bad day a week.

Fake hype. This is swine flu all over again. No worse than any other year

Hahaha How do you die from a flu? Like Nigga just sneeze a bit and drink some tea

God will smite modern Gamorrah.

what about this article implies vaccination was the cause?

I caught this flu about a month ago. It was horrible. I think it's time for nature to cull high density population centers, and this flu is a test run. I'm gonna be out of here by this time next year because I genuinely think that high-population, high-density, high-contact areas are against nature's law. We're going to be punished for disregarding the natural human instinct to collect in small groups spread out over reasonably sized distances. Not tribal, but not cosmopolitan. Something in between.

When the great plague appears, it's the cities that will collapse. And those outside the city will need to take up arms to prevent the flood of urbanites into rural areas. "Crush the Urbanite" isn't just a LARP phrase. It's nature's mandate.

natural selection cannot be stopped

Third World wannabee

>deaths from flu

Only 100? Huh, I wouldn't mind seeing 50% of them to die.

100,000 would be satisfying


ALL OF THEM except for John C Dvorak of course.



Serious question. But why the fuck is everything happening in California?

>vaccinated idiots are dying
>people stupidly bringing in raw meat in fucking shopping carts
>it's frowned upon to inform ICE of illegals
>nonstop forestfires

Like holy shit I don't think there's one day that goes by that Cali isn't in the news for some stupid shit.

>not getting the flu on purpose once a year to build up your immune system

Japan knows how to roll

>30% success rate

>Vaccines are genetically engineered viruses
>No way this could cause problems

lick every door handle, fountain drink button, elevator button, escalator hand rail, LICK EVEERYTHINGGGGG

God's wrath

there are still some indians left in america

you are walking dead and don't even know it, sad

>Honestly the only thing that would kill the flu
lib shitbrain tries for global vegan law

Literally dying from normal everyday disease. This is only possible in the most horrible shitholes

Don't give California any ideas you know they'll do anything under the guise of safety to turn people into serfs.

>When the great plague appears, it's the cities that will collapse
one can dream....

>>people stupidly bringing in raw meat in fucking shopping carts

I've only gotten the legit flu once in my life. It lasted two fucking weeks and immobilized my entire city. Until that day, I thought one of those 3 day cold bugs was the flu. The FLU is serious shit man. I was 24, super healthy, spent at least 10 days of those 2 weeks just laying in and out of consciousness drinking alka-seltzer flu from a 2 liter bottle of 7up.


germs build up to 100's the normal density in the facemasks, then one of them coughs or sneezes and releases the concentrated and deadly biohazard

>once a year
if you get flu once a year or more your immune system is weak

all to core some pussy and you struck out anyway



I hope its all beaners

what is going on america?

Vegans are faggots and i eat meat almost daily.
Im just speaking realistically.
Tbh the best thing is just to let the flu take its course and kill all the weaklings.

I’m a California door handle, please do this

it's almost like God himself is bringing down the plages of ancient times on Commifornia

Brute force it. Make out with someone that has the flu. Don't stop until you have it.

Sounds like a good reason to have robust border controls and not just let people into the country without any kind of process.

That would explain why I stopped getting the flu once I stopped eating meat.

god has had it with californias faggotry.

>hear all this shit about the flu
>start to get a sore throat
>oh fug I'm sick and feel like shit
>its just a cold

bioweapon released

I rarely ever get sick. Been to the doctors twice in 20 years. Had the flu a few years back and instead of going to the doctors I laid in bed for a week and used it to quit smoking.

This is happening in Los Angeles too.

I would donate 25% of my income to this project.

Typically you won't die from the flu, but from pneumonia that takes advantage of your weakened immune system. If you think you're tougher than pneumonia, go breathe a couple gallons of water into your lungs and find out.



>if u get the flu once or mr per yr ur weak

I go to the gym often, where when I work out I weaken my own immune system and I get sick once a year during flu season for two days at most.

But I guess that's weak considering I never had the flu shot once in my life.

I already have unlimited pussy access pass. I like chatting despite being introverted.

I wonder how many of them were vegan naturalists who didn't get vaccinated.

If you never leave your house you will never get sick. I went entire years without 1 cold as a NEET.

pb most of them and a hell of a lot of unvaccinated spics,that's how it spreads so fucking fast

They are unironically shitting streets. City people are worse than rats.

God only asks for ten.

How much you wanna bet a significant portion of the victims have the AIDS?

Go to work everyday and you will be able to overpower any illness.

>t. Havent missed work for illness or have been to a doctor in a decade

that 99 speaks the truth

purple monkey dishwasher this is not spam go fuck yourself kike mods


Now go tell your mom I do not pay for leaded kids.

> hurr Durr let's pass our bodies natural immune system entirely and inject foreign biological material straight into our bloodstream. That out to protect us from Kikes.

Vaccines aren't just some magic little immunity booster, user. All it does is introduce a weaker, "dead" version of the virus and the idea is that your body basically gets 'training wheels' before having to ride a 'big kid's bike,' in regards to your immune system going against a sparring opponent before going against the real fight.

The deaths are likely from people who have been using lots of hand sanitizer all their lives. Sanitizer doesn't discriminate against bacteria. Good and bad bacteria gets wiped out by it. What happens when these people don't dry their hands enough before grabbing something to eat? The sanitizer ends up making it's way into their digestive system, where it wrecks all kinds of havoc on their gut bacteria that is not only an essential part of their immune system being healthy, but also helps digest everything they consume. Does the average person know about probiotics and how they can help rebuild their damaged good gut bacteria? Nope.

But now you all do.

Natural Selection folks!

I'm never getting the flu vaccine again. Back in high school I got it along with my dad and sister. My mom was the only one who didn't. The 3 of us who got it all got violently sick for a few days. It was the only time I can remember violently shitting and throwing up at the same time. My mom took care of all of us and never got sick. This was over 10 years ago and I got the flu once since then.

>G-D DAMN IT Dr. Rosensteyn, You were supposed to turn them gay and degenerate, and also just sick enough that they'd vote for healthcare, not kill the goyim... not yet, the peaceful refugees are here to take care of that, oy vey...

Why you not dead? Did you not kys?

Sorry, we don't accept food stamps Juan.

The vaccine this year is only like 15%-30% effective.

Green vibrance master race


How the fuck do you even get pneumonia as an adult? I have not known a single person who ever got it.

I've been feeling really groggy and tired, everyone says I look pale as a ghost, but no cough or unusual stuffiness.

Regardless I am drinking tea and resting like a motherfucker, I ain't risking it.

Education fails often.

>City people are worse than rats.
I know, right? They all voted for Hillary.

since it california the air conditioners are probably running at max and some fucks stand next to them.That's how you get pneumonia.

California is reaping the whirlwind.

If you aggravate your lungs somehow like by accidentally inhaling cleaning chemicals an infection can take hold.

....youre surrounded by infected humans covering most the surfaces you interact with.... food is 1/1000 vectors

>50% of commiefornians pozzed
>new batch of flushots™ arrive
>99% of those fags are dead