Haruna a shit. A SHIT
Kore wa zombie desu ka
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Worst character in the show
Haruna is objectively the best girl.
S3 when
>the best girl.
nice meme, pic related is best girl
Fuck yeah Haruna
Ecchi, sketchy, one-touchy.
Best girl because she never said a word in the entire series.
Why would you want a S3 after how awful S2 was?
who cares better than nothing
Harunigger of Harucrapfag, She sucks
I want to rape, crush Huruna's womb and make her carry my child.
Best girl is pic related
I don't think you saved that image just to make this thread.
Queen was best girl anyways.
That's stretching it. I don't dislike Haruna, but literally every other girl is superior in some way. She's not even the best loli-ish character in the series (and Seraphim is a much better tsun).
what the fuck is that
Agreed. OP is a fag.
I'm glad they stopped at S2 considering it was fucking stupid and I couldn't even enjoy my waifu with how bad the show was.
They push air around; I believe they're called "fans". Crazy stuff.
She isn't. Haruna is a mega cute brat and an awesome mad scientist genius. There would be no show without her, who carried the masou shoujo element and is the solution on a number of occasions.
Last I remember she has more follwers and tweets than even Eu for nips.
Never got around to reading the LN? - She's much more cruel there right?
Finishing Season 2 fucking disappointed me.
Also, i can find most of it on NPC right? If it's even there?
Insulting. Dyson-kun is not a "fan," it's an air multiplier
Is the LN for this worth the read? Where does the story go after the anime, and is it over?
It's finished, but I don't think the LN are translated at all
Yes. The anime adapted the scene where she took the students hostage and beat up Ayumu, but it's altered and very tone down in that she doesn't torture Ayumu in a very cruel way and abuses his zombie immortality like she does in the LN.
>abuses his zombie immortality like she does in the LN.
Huh. So he was a literal punching bag.
>I don't think the LN are translated at all
I want to marry yousei-sensei!
>unles you somehow undo the curse, you're living with a drunkard who turns into an old man when she passes out
Maximum suffering
Dude, no
Dude, hell yeah
The LN are translated. Check nanodesu.
That's alright. We could have a romance in her girl form and a bromance in her guy form.
I didn't think I'd ever watch a show with every girl literally being worst girl. Boy was I wrong after sitting through this piece of shit.
Okay, will do- thanks for the heads up
All these years later and I'm still enamored by her.
Best waifu material
Admit it
She was meh at best. At least she wasn't unlikeable like Sara.
Ayumu abyuse began to seriously grate on me after a while, Sera I just fucking loathed by the end, regardless of how sexy her outfits are.
Probably why I preferred Sara's and Maelstrom by the end by leaps and bounds. Even Sara's as a sadist showed actual genuine affection, and Maelstrom is an oasis of dere in a desert of tsun.
I always get Sera and Saras' spelling mixed up. Thunder tits pissed me off like no other. Hurana too, but I still wanted to rape her.
I think the shows appeal is primarily to the worst of masochists.
I can't think of any other appeal long-term, I sure as hell felt my time was wasted.
How did the LN end? Did ayumu remain a magic girl?
Harem endshit
Just a warning: He hasn't updated in a while and the rate releases come out (If he doesn't dick around doing side projects) you'll be lucky to see the current volume finished by end of next year.
Alright- something is better than nothing i guess.
Looks like i have to pick up moon soon. Knowing a reasonable amount of terms and somewhat understanding it if put in english letters, but reading the raw text is another.
Fuck it all.
Gee, I wonder what certain autist created this thread to troll best girl.
I want to fuck them all.
What now
High school wife the best wife
I hope I get the same fate as Chris
You are wrong. Haruna is the cutest girl apart from Eu. She's also a ball of energy and silly fun.
I want to fuck Hurana, get her preggers, make her a teen mom and not take responsibility.
He turned back to human with limited lifespan.
My nigga.
Sarasvati will always be the best