Is there a (realistic) way to stop islam?
Is there a (realistic) way to stop islam?
death and violence the only way at this point.
No. This is one of the main reasons that I am afraid to have children. I don't want any descendants of mine to live in a Muslim world.
That being said, I do want to have children and maybe they'll fix the problem.
>I don't want any descendants of mine to live in a Muslim world.
lol, pussy
Cooperate with china
The more children you have, the less likely they are to be crushed underfoot.
There are 3.3 million muslims in the US, that means 1% of the population.
It isn't significant, and they can be dealt with in a few days if they start anything.
Have as many children as you can, teach them well, and there will be that many more sane people in the world.
Yes, keep bashing xtianity, avoid fairy tales, increase atheism, decrease your birth rates, etc. Europe is already doing that so you won't have to stop Islam, because it will be the dominant religion.
Kill them.
Auschwitz IV - Gasschwein
Realistic, it depends on what you deem as realistic.
If you mean by voting for whichever politicians they have us choose from, which are in reality all the same with the same agenda, then that is a slim chance.
Realistic way, by taking over the governments in one form or another, and setting up extremely strict laws to preserve the culture of each country and the morals and rights that are fundament to those countries.
For example:
1. no minarets/mosques that are visibly recognisable from the exterior.
2. No mosques in general, as they contravene the otherwise christian culture, practising or not.
3. No sacrificial slaughter, meaning no halal or kosher killing of animals.
3. No religious branding on foods etc, for a similar reason to the above.
4. No benefits of any kind to any immigrant, legal or otherwise. Benefits/healthcare etc only for those who are working or who are native to the country.
5. Yearly application for work visas, only for skilled workers and only from within European or other civilised countries. Temporary only for a maximum of 5 years and then they must leave or have applied for citizenship after the first two years. If they are rejected, they can not return for a set period of time. 5 years or so.
6. Priority in housing, work, medical care and so on for natives of the country, as in blooded, generational natives. No exceptions.
7. Refugees only from bordering countries on a very temporary basis, in camps and are not allowed to leave the camps. When the conflict is over, they immediately return to their country.
8. Which won't matter, since there are almost no wars in Europe these days.
9. No religious clothing or accessories, no clothing deliberately from other cultures: indian, arab, african etc.
10. No allowances for extended family, foreign wives or children etc.
i have a better idea
Death Squads
Kill the heathens? It worked okay the last time.
Be in the US. Europe is guaranteed to become a Caliphate.
>Death Squads
He asked for realistic. Currently the death squads are owned by (((them))).
If you do the above laws and some more, most of the muslims will leave within a very short time.
They depend on gibs, and making their own diseased culture in civilised countries.
Without those things, they have no reason to stay, and will go to a softer target or their own shitholes.
There is no God but Allah and Mohammed is his messenger.
Your best choice is to convert.
realistic? sure, genocide
>1. Won't stop it
>2. Won't stop it
>3. (((Good luck with that,))) still won't stop it
>3. Outlawing a couple Arabic letters on food packaging won't stop it, makes you look afraid and ridiculous
>4. Won't stop it. Too many working Muslims
>5. Won't stop it, you were too lazy and self-important to do those jobs in the first place
>6. Won't stop it, they can live harder than your comfy lifestyle
>7. See 8
>8. Which won't matter
>9. Won't stop it, also makes you look silly and afraid
>10. Won't stop it, hawala too pro
Strict anti sharia laws, getting rid of the welfare state, and participation in wars.
rate mine
Muslims are our allies against the Jew
No they are not. They are being used to replace the population of Europe with low IQ violent people so that the elites can wage wars against the far east over Africa.
You sound semetic.
The countries where some of these laws have been put in place have far fewer inbound muslims.
Minarets on mosques, sacrificial slaughter, religious clothing etc have been banned in several european countries.
It makes a difference. The ones with benefit restrictions also have far fewer. The ones only accepting highly skilled workers also have fewer.
They can't live harder than a european, and people in our countries have been perfectly capable and willing to do every job since those jobs existed.
You are using the excuses of the zionists themselves.
Hang yourself.
Only way would be to either 1, ban the ideology like Germany bans Nazi.
Or 2, go to war with Islam in the middle East and show no leniency offer no pardons but fight to win. Take over Mecca destroy rock all of it.
Neither will ever happen so Europe is alresdy gonna be Islamic. Quadaffi was right, Islam already won.
1.) Stealthily monitor mosques 24/7.
2.) Stop them from further pushing their own agenda citing separation of church and state.
3.) Forced assimilation. Those who don't or can't get kicked out.
4.) Disallow "muslim" schools under the separation of church and state again.
Why are you afraid of that? We live in America, be afraid of a Catholic world if that scares you.
See The muslim has been the sword arm of the jew since they first created them.
Based white Chad revert, cuckbrit
(((Why are these Rothschilds making my nation their bottom bitch? Better be mad about Muslims)))
What if one gang of hooligans actually followed through on the General Pershing legend?
Or maybe a Burn the Koran day?
It would send shockwaves throughout the media and the Muslim world.
It would provoke global riots which wake up a lot of normies on the issue.
>Better get to work, how come no one ever wants to go first?
Don't be defeatist.
Europe is less than 5% muslim, despite the best efforts of the sick zionist cult.
If you were in a room with 18 others on your side, and one against all of you, would you give up the fight?
At which point would you surrender.
10 against 10?
>Lowest amount of shitskins and Muslims and also one of the best economies in Western Europe
I love being a Mick, lads
Don't make the untouchables notice you.
(((This must be a Zionist alternate reality game)))
(((You guys))) really try your damnedest to spin things no matter how absurd you sound, I'll give you that Shlomo
first guy is just a serial killed
Your country has 10+ million of your jew brothers in it, more than israel itself.
He asked for realistic, I gave realistic, and you used the same arguments as a kike globalist would. You stink like foreskins.
solution : read siege
A) Help to develope the Lightning Network (Bitcoin)
B) Make everybody use the LN, so they can stop using banks
C) Stop paying taxes
D) Dismantle the EU
E) Muslims will stop receiving gibs
F) They are nomad people, most of them wll leave. Others will explode.
semetic confirmed
muy bien
You guys are going to fall apart quickly. Catholic nations fall slowly, but they will fall with the influence of the degenerate media and culture. Look at how happy young people were when the Catholic church loses influence in your country. You are doomed.
Completely overlooked in the current media frenzy about building the Museum of Tolerance atop the millennium-old Ma'amun Allah Cemetery is the site's forgotten history as the killing field of 614. In that year, nearly three centuries of prosperity under the Byzantine empire were shattered by Persia's Sassanid Shah Khosrau II, known as Parvez - the Victorious. Local Jews together with their co-religionists in Babylonia allied with the Zoroastrian invaders to defeat the Christian rulers. Seeking revenge for generations of persecution, the Jews destroyed hundreds of churches and monasteries. James Parkes described the ensuing slaughter in his book, A History of Palestine from 135 AD to Modern Times: "In 614 they took Jerusalem after a siege lasting only 20 days. There is no doubt that the Persians received substantial help from the Jews of Galilee. One chronicler mentions a figure of 20,000 Jewish soldiers, another 26,000. While the actual figures are as unreliable as all ancient figures, there is no reason to question the fact that the Jews aided the Persians with all the men they could muster, and that the help they gave was considerable. "Once Jerusalem was in Persian hands a terrible massacre of Christians took place, and the Jews are accused of having taken the lead in this massacre. It would not be surprising if the accusation were true, even though the fantastic stories told of Jewish revenge by Christian chroniclers are certainly exaggerated."
How many Christian prisoners of war were murdered by the Mamilla Pool? A precise number is of course now impossible to verify, but Israeli archaeologist Ronny Reich puts the tally at 60,000 before the Persian military stopped the carnage. One eyewitness, Strategius of St. Sabas, wrote: "Jews ransomed the Christians from the hands of the Persian soldiers for good money, and slaughtered them with great joy at Mamilla Pool, and it ran with blood." Persian rule in the Land of Israel lasted 14 years. The Byzantines briefly returned to a country in ruins in 628, only to face the formidable army of Muhammad's friend Omar ibn Khattab. One cannot understand the Sulha al-Quds - the treaty of Jerusalem's capitulation concluded in 638, without remembering the massacre at Mamilla a generation earlier. Patriarch Sofronius demanded, and the powerful Arab ruler agreed, to protect the people of Jerusalem from the ferocity of the Jews.
yes you kill everyone who believes in that shit
purge the semites and muhammadans by means of state funded monetary incentives for repatriation or even by state force if required.
achieve and maintain an ethnic balance of 95% white or higher.
go to the stars
Yes, I'm happy too. Catholic Ireland was a de-facto Theocracy and poor as fuck due to bad economic decisions. That doesn't mean I love the liberal Ireland of today. I want a Far-Right Ireland, just not one dominated by totalitarian Christcucks
The only problem is the weak will of Europeans...Spain was dominated by muslim in 1400's in 1492 there were non left, half of Europe was dominated by muslim...yet they had to explain what a muslim was in early 2000's
The only way out for Europe is to submit to Poland and follow their lead.
Everything else is literally beta daydreaming about a far right they're too cowardly to manifest.
Or you could, you know, also revert :)
>Europe is less than 5%
Lmao no it isn't. More like between 10-13% but that's overall population user.
In 18-30 years of age that number is 30% when talking new born ages 1-5 it is over 50% ffs most common name in your country on newborns is Mohammed. Wake up.
By 2050 more than 50% of all Europeans will be Muslim. By 2030 at least 25%. Could be upwards 75% after that. Shit is snowballing.
Europe is already game over. A few nations will buck the trend and great Britain and Sweden isn't gonna be the ones who do. Germany will be gone as will England France Sweden Norway Ireland Scotland Spain Italy Greece Belgium Netherlands Austria Hungary.
Some will survive. Denmark. Switzerland. City states Balkans and Poland Croatia etc
It's game over lad. I'm already gonna start planning for my escape next year.
As a Muslim I'll tell you it's so simple it's honestly unbelievable you people don't realize this.
Give Palestine back to the Palestinians and take back the European Jews, leave the Muslim countries alone.
Every Muslim would leave the West for this deal.
You are such a fool that you don't even know it. Learn from our mistakes. Political ideologies are bullshit, don't fall for it.
Countryball version
Why not just leave the Jews there and also leave our countries.
Like they left India after they were given Pakistan? Lmao Muslims holy book even tells you fucks to never honor a deal with a none Muslim, lie then when able stab him in the back.
It's ok in the end you will have most of all Europe anyway so it doesn't matter.
A wall should do it. A really big wall. Made out of bacon.
I'm just hoping for WWIII soon so the US can betray the EU and completely the EU gets BTFO.
This isn't a solution, the Jews will just cuck them into stupidity and self-defeat again.
Just look at their reverence for (((Hitler's IG Farben Rezoning Plan)))
>The Jews produced muh ideology? NEVUH!
As a european i would rather go and see america remain strong and american than the other options. Curse be he who wasn't born American. Nothing angers me more than an American who isn't appreciative of his blessings. Good luck Godspeed may you win WWIII and carry mankind forward my burger friend.
I'm just hoping these spics stay loyal to our country (it's currently looking that way). They are currently the biggest factor in our future success.
Reminder that NATO helped muslims in Europe, twice.
When I was in Sweden a bunch of Swedes I met agreed to the premise of the EU and paying tax for it "as long as it keeps Germany and France from fighting."
> Go back to your own country
K fine, as an Engineer I can help rebuild Egypt and make something out of our country.
> 10 years later we're starting to near a European standard country like Libya was
> The West comes in (( for them )) to bomb the biggest irrigation project ever that provides water and food for everyone, destroys any resemblance of our country and stability.
> Call us shitholes
> Tell us we can come in for free and be refugees and that they will pay for our homes and everything will be just given to us
> In the middle of a civil war some leave for free money, some leave to get revenge on the West for their dead wife and children, etc.
> Europe complains about Islam and its plan to dominate the world
> Jew clasps his hands together and smiles as the imminent WW3 emerges between two civilizations that could've been great.
Even in the Six Day War, which my grandfather fought in Americans gave billions in weapons and trained and were pilots of planes for Israel they couldn't let Israel lose that war like it should have.
(((NATO))) helped undermine Russian clients and formed a base for trafficking in the ruins.
Thank (((Wesley Clark)))
Sweden yes!
islam is much more traditional and appreciative of virility than christianity, the religion that feminized the west. the ONLY reason Sup Forums doesn't like islam is because they dont like arabs.
>inb4 pedophilia accusations which have less to do with islam and more to do with arabs
That's actually bullshit, and fuck you Swedball you owe your existence to the Ottomans. Your country would be part of Russia if it wasn't for them.
Also there was no kind of agreement for Pakistan more than half of the Indians are Muslim, so obviously they are going to want a Muslim country, Pakistan and Bangladesh are really just Muslim Indians and even in India 15% of their population is Muslim.
Yes, stay afriad. You will be purged from our world.
Implementation of a massive halal tax, to pay for increase of security measures that apply only to Muslims, fit them with tracking devices, ban them from any occupation that could potentially harm other people, exemption from social security. It is a death cult that is preaching hatred of civilization so it is only fair they be exempt from the benefits of it, they always have the option of self deporting to what ever muslim shithole country they like, and if they step out of line glass them.
>Niggers of Europe calling anyone a pussy
The problem is not Islam, but the shadow hand that corrupts all things. The only way to stop all the suffering is to first recognize the real enemy. The shadow hand is behind everything which causes oppression and pain. Misery is the currency of the elites. Middle eastern people in particular have suffered too much, because they have refused to accept the shadow hand. Now, their lands are being raided, and corrupted extremists are being funded to oppress and persecute those who follow the Golden Rule. European "countries" have been corrupted by the elites and their malevolence for a very long time. The elites have been trying to spread this malevolence to the middle east for a very long time, as well. If europeans were not such braindead zombie soldiers, the world would be at peace. Europe has been a close minded lap dog for so long that it can't even feel the stench of the elites coming from it's very core. As long as you keep pointing your fingers at other victims, the elites can only win.
Drop the memeflag, (((faggot)))
"A death cult"
Which Jew gave you that line?
Alright that sounds cool, be sure to take good care of Coptic Christians when you get there.
Britlad for supreme leader of all the west.
Will Prots hang or will they burn?
So when are you boys going to man up?
Depends which one is easier after you have raped all your choir boys, the pope will probably decide.
Not sure what you're trying to say here, that you're willing to fight WW3 for Jews or that what I was originally saying is right?
That's I think the biggest flaw in the Constitution. I really wish they had added strict definitions of citizenship and immigration, because the biggest threat to our freedoms are those who abuse the same freedoms to remove attempt to remove the Constitution. And they do it unabashedly.
God I fucking hate muslimes and shitskins
Well they are retards and also why Europe is dead. But that happens when you have zero opposition and freedom of speech is taken for granted. Here to comply is a virtue here saying what is on your mind or to revolt against populism is something inherently evil. While America isn't perfect and liberals mock the constitution you guys have one. We don't have a legacy founding fathers a principal philosophy or even an identity. When you miss those you become what we are. Sure the Christianity once existed but it was already on its death spiral when pilgrims decided to leave Europe for America. They saw even back then what Europe had become. A disease culture evaporated. You will never meet a large population anywhere here who are proud of their nation and its history. The few exceptions that exist like Denmark Poland even Russia are why those will survive to some degree or another.
Cherish your bill of rights the American way the founding fathers and constitution. They are the reasons for why American exceptionalism exist. They are also despite what neocucks will tell you here why America and Russia won ww2 and not Nazis and Japanese Italians. Japs had done away with their ways and tradition. Spit on their ancestors and ways. Italians did the same and Hitler tried to make Germany something it could never become. At least Germany would have had to spend 50 years to create it before they tried to take over the world. People underestimate how important these things are. And when a society abandons it what they had what they are like the Romans they will all die off.
On 4th of July go out user. Stand proud. On veterans day go out and celebrate. Don't ever lose hope and let America lose their soul.
They're mostly in the "Let's make more sacrifices to Moloch on behalf of the Jews!" camp, akhi
Not enough choir boys to go around.
I don't talk to Muslims. You are a snake. Argue with someone else.
Fuck off slime.
You just talked to me
I appreciate the sentiment of your post about America even if you're misguided about Muslims
So the choices are, fight WWIII for the Jews or take all of the Jews and then fight WWIII for them to get Palestine back after they subvert our political systems. Wow tough choice. Go home.
Arab scum spotted.
American of Polish, Irish, Danish, Native extraction
Le 56% you Jewish shill
A snake? We aren't Jews buddy, read the fucking Wikipedia idiot and get educated about your own goddamn country's history.
I'm betting he's probably a Jew too. I have a feeling Jews migrate to these threads the same way Muslims do, so about half of this thread is probably Jews and Muslims arguing with each other lol
secularize them. we've had muslim minority here for centuries and yet we aren't getting bombed and raped.
No dickhead we don't want muslims, Jews or christians, we might tolerate christians if they shut up and stop attempting to make everyone live a miserable life.
You lie.
Not really for some reason you really want to fight for the Jews though
I'm not and you know it. Muslims are a cancer. Just look what happened to every Empire that invited them across Africa and Asia. And when I say invite I mean to say lose the war. Muslims today are all victims and whose ancestors were raped and converted at some point or another. Religion with the exception of Judaism and some like Chinese and Japanese religions are inherently anti nationalism and people. Rather they are evil inherently against the quality of man and the land where they live as it has no care for the well-being of either.
If you wanna have a legit discussion feel free to reply but don't bother if you gonna play taqiyah and bullshit on me. I live in Sweden and see through it in a second. Like that other snake who wanna claim Israel is responsible for their crimes in Sweden Lmao as if Israel made you Muslims cut a woman head off at IKEA. Don't bullshit me and we can enjoy each other ok.