Im joining you guys

ex-lefty here. i've been lurking for the past few weeks. i feel alienated by all the anti-white shit. Its like the "white-left" are all mentally ill. most of them actually contribute to the overall madness of the entire situation. What is causing this ? has everyone lost their minds ? and are you guys being serious when you talk about it all ending in war ?

Other urls found in this thread:

>What is causing this ?
Me fucking your mum w/o rubber.

Now fuck off gov.
>ex-lefty here.
and neck self on the way out.

No such animal exists. You buttered your scones, now eat them. The fact you were ever a 'lefty' to begin with is bad enough.

>and are you guys being serious when you talk about it all ending in war ?
how the fuck else would the largest migrations in human history end

Look, we are past the point where this is going to end well. Forget left vs. right. This is good vs. evil.

Jesus Christ, Son of God and messiah of the Jews, died for your sins, was buried, and rose again as prophesied in the Word of God!

Get busy believing, accept His pardon, call on Him, and live! This limited time offer expires soon, possibly Wednesday morning.

The Great Tribulation is about to begin. Best to be on the winning side before then.

Niggers and Amerimutts started it

"British National Party chairman Nick Griffin said: 'I don't think there's any doubt that within this century, white people will be a minority in every country in the world.' For Griffin, however, it is a major cause of alarm: 'Every people under the sun have a right to their place under the sun, and the right to survive. If people predicted that Indians would be a minority in India in 2100, everyone would be calling it genocide.'"

"However, the UN's State of the World Population 1999 predicted that 98 per cent of the growth in the world's population by 2025 will occur in lesser developed regions, principally Africa and Asia. The most significant reason for this is lower birth rates in rich countries: in 61 countries, mainly the rich ones, people are no longer having enough babies to replace themselves."

They have been talking about this shit since 2000. This was always going to end in some sort of conflict. A countries isn't going to give up it's nation willingly without some sort of conflict.

I have 14 words for you.

reverse migration

Reverse it or the people will revolt.

It does not get truer than this.

I already know what they are

Read Spengler for the cyclical nature of civilization.

Next, understand that no multicultural society ever sustained itself. This is natural, as different groups vary genetically, giving rise to different behavioral patterns that offset balance between groups. This is most noticeable in demographics.

Why? That's a complex question, and most the time you'll hear "Jews" without any explanation. Simply put, jews are not safe in monolithic ethnically homogeneous nation. They perpetuate multiculturalism so that the host nation is weak, unable to react to its demise until it's too late. White people also tend to be very social creatures, that like to follow consensus. It's very hard to break that mindset, but when it is, it's like unleashing hell. That's why you see white people virtue signaling, not because they believe it, but because its socially acceptable and gives them temporary social value. Welcome to clown world, where everyone competes to eat the most shit.

At this point, war is the only thing that can end this. All white nations have been subverted.

oh, don't be so mean

not many of us were born redpilled, we were indoctrinated too

Roger Scruton, Fools, Frauds and Firebrands -- introduces all major Leftist thinkers and offers rightist alternatives.
Heather MacDonald, The Burden Of Bad Ideas -- right wing policy thought in a short readable book.
Jim Goad, The Redneck Manifesto -- everything you know about race is a lie.
Stephen Coughlin, Catastrophic Failure -- your first honest book about Islam.
John Taylor Gatto, The Underground History of American Public Education -- read this amazing book and you will understand why our schools suck.

Since all niggers have aids the problem will take care of itself soon enough.

And read Orwell's Politics and the English Language.

interdasting thread, keep me posted

>What is causing this

My pet theory: modern society has alleviated the selective pressures on Europeans. We are degenerating ... Konrad Lorenz was right when he talked about the "Verhausschweinung des Menschen". For example, you may very well predict the political leanings of a person along a collectivist-individualist axis based on variants of genes responsible for the brain's dopaminergic system (DRD4 variants, look at the study done in Singapore). Again, loss of evolutionary pressure and allowing the less capable members of society to reproduce has led to an increase in people who follow and are dependent on a collectivist approach for effective reproduction. This comes mostly in lieu with being more prone to 'religious' concepts ... in our case I would strongly consider leftism as an ersatz religion. And don't even get me started on the two world wars bleeding our genepool dry of the most capable of our population...

So, you've broken the conditioning. Your worldview is collapsing, and you've taken your first redpill. The question is, now, would you like to know more? Just how deep does the rabbit hole go? Here's a handy chart:

>100 - 110 IQ
Daily Shoah, Radical Agenda, Sup Forums shitposting

>110-125 IQ
Amren, Richard Spencer, Counter-Currents, alt-right ecelebs

>125-135 IQ
VDare, Alternative Hypothesis, Bloody Shovel

>135-145 IQ
Mencius Moldbug, Jim's Blog, Jonathan Bowden

> >145 IQ
Nick Land, Mencius Moldbug

crucify yourself

>What is causing this ?
Progressivism and Jewish influence.

>has everyone lost their minds ?
No, they're on a moral crusade.

>and are you guys being serious when you talk about it all ending in war ?

Faggot nigger bitch

Cycles of history friend.
All we can do is ride out the waves. Big dirty shit waves.

Man the fuck up and spill some fucking blood.
You don't have to put up with this shit.
Don't put up with this shit OP.
Don't wait. Go do it. Now.

i love watching my wife get every one of her fuckholes stretched wide by multiple very hung black men. i cum 5-6 times in 2 hours and she takes so many loads in her pussy that i lovingly lick clean for her before the next bull fucks her silly. its a wonderful experience

I'm surprised it took this long to see it. In many internet circles it was pretty bad like 5 or more years ago.

LARRRRRRRP. you fucking jew. they wont fight shit. youre all a part of the protocols. little pawn bitches

iSteve (Steve Sailer) at Unz, as well as Anatoly Karlin, John Derbyshire, Razib Khan, the Saker, and Ilana Mercer
Robert Lindsay
Griffe du Lion or whatever
VDare dot com is the current home of Radio Derb and has excellent stories from Malkin and Coulter
YouTube spots by Millennial Woes, Red Ice, Jordan Petersen, Dennis Prager, and Gavin McInnes

We are too comfortable as a society. Life has little challenge without danger and so we seek to create some danger so that our lives will not be mundane. Also, look up the "Beautiful Ones" experiment, I think it's called. I used to be a Democrat, but my eyes were opened many years ago. Racism is an unfortunate consequence of pattern recognition. We are serious when we talk of it all ending in war. Deus Vult.

race war now. welcome to the club, sven

Fuck off shill

Just be happy you'll get to fight for something you actually believe in for once

>implying Sup Forums isn't satire

>We are degenerating
After being used as foot soldiers for the beast for so long, it's no surprise at all. Evil itself has been ruling over europe for hundreds of years.


Thanks, user, let's redo the list

>Soldier of Evropa tier (100-110 IQ)
Radical Agenda, Daily Shoah, Murdoch Murdoch, Sup Forums shitposting

>Concerned White Citizen tier (110-125 IQ)
Amren, Richard Spencer, Countercurrents, Millennial Woes, J Peterson, Red Ice, Molyneux, other ecelebs

>Big brain nibba tier (125-135 IQ)
Alternative Hypothesis, HBDchick, Bloody Shovel, VDare, Robert Lindsay, Steve Sailer, Bloody Shovel, Chateau Heartiste, TakiMag, J Peterson, anything linked from This Week in Reaction

>Lord of reaction tier (135-145 IQ)
Mencius Moldbug, Jim's Blog, Jonathan Bowden

>Avatar of the Old Gods tier (>145 IQ)
Nick Land, Mencius Moldbug

>deus vult

Except for the mutts LARP-Ing as nazis you will find that we are a pretty reasonable bunch

we are degenerating because just like pre nazi germany we have a parasite (THE JEW) whispering in your ear go have sex goyim dont get married or have kids.

feminism and the sexual revolution has destroyed christianity as well.

so we are pretty much fucked as in rome

we are collapsing.

Someone released the Black Panther movie early, and teams of autists are standing by in their local ghetto to hand out bootlegs.

Fuck that's not a bad Idea. Anybody know anyone who works for a theater that could five finger a copy of Black Panther?

If human history is any indication, it will naturally end in a war. The sides might be a bit murky when it comes to race, but given the current political landscape, a "race" war is inevitable.

And yes, inevitably the White race will win. But not without much loss.

Very nice. Sailer is great because he's a highly intelligent HBD guy but, unlike Razib Khan, who is an HBD guy but an unapologetic nerd with no time for people learning new terminology, Sailer is almost a normie. He uses accessible language and is always talking -- knowledgably, and relevantly to HBD and statistics -- about Hollywood and sports. In a world with truly free media Sailer would probably have a talk show.
He recently posted a hilarious tweet regarding Kamala Harris, who got her start with a guy later famous for exploiting his underlings:

While only in her 20s, @SenKamalaHarris (D-CA) assumed a position under Willie Brown in which the legendary legislator taught her a deep truth about the fundamental essence of politics that she has in turn applied to servicing the people of California and soon all of America.

>You buttered your scones, now eat them.
tip top kek


>This limited time offer expires soon, possibly Wednesday morning.

Because of the blue moon? Please explain

>how the fuck else would the largest migrations in human history end
With the end of the Roman Empire.
Not that I'm surprised americans have no idea what the migration era was.

I’m not “alt right,” but there is anti white sentiment afoot to the point where even I have a problem with it.

He's recovered from serious illness.


Also check out Charles Murray's book By The People and, on YouTube, the film In Search Of The Second Amendment.

I can't wait for war. I'm all geared up and no one to shoot. When it's open season on lefties, I'm going to use up all my ammo.

meet your uncle

>Stephen Coughlin, Catastrophic Failure -- your first honest book about Islam.
his series "the redpill on islam" is the best on the subject that I have seen

gatto is really good too, not heard fo the other ones

is stuff black people don't like still a thing? that guy was interesting and funny


>Alternative Hypothesis
Best propagandist on that list by far. Also fuck off with your monarchist larping kike shit.

As a leftoid, you at some point have to implicitly or explicitly accept that every component of your group identity is eligible for destruction. With us, it's more that you have to accept that every component of your individual identity is eligible for destruction.


>I’m not “alt right,”
The only reason you aren't a fervorous white nationalist is because you exist in a particular place and time. White nationalism is literally the only sane position to take if you're white, it's the de facto condition, and always will be. There'll be a time that comes where you'll realize you never had a choice in whether or not you wanted conflict, and that your team was already chosen for you.

Listen man since you're not a 1 post ID I will reply to you. Its perfectly fine to grow disgusted with what you thought was normal when you finally let the blindfold down. I was a left voter from the age of 19 to 28, then I started seeing things. I grew disillusioned. I am now a 50 year old right wing voter turning more and more alt right every day. Churchill once said "If you're not a socialist at 20 you have no heart, if you're still a socialist at 40 you have no brain. Don't listen to these faggot larpers here, most of them are underage liberal cunts who will try and turn you from the truth. Gods speed user, I hope you find comfort in your new found beliefs

I never saw that, have to look him up.

here you go, make sure you get the right site


Don't be retarded, you want the right to grow

Racism has no place in the liberty movement. Move along please. White people do not exist and although I believe in free speech I will ban you if you say anything I don't like.

>woah lads, we've got a man with a mammoth mind over here
>truly a colossal cerebrum

Go buy a gun, soyim, and get ready for the race war

-t. white-right

w-we d-don't ex-xist?

Name ONE single non-white country who’s people are at risk of becoming a minority.
You can’t, there are none.
Name ONE single white country who’s people AREN’T at risk of becoming a minority.
You can’t, there are none.
That’s because there is a program of white geNOcide.
They say it’s “anti-racist”, but it’s simply anti-white.
Anti-Racist is a code for Anti-White.

ethnomasochistic bugman leftism occurs when whites try and compete for jewish acceptance by hating themselves the most in order to fit in

Wht does the "anti-racist" left so racist against whites?

>white culture (western civilization) has been the primary target of the left for well over a century. They use the two terms interchangeably. When they criticize the West for X, they mean whites too.
>Marx identified a number of constructs that contribute to the oppression of the proletariat. They include everything from churches to the nuclear family. The idea is to alienate children from this environment in order to raise them to be complicit to the perfectly egalitarian ccommunist society. So long as individuals want to achieve more for themselves and their family, there will exist inequality and thus oppression.
>whites are also the primary tax payer in multiethnic nations like the US.
>white Americans also overwhelmingly support small government and low taxes
>so another goal of the left is to fracture society along ethnic lines and force the taxpayer to be tax cattle for their expanding government programs.
>Whites oppose having their taxes hiked and that is somehow racist because minorities wont get as much free gibs.

Thanks. Most recent post is yesterday.
I miss Mike Smith's Political Commentary. Uniquely good Saffer news, but a wierdly badly organized site, and when he retired he took the whole site down.
Remember to always take screencaps.

never heard of him, but the saffer situation is worrying

i see the "t." used all the time as if it's like indicating the person saying something. what is it short for?

what does that have to do with this:
it's the pyramid symbol

It's Mongolian for regards

The other night on /k/ there was a thread about how farm attackers use military tech to cut off cell phone reception. The thread was pruned even though it was totally a legitimate topic.

Burn it down.

like finnish or actually mongolian? or neither and you're fucking with me?

You kill the traitor first, then go against the enemy.

Traitor is worse off than the enemy.

I was Ghandi on that political compass shit.
Now I want niggers to die.
Debate me you Sargoy of Cuckad


t. fed

American politically correct bullshit is not the left. Don't let it put you off. There are silly extremists on both sides

> What is causing this?
Hard equality-of-outcome, accompanied by the effects of the fact that it flies in the face of reality. You have to bend space and time to make equality be true. Then too, brown inferiors are getting the bit in their teeth, closing over killing American whiteness, maybe world whiteness, making it not matter. Taking our beautiful countries into their hands.

>The concept of envy — the hatred of the superior — has dropped out of our moral vocabulary …
>The idea that white Christian civilization is hated more for its virtues than its sins doesn’t occur to us, because it’s not a nice idea. …
>Western man towers over the rest of the world in ways so large as to be almost inexpressible.
>It is Western exploration, science, and conquest that have revealed the world to itself.
>Other races feel like subjects of Western power long after colonialism, imperialism, and slavery have disappeared.
>The charge of racism puzzles whites who feel not hostility, but only baffled good will, because they don’t grasp what it really means: humiliation.
>The white man presents an image of superiority even when he isn’t conscious of it. And, superiority excites envy.
>Destroying white civilization is the inmost desire of the league of designated victims we call minorities. …

~ Joseph Sobran (Sobran’s — April 1997)

> has everyone lost their minds?
Yes. To distort the old order this much requires insanity. Any animal reason would have us throwing the browns back to where they came from. WE JUST CAN'T LET OURSELVES DO THAT, even to the point of destroying ourselves.

> and are you guys being serious when you talk about it all ending in war?
Well, I can't see how it could end in anything else, though it well could. I dunno, it could end in whites just caving in, folding under. I mean, what have we done so far? How much worse does it have to get, 1 in 4 Swedish women raped (or will be - real numbers, though I forget where I found them).

okay i looked it up and found out it's from the finnish terveisin apparently, thanks for leading me in the right direction

Here is a speech from liberal former Democrat governor of Colorado, Dick Lamm.

The title of the speech is called, literally: "I Have a Plan to Destroy America."

You fuckers won't help. I have 2 White children, what have you done? Argue with AI shills on a shit message board?

No prob user. haha

You have to lurk for two years before posting.
It's short for Finnish for 'regards', people call Finns Mongols here.

i think it should be clear from my post that i'm familiar with the finngolian meme. i've been lurking on and off for years but i'm old now and don't have time to keep up to date on every new development in slang

welcome, we've been expecting you.

Oh yeah?

If the Democrats play around and don't accept the President's proposal or they pass a law without curtailing immigration and funding for that wall and he vetoes it.

Then it's time to Be Like Ike.


>i feel alienated by all the anti-white shit
welcome to reality

>What is causing this ?
cultural marxism

>has everyone lost their minds ?
yes, a long time ago
the left is just a reaction to the right now, its whatever we're against. They're THAT stupid.

>t'was mere jest, of course ye enlightened such as thou, regard words of semitic origin to be utmost sturdy and worthy of kingdoms to be brought forth and hither, laid at feet of such a noble creature. Alas, some posses conditions of fright, for entertainment of such predilections whomst origins arise from the tongues of deceivers.
Seriously though, I haven't read anything by that literal kike, and you're a top cuck for both following a jew, and promoting a monarchy. I hope you're a "colored" and not a white man.

>cia posting
>hurr we da cia are juss boiling you kids like lobsters with our memes hehehehehe

The government brainlets are out in force now posturing.

How's that untreated schizophrenia going

It's not schizophrenic to think these degenerate retards are all over the chans.