Black Issues General

This thread is for discussion relating to BLACK Nationalism and other BLACK topics.


This is a political thread, not for trolls. We ask mods to keep trolls out. This thread complies with all Sup Forums rules and we ask mods to respect it like other general.

Other urls found in this thread:

I say this race should be completely exterminated.

No one gives a fuck about monkeys

Some current events:

Why is this still going on?

Some good news'

How can you expect us to respect your thread when you can't even respect western society.

Fuck off you crime statistic.

I was born in 'The West', unfortunately I am making a thread about 'race', sad but we need a place where we talk about these issues without hinderance

talk about them inside a communal mud hut back home in africa

To start, why do niggers have no respect for private property ? Why do you steal and take what’s not yours

Wouldn't you agree that impoverished and disadvantaged people are more likely to steal? Think about it

>black issues thread
>only WE WUZ article
haha kys

Black power!

Some white people cannot see how hard it is to be Black in the modern world- we cannot even start an internet thread without being attacked and vilified by people from all over the world.... think about THAT


Nation of Islam

ayy bmao

President Oprah

but but I thought that photo didn't exist and it was just republicans attempt to discredit a great man?

seconded and saged.

Troll want in! You racist!

nigger issues are not real. you all are only 2/5 human.

Does anyone have good infographic on the effects of single motherhood?
Also, read this story about the fatherless elephants:

Sweden also has more single mothers than married ones

Try Facebook or Instagram, you should get a much more welcoming reception there

Obama didn't look impressed with kgb shill.

You know why so many niggers get killed by police? Because you apes refuse to keep your pants up. Id shoot a nigger too if he was reaching for his waistband.

Stick with what you know like chicken

When are we going to create that Uhuru Nation, brother! As a white ally I want to do anything I can to help.

Great article, shows how white interference has been problematic for Blacks

My biggest issue is that the USA would find some way to invade

>I have a dream

Come home. The Motherland is calling you home.