Is Kyon a well-written character?
Is Kyon a well-written character?
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I guess.
yeah bro
Good question but why does she sit like that?
Definitely. The unreliable narrator part helps a lot.
Not that much as a character, but he's a very well-written narrator.
Maybe her vagina hurts.
I recently found out asians have body types more adjusted to sitting on the ground, especially in squats like that. They can do it for hours apparantly whereas westerners would get uncomfortable in a couple of seconds.
You hope you weren't asking that ironically.
So she can see the TV while studying
So Kyon is a God, not Haruhi, right? Is it implied in books?
>Is it implied in books?
No but it is implied that he wants to dick Yuki.
I don't believe you.
Liar, he wants to protect Yuki
He's a self insert. A kinda well written one but a self insert in the end.
If your calling kyon a self-insert, then you must be calling me a self-insert. I don't like to be called a self-insert because Its not true. I'm better than most people so they can't actually self-insert as me.
You can call a lot of characters self-inserts, just because the watcher can relate to them doesn't lessen their quality.
She is half Slav.
From what?
No. He's so bland he barely counts as a character. This goes for every Haruhi character.
You've got the tsundere cunt behind him.
You've got the Rei expy.
You've got the insufferable moe blob.
And the gay one.
The writing in haruhi is gutter trash. It tries to juggle several different genres and takes only the most shallow elements from all of them, accomplishing absolutely nothing.
Go watch something that isn't embarassingly bad.
she is cosplaying L
No Yuki wants him to dick her
but it'll never happen because Kyon sees her as just as pitiable as Mikuru, or maybe even more actually.
If he's not doing enough for her then he's asking too much of her. Basically his only two states of mind regarding her.
>No Yuki wants him to dick her
No she doesn't.
Yea she does.
She rewrote the world so that Haruhi was gone so that she would have a chance.
She had problems far more important than the dick. Like that crippling depression meme but not a meme.
Have I seen this thread before?
I think it's just a problem on your end buddy
Itsuki practically tells it to his face, without directly telling him he's "the god".
Kyon not connecting the subtle hints just makes it more meta as fuck.
i don't think you "get it"
meant to reply to
>feeding buzzword-filled posts
But in the end he is one. The only personality trait that he has is that he's snarky. Like many others after him, he's a complete void after that. A vapid character who never stops complaining about how difficult is his oh so interesting life enough time for you to notice he has nothing else going for him.
Character-wise? Meh.
Script-wise? Great.
>Normie ass character with a boring ass life.
>Suddendly he's in the middle of everything that happends, with a 3 girl haren.
Talk about wish fullfillment bro.
From sitting like a dumbass instead of a normal person.
He displays a lot more character through narration, interactions and dialogues. Like he puts up a "I don't buy your shit" facade but really cares about people around him, to the point he wanted to punch Haruhi not to punish her but because he didn't want her to become a rotten girl. And people around him know he's mild deep down and tell him from times to times.
That's without mentioning his biggest character defining trait and conflict, how he wants extravagant stuff but settled for less and tries to please normies instead, trying as hard as possible to deny he has a taste for these things yet diving head first in them. Which shows in many of his actions and dialogues.
In the end, he still has to fit the "normal guy" profile, but it doesn't matter, because he does it really well and this status is actually used to further the story themes and his own growth, along with Haruhi's.
Itsuki mused over the possibility once, which I think makes it less likely.