>January 30th >State of the Union address >"Good Evening. Tonight, as we meet at this tumultuous time in Congress, I wish to-" >BANG BANG BANG >Trump goes down >people are screaming >congressmen are scrambling >feeds zoom in on the crumpled body of Donald Trump, then the feeds cut What happens next?
My guess the hardest 'Please let the shooter be white' praying in the history of the world begins on the left.
>Pence becomes president >Blood on Democrat hands >Blame game points towards Democrats >Landslide elections 2018, 2020, 2022, 2024
Hudson Evans
Short term? Mike Pence gets into office, finishes the term. if its a conspiracy something breaks in American politics. Democrat and Republican parties collapse, maybe you get a more mixed system.
Kevin Ortiz
You wake up and cry like the pansy you are in the next part.
Parker Price
>What happens next? Trump is a pussycat compared to Pence.
Dominic Bennett
Night of the long knives and then the day of the rope the next day.
Mason Barnes
>corporate media culpable for assassination of the President >Russia collusion fully disproven >Antifa genocide These are my general estimates. Also, as a replacement for Donald Trump, all right wing men adopt Trump as a avatar and start fully emulating him, no longer giving a fuck about political correctness and liberals become pariahs now that the right has moral superiority for an entire generation.
Basically this It's really not that hard to figure it out
Lucas Bailey
The SOTU will force the media so overhaul its current narrative to pushing for war with russia, do not buy it, this will be a distraction to cover from the implications this will have on deep state actors.