Pelosi says Trump wants to Make America White Again

So Sup Forums, did you ever think you would see the day when white nationalism became normalized in political discourse?

It's not yet, but the more they squirm the stronger it gets.

>dont come to our countries illegally
>hurr white supremacy
>literally nothing ever said at all about legal immigration
>hurr still somehow white supremacy

get gassed

also what he said.

the more the left insist that the right is white supremacist, the more the left normalizes the idea.

People will think "no I'm not". Then after the left keeps insisting they are, people will think "hey if I really am, white supremacy isnt so bad because I know I am an ok person".

The left is literally creating their own enemies. Ironically pretty funny way of them using strawmen so often they create a real life strawman that actually fights back.

We're only 1 year into Trump's 8-year presidency. We will take it much further.

Remember, in 2008, no one was asking, should 6-year-old boys who want to be girls be allowed to use the girls' restroom at school? But by the end of Onigger's presidency, it was no longer even a question. This just shows how much change can happen over 8 years with the president guiding the culture.

By 2024, no one should even be asking if niggers can stay in America. Everyone should agree it's time for them to go.

Too bad Trump loves Jewish cock.

This easy to sink a shill thread?

Come on faggots, try harder than that.

Doesn't matter *that much*. The prospect that white nationalism would be discussed on the public space 5 years ago would have been inconceivable. The overtone window is, slowly but surely, shifting in our favor.

well trump doesn't need to make any ads in 2020. just air this all day

Im ok with that too.