The great debate

The great debate.

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I like HxH 2011 better because it's the only one I watched.

I miss the old nen sound effect

Yorkshin arc

2011 has cuter boys but overall 1999 is better.

There is no debate, 1999 is overall the superior version for the content it covered.

Better art
Better OST
Better animation
Better colors
Better character development
Better pacing
Better choreography in fights
Better Killua

It also captured Hisokas insanity much better.

>Better art
>Better OST
>Better animation
>Better choreography in fights

I mean you are comparing a 1999 anime and a 2011 anime. There is no debate that the 2011 anime is better in the categories above. Anybody would say a 2011 anime has better animation than a 1999 anime.

The Gon v Hisoka fight is an example of the 2011 version being better in the fight choreograph section. Also the 1999 version doesn't even have the CA arc which is arguably the arc with the most character development.

I agree that 1999 did have some things that it did better than 2011 but you can't be this delusional about things that 2011 clearly did better than 1999

Garbage vs Trash

>I mean you are comparing a 1999 anime and a 2011 anime. There is no debate that the 2011 anime is better in the categories above.

Are you retarded?

> 1999 version doesn't even have the CA arc which is arguably the arc with the most character development.

And i did say
>1999 is overall the superior version for the content it covered.
>content it covered

Other than that you're fucking retarded for thinking that
>newer = better

You even included the OST in your argument, how is music made in 2011 better than music made in 1999 JUST because it was made in 2011.

No doubt you're an autistic 2011baby


Chimera ant arc had shit pacing. It dragged on for way too long.

Both are fine, it's the people who argue about them that aren't.

The great debate.

>Better pacing
Didn't the new one cover more chapters in less episode? Or are you saying the pacing was too fast?


Optimal Watch Order:
1st Episode of 1999
entire 2011 series
1999 series

they're both good, enough with this pedantic dichotomous bullshit

but here's the thing, the last half is so fucking good.


1999 had infinitely better art design. the old nen sound was amazing. The Kurapika x Uvo fight was much better. I prefer the 99 OST. I dont really give a shit about animation fluidity.
I prefer literally everything in the 99, but hey ,I did first watch it back in 03

Do not fall for the 1999 meme. It already happened to me, I think I posted about it a while back
>be newfag to the HxH series, read the whole manga and decide to check out one of the animes
>Sup Forums is constantly saying how superior the old one was compared to the new one, so to test the waters I pick a stellar moment from the manga I'd love to see animated: the Dodgeball game from GI
>check 1999, it's utter fucking trash
>check 2011, it's boner inducing
Don't listen to Sup Forumsnons. Fuck, don't even listen to me. Just go compare on your own, and you should be able to quickly draw conclusions from your experience. In my opinion, 2011>1999.

I can also agree with because after that whole deal I started watching the 2011 anime from zero, and while I loved everything about it, I found it weird how it lacked the whole Kite plot in episode 1. Odd stuff.

The second half was better. But god damn was I done with the manga after the first half. I just wanted them to burn the fucking ants and go back to the phantom troupe, hisoka, or anyone that was far more interesting.

>Better Killua
I hope you're fucking joking. 1999 Killua is the epitome of an insufferable edgelord.

1999 version of Greed Island sucked ass
Fight me

last half? the first have had you witnessing the birth of an entire culture. Foreign, fundamentally human, concepts of ego and individualism affecting a previously hiveminded society. You get to see Rammot shit himself as he finds himself on the bad end of genetic determinism. I dont see how the first half of the CA arc loses out in any way to the later portion.

>he watched the ova
o my rubber nen you are a huge baka

>imagining a 1999 extremely high budget gon-san and gon vs pitou

>great debate
Not really

Something like this?

nobody would argue.
The final OVA looked like absolute shit.
99ers(?) really only meant the series itself and the the first OVA

except the "art" in 2011 in absolute trash

i liked the whole grim dark tone the 1999 version had although the whole of 2011 is so much better to me.

>enough with Sup Forums



1999 is better because it's literally darker

The art in 1999 is clearly better. More dramatic angles and more atmospheric coloring and design.

I don't know about the animation though.

Why's the hairline so weird?

1999 is better according to Japan.

Only turbo plebians and ledditards choose 2011.



I wanna read the manga. Are there decent scans or translations yet? I know the art of writing probably deserves shit translation and shit scans.

>Anybody would say a 2011 anime has better animation than a 1999 anime
Summerfag alert!

But all of those things are wrong. The only better in 1999 was the Kurapika. Because 1999 was made by Kurapika fags while 2011 was made by Killua fags.

translations are shit desu

half the things they are saying don't make sense on the last arc, it's all over the place

99 has the better art, color design, directing, ost, pacing and tone.

>1999 has better art



The director likes cinamatic camera shots, I'll give him that. But the animation is inconsistant and the characters are frequently off-model. I challenge you to find just one still of anyone looking off-model in the 2011 anime. I'm not talking about blurs or low-res background caps, but full on key frames where the characters look wrong. Like here or here .

It had creative cinematography, while the 2011 one was overall shit and plain.


Don't listen to the other user, it's nonsense

I like 2011 because it's what everyone else likes and i don't have a criteria of my own. And because it has cuter characters of course, what else is there to like in anime other than coolness/cuteness.

>1999 OST
>Dated synth music with one annoying flute

>2011 OST
>full orchestra with shared motifs between songs

Really compelling argument.


To be fair, I prefer HxH 1999 up until Greed Island, then that's where the quality of HxH 2011 is much better

Basically because there aren't actual 1999 episodes to compare it to?

just me personally but the whimsical style and bright colors of the 2011 kinda capture that dissonance that the manga has between its seemingly standard shonen tone and art style versus is horrific violence and dark themes



>2011 anime
>Better OST


They should have changed the OP, but that says nothing about the score. Unless you're talking about this track.


The official translations are fine you idiot

In 1999 Kurapika was a reverse trap.


'99 fags are absolutely deluded retards.

2011 fags are absolutely deluded retards that have shit taste and are niggers

>*shits pants violently while listening to horrible jpop*

Do you even see the irony in your post ?
The only fucking sperg shitting his pants here is you. I think you need to leave Sup Forums, and never come back.