She was so sweet this episode, made forget about her hotass sister entirely...

She was so sweet this episode, made forget about her hotass sister entirely. Naruto is one of the few shonen protags to end up with best girl.

Naruto belongs on reddit or some shitty forum, not Sup Forums. Fuck off newfaggots.

There was an entire Boruto thread that went to post limit. Do you just have 'Naruto' flagged to shitpost or something?

fuck off with your bipedal dakimakura already

Fuck off Narutard

we were on /vg/ but couldn't survive
anyway, yeah all the hyugas are so fucking sweet it's unbelievable
they're like the polar opposite of Uchihas

Nahh, fuck you, Out of the top 3 at least Naruto finished it's story and started a new one, like decent mangaka are capable of doing

Dumb newfag.

Fuck off cancer. Sup Forums knows you fucking Narutards are cancer from reddit and tumblr.

You even spam your cancerous Naruto reddit memes on Sup Forums. Fuck off back to your containment site.

l never understood this bitch's popularity

she had zero personality, looked plain, never showed her tits, no combat feat whatsoever, and the best that could be said about her was that she wasn't as much of a cunt as the main girl

talk about low standards

Fuck off back to plebbit, newfag.

wow it's almost like she's a female in a mainstream battle shounen aimed at 12 yeard olds


that moment where they're watching Boruto sleep is dare I say, kino
it's so well done and it resonates with anyone who is also a parent

I hate this sentence structure so god damn much.

"it's almost as if..." I don't care what follows it, I am tired of seeing it.

>tfw the cutest, sweetest girl in anime may be dead
what in the fuck is wrong with this dev team?


Naruto has been around for 20 years. Sounds like you haven't.

user, best girls/boys usually die.

but her fuckin innocence is supposed to be a buffer!

Boruto isn't selling like a mainstream hit, and threads are entitled to a recent episode release.
What just gets Sup Forums salty is that Bleach is fucking dead because it was a hack story, and now they'll try to reinforce ancient rules that have no bearing on Sup Forums since it's already turned to shit with the passing of time.

The fact is, time to embrace the fact Naruto 2.0 is a thing, and the few threads it gets is like One Piece exposure. It would never be in the realm of cancerous, as compared to fucking Ichigo x Rukia spam that pops up every fucking week. Just get over it you cucks.

She actually had the balls to publicly declare her love while facing down an opponent she had absolutely no chance against. That goes a long way to making a character likeable.
Kishimoto was never good at writing relationship in any sense. The fact that Hinata generally stayed away from Naruto was a blessing in disguise, since Kishi couldn't fuck it up, basically.

That said, Assistant-kun has shown he's very good at writing relationships. The relationship between Bort and Salad is great. They've got the sense of mutual trust none of the characters in the original had.

It just sets her up as the best choice for tragedy. Following the old formula for slice of life series becoming gritty and dark.

I just started watching this series tonight because fuck it, why not, and I have two questions:
1. Why does Boruto have a tensaigon?
2. Why is Hanabi trying to get into Boruto's pants?
3. Why does this expand dong?

1) It's not a true Tenseigan. We don't know what it is yet, it hasn't been revealed
2) Shitbag sister stole the Saviour of the Free World, so Hanabi has to go for his son. She's the young, hot aunt that will teach Boruto how to treat a girl right. With his dick.
3) Why WOULDN'T it?

>1. Why does Boruto have a tensaigon?
Hinata was a Hyuuga, one of the Bloodlines descended from Kaguya, and Naruto's mother was from another of the bloodlines.
Salad is an Uchiha and obviously going to be main girl, so their kid will have even more OP shit.

>2. Why is Hanabi trying to get into Boruto's pants?
To keep the blood pure obviously.

I guess she had the only fan-service aside from Temari

Japan likes the subservient house wife material you dolt.


She honestly had a pretty cool story between lack of confidence and trying not to be a burden, undue resentment from being born into the main family of a successful clan, and putting a lot of that into an unhealthy obsession of a confident role model who she'd later be more sexually attracted to (honestly just story might have been better if she just viewed him as a role model instead of a role model and a crush)
And I can identify with a lot of that lack of confidence
Also losers like me and nart and most hinata fans are so hopeless that the idea of someone loving you is enough to make you fall for them.

Beta faggots like submissive women that won't talk back.

Like you said, Hinata has no personality and she's also weak as fuck. She's basically a breeding mare.

>subservient to Naruto
This meme needs to stop.

Oh great, the asshurt Pinkshitstain is back.
Hinata has never once acted submissive around Naruto and she's never backed down from stronger ninjas even when she was clearly outmatched. Keep your fanon to yourself.

> Beta faggots like submissive women that won't talk back.
I'm sure you're an alpha chad then. Which is why you're on Sup Forums of all places

Hinata isn't subservient, she is yamato nadeshiko. There is a difference.

>tries to justify cancer by claiming it only makes Sup Forums slightly shittier

Not a great way to win Sup Forumsnons to your side, faggot

but user I'm a beta faggot and I like aggressive women

Naruto was worse than Bleach, because bleach was just generic. Naruto was actively shot and it's characters were horrible.

Didn't you watch the preview of the next episode, user? Bort visits her in the hospital.

>hard working

What's not to like?

Hell, she's not even really a Yamato nadeshiko other than being quiet based on the last (where she tries to handle killing moonman on her own), jumping in to fight pain and the last war, the leech thing, and how she acts in lots of filler

So I actually watched the Boruto Movie recently, and loved it. Is the anime as good as the movie? If so, can I watch it without having to watch Shippuden?

In the last I think she cemented her place as Yamato Nadeshinko when she fucking plucked Toneri's eyeballs from his head with her bare hands

She's also polite, is a traditional Japanese beauty, high class, dresses conservatively, and has a touch of iron. She's the very definition of one.

The Boruto movie is the best thing that the franchise has to offer outside of the Zabuza/Pain arcs. The series is nothing like the movie.



easy m8

> tfw the writer of the series can't figure out a reason why Sakura likes Sasuke

Stockholm syndrome. Sauce trying to kill Sak made her pussy wetter.


I think it works to think of Sakura as a huge masochist.

Imagine Sarada walking in on Sasuke fucking Sakura, who's hair is dyed black, calling her Itachi, stabbing Sakura with a kunai as she rapidly heals herself with her Strength of a Hundred Seal, as she cums.

That girl's not right.

Kishi orignially wanted more time before the chuuni exam tournament arc, but the editor pushed it ahead for popularity, it also really ruins naruto and sasuke's dynamic, so essentially the only time we get of the 3 of them really working well as a team is from the first first zabuza fight to the forest of death with the highlight probably being the first 2 parts of the chuunin exam showing how well they understand each other
Honestly though, I'm not sure why the editor thought that was necessary to keep up ratings, I know the anime and manga have different high points (I'm only familiar with the manga) but zabuza's death was one of the most thrilling comic scenes I've ever read and I think they could've given him some more space
But I guess with how popular prince of tennis and death note and stuff used to be, WSJ was really competitive and tournament arcs are guaranteed sales


She's a cute, sweet, sympathetic, somewhat relatable. I always wanted to see her prosper.

And she's popular for a female character, but none of them were ever considerably popular iirc.
>Beta faggots like submissive women that won't talk back.
Bad bait but keeps being posted a lot, despite being so backward. A lot of men hate being "talked back" to, because it reflects badly on their character that they're not respected by their gf/wife. If it's not playful, it's not a good sign. The average guy wants to be respected but needs to be respectable. Hinata doesn't "talk back", she looks out in the best interests of herself and those she loves and respects; she wouldn't have any serious interest in or respect for someone trying to compensate for his weakness.

Also like said, this is Sup Forums, where men like assertive girls, different kinds of femdom, the idea of being a househusband, whatever.

>she's popular for a female character

An obedient submissive doormat. Just shows Japan's taste in women

>She was so sweet this episode, made forget about her hotass sister entirely.

Let's remind ourselves again

same, she's so boring.

I think Hinata is a case of a desperate fandom (Narutards, who especially love self-inserting) trying claim a waifu in a series full of shit females. Being Shy, submissive and selfish are apparently positive qualities now.

I'm not into nardo waifu wars but that honestly describes Sakura far better than Hinata. Hinata is just of a shy nature.

The popularity of female characters in the series had a lot to do with exposure. Only Sakura and Hinata made it to top rankings if I remember correctly. Even male character that barely showed up were more consistent in popularity.

And again, if you're not working hard to superchaddom or something, you might as well be invisible. Doesn't matter how "submissive" a woman is, most of them are to men they're attracted to anyway.
This, dumb people only think otherwise because Sakura smacks Naruto around. That's irrelevant, Sakura will endure anything for Sasuke.

A relevant update to the events last week.

Fuck off back to >>>/reddit/, you cancerous Narutard.

It's >>>/gaia/ fucking newfag.

Naruto threads have always and should have always been allowed according to the site founder and the new owner. It's just autistic weebs who think this place is some bastion of quality secret anime discussion clubhouse which is laughable and those who want to fit in spouting ancient memes keeping it up now. Inb4 calling me a narutard leddit using whatever like it invalidates anything.

>im gonna be different from my father!
>proceeds to spam shadow clones, rush dumbly at the enemy, and use talk no jutsu

I'm only on episode 2 and I already see all this wasted potential. Why couldn't the writers make Boruto "talentless" without inheriting any special skills or bloodlines, but instead be legitimately different and use strategy/smarts. It would make for far better fights too.

Says the newfag Narutard from reddit

How is she a dakimakura?

So many people are assmade here because a cuck who tried to derail last thread was btfo by the current weeks episode.

You should stop samefagging. It's painfully obvious, newfag. Sorry but you'll never be welcomed on Sup Forums. Everytime you spam your reddit memes, you'll be called out and applied chemo too, like the cancer you are.

>Q: Why did Kishimoto choose to end the manga the way he did?

>‘’To be honest, i am not very sure. For the longest time he talked about Naruto and Sakura being the end-game but suddenly changed his mind. He always intented to make all the characters happy, so if this is what he went for then it should be accepted (or could be acknowledge we are not sure here).’’

>Q: What can we expect from Boruto?

>‘’There is a bigger project in work a long side the anime series that i can not reveal yet. Kishimoto really wants us to break free from the old Naruto series and introduce new ideas.’‘

>Q: Naruto’s family is getting a lot of attention (from the anime) but the fans are hoping for the Uchiha family too.

>‘’Yes, we have understood that and we’re currently working on an entire arc dedicated to them. Sarada will find herself and understand the true meaning of family.’‘

Someone isn't saying the truth here, i thought Kishi said NaruHina was end game all along but his editors forced him to create love triangle between between Naruto/Sasuke/Sakura?

>Nips asking for more Uchihawank
They have shit taste alright.
No doubt Kishi had to comply with it...

Do you have any idea how chemotherapy works? because that is a GODFUCKINGAWFUL analogy

Poor form.

disregard that seems its a interview with Junko not assistant kun

>Doesn't sage
You have no right to call anyone else a newfag. How about posting in threads you like instead of sperging out over people liking things you don't, eh?

Not to mention
> knows Lightning, Water and Wind Release as of the Chuunin Exams, in his words, 'without even trying'
> when most ACTUAL Chuunin normally have a grasp of two

And the translation is bogus too.

The real talk is about Naruto and Hinata's relationship.

sage goes in all fields for Narutards like you, newfag.

Are you done pitching your bitch fit yet?

Are you clinically retarded?
Beta males want dominant woman, just think for a second before you post shit.

>Being Shy, submissive and selfish are apparently positive qualities now


>non-uchiha konoha police
>Senju park
feel good man

he was lying and using the caster device

People like that are getting quite annoying in these threads.

His dream finally came true

But they'll have a Uchiha Hokage.

I thought that device couldn't create techniques, you just put your own into it and it spits them out?

Does she even know about Itachi and the history of their clan?

>not a senju
>not related to senju
>no connection with senju
Only in your dream, little girl.

Not yet but she'll find out later down the track and maybe.

Neither did Minato or Kakashi or Naruto, fuck off user.

after the last war it's obvious the leaf will never allow that

Kushina is a discount senju. Kakashi is Tobirama's grandkid.

The leaf will if they don't want to anger Sasuke desu. Only person who can stop him is Naruto so if either one of them goes rogue the village is fucked.

Naruto would support it and that's all that matters.

That's all bullshit and bait, not going to fall for this genjutsu anymore user.

That sound familiar

the same happened with Madara, in the end they didn't let him become hokage and he went mad, hashirama stopped him and the village survived
Naruto will be dead if the leaf is gonna need a new hokage

Or he just steps down like Kakashi, Tsunade and Hiruzen.

>the same happened with Madara, in the end they didn't let him become hokage and he went mad, hashirama stopped him and the village survived

Yeah, and the whole point was how Naruto wasn't going to do the same things Hashirama did.

>Naruto will be dead if the leaf is gonna need a new hokage

Did you even read/watch the first chapter/episode?

I want an Oneechan like Hanabi

Think we all do even Boruto probably does and she was real touchy with him during that episode.