>Is a perfectly decent adaptation
>Is something we've asked for years
>Is hated just because it's in CG
This is why we can't have nice things.
Is a perfectly decent adaptation
Other urls found in this thread:
>perfectly decent
schierke and isidro have shit voice actors
>Having the word "perfect" anywhere near that pile of bullshit trash of an adaptation
>is something we've asked for years
>it's a rushed as fuck adaptation that's arguably one of the ugliest and cheapest-looking TV anime of the past 2 centuries
Was getting guaranteed responses for this shitty bait part of your plan?
>>Is hated just because it's in CG
And the CG is goddamn terrible.
>cheapest-looking TV anime of the past 2 centuries
I didn't know they had anime in the 1800s.
>perfectly decent
It doesn't have to be this bad just because it's cg
I'm ok with CG. But this isnt CG I can handle.
>Can't disscuss about how good this adaptation is
Seriously guys im leaving
The directing is utter shit, I hope the person responsible for this show never gets work again.
user, dont say that kind of shit. We need more Teekyuu in our lives
Holy shit, fuck off. Teekyuu is fucking great.
Why didn't they just animate it?
The CG is shit but tolerable BUT when they cant make up their minds and switch between 2D and 3D for a character scene to scene it really shits the bed.
It's hated because it's bad CG. CG can be done well, but it's so obviously lazy here
>cg isn't animated
Fuck off dude. Guy might be awful at handling 3DCG dark action series but he's a great 2D animator & does comedy well.
If anything, whoever assigned someone known for wacky cartoony comedy animation to this project is to blame.
The problem is that anime fans will shout "horrible CG" even when it actually is pretty decent youtube.com
So some might get contrarian even when something is legit bad
>Implying you didn't laugh out loud when that happened
well transformations like aren't animation
>Is hated just because it's in CG
No, it's not hated just because it's in CG
It's hated because it's really shitty CG and fails to convey the story through said shitty CG. It's so shitty that the suspension of disbelief can't even happy because everything is so uncanny you can't help but laugh at the production quality of it.
Knights of Sidonia and Ajin (done by Polygon) are both in CG, have often-shitty FPS for whatever reason, but does a decent job at portraying the situations the characters are thrown into.
I'm not sure if the studio doing Berserk (whatever it is) has literally given up, or what's going on with them. Konosuba and Kemono Friends' tone allows for QUALITY because they don't exactly take themselves seriously. Berserk, fanbase aside, isn't a series you can get away with this much QUALITY since it's a grimdark, serious story.
can't even happen* because everything is so uncanny
I heard something about a money embezzlement or laundering scheme.
Instead of this shit fest I would've preferred a motion comic with good VA.
I never asked for an adaptation. In fact, id rather animefags to stay away from Berserk.
Can someone explain to me how people think CG in anime is at all acceptable ever?
CG doesn't even look good in mecha shows.
I've given Berserk 2016/17 a LOT of slack due to the low budget animations.
seriously, what were they thinking?
If they didn't have the time to properly make that serene, just don't include our little spinning friend.
IT has ZERO impact and is completely unnecessary.
Why is he rolling?
Depends who you mean by "people," really. Executives? Animators? Viewers? A lot of viewers hate it, and some animators hate it, but depending on the situation it takes less time and/or money, which obviously the financial side likes, but which also means that it can be useful to animators if they have limited manpower to devote to stuff - 3D lets background cars move without detracting as much effort from other aspects of a scene, for example.
>CG doesn't even look good in mecha shows.
Orange's looks pretty good nowadays.
NO one knows.
it's doesn't make any sense.
i initially thought my stream glitched out.
It's really hard to take important scenes seriously when they make you laugh at how dumb they look
This looks like something that came from those early "3D EXPERIENCE" games from the 90's
so i just found and watched this scene and it doesn't look nearly as bad as that WEBM.
i think that WebM just has a shitty framerate or something.
It's cutting corners for sure though
I can just imagine
>"well this looks good producer-san, nice first rough draft can't wait to see what it looks like before it airs"
>Uhh it airs in 5 minutes
This. Webm is actually pretty biased against CG in anime. It doesn't look nearly that bad. It's honestly pretty stupid that you people think a webm actually proves something..
i work in Aerospace and i'm fully aware that deadlines can make everyone go into panic mode.
but those guys could have just deleted Isidro all together.
ive watched a few on Sup Forums and they all look like garbage while the show is like 6/10 acceptable.
Fucking hell, this looks even worse than the first season. Might have to pick it back up.
That's when boku no pico started user. You should learn some history.
but you're wrong, user
Is there any hope for Berserk to be animated by a different studio or is the franchise just so perpetually fucked from here on out?
>manga looks good
>anime looks like ass
Therefore there was no reason for it to be made desu.
Just give it 10 years user. Another studio will come along and fuck up the animation again.
>Fucking hell, this looks even worse than the first season
season 2 is acually better than season 1 by far.
these Webms are misleading as they look way worse than the actual show.
Looks the same as the jewtube videos I've seen
>OP will defend this godly South Park animation
Honestly you should be banned for this shitpost
i just watched it on crunchyroll and it's night and day different.
not saying the CGI isn't bad, but it's not as bad as that Webm
also, Youtube has a bunch of weird compression bullshit so you can't use it to compare quality.
>Webm is actually pretty biased against CG
how does that make sense? It's just a clip it looks exactly like that in the show and it made me sick there as well before I saw the webms
You better pray to hell that Netflix pays Mappa in gold to animate Berserk for their "GoT killer"
>i just watched it on crunchyroll
Fuck off and kill yourself, nigger. As if they don't have shitty encoding themselves, anyway.
That hair is actually perfect. Everything I want. Thick, long as hell, high ponytail, brunette. HNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGG
What the fuck are you even saying?
>i just watched it on crunchyroll and it's night and day different.
had me going there for a bit
Sure its animated via model rigging. Completely different kind of animation though.
Its not anime and I will never concede that CGI counts as anime. It doesnt even require 1/10th the effort.
not the same person
it's far different than the Webm.
idk what else to tell you
>not the same person
I'm not claiming you are. You're both saying retarded shit.
>it's far different than the Webm
Its really not lmao, just tried to watch the first episode before.
Why are you shilling so hard for this pile of shit? You the producer?
>You're both saying retarded shit.
the real show doesn't look nearly as bad as that Webm.
Is that hard for you to understand?
>See this OP
>Get hyped by the music
>Get to the Casca rape part
>Can't believe what I'm seeing
I mean, how tasteless is that? That's supposed to be a disturbing, horrifying moment that shows us how far gone Griffith is, and how Casca was completely mind broken. And they totally cheapened it by putting it in the beginning of every episode, with some hyped up rock music over it. What the fuck were they thinking?
>what the fuck were they thinking
Very little. I doubt these people put much thought into anything.
No one's misunderstanding you, you dumb nigger. You're just wrong.
Also this J-Rock/Metal soundtrack is so unfitting. If there's one things the movies got right it was the soundtrack. You dont need stupid distorted guitars blasting the whole time. Its an epic story, both literally and figuratively. An epic is set to an orchestra not edgy emo music.
Its like 12 year olds made this show, just speedread the manga and didnt really focus on the important details at all.
>you dumb nigger.
go back to Sup Forums
not an argument.
Screenshots don't do it justice it looks a lot better in motion.
Look at this newfag and laugh
>Anyone that disagrees with me is a nigger or newfag
Because, like they've done with s1 bd, the cg gets replaced with the 2d.
>there's people defending this trash
That's it. I hope for WW3.
>miura owes money to the yakuza
>has to repay them somehow and the only thing he can do is act as a washing machine with one of his works
There might be something to this.
IT has enjoyable moments.
but the CGI is still extremely distracting
Watching it doesn't do it justice, it looks better in my head.
>perfectly decent adaptation
Wasnt even that user, you're just a newfag.
Not far off user, cant wait to thin the herd.
Nothing enjoyable about this
again, that WEBm is misleading.
the real show doesnt look that bad.
did you even read the thread before commenting?
Are you saying that scene didn't look as bad?
Can you post a webm of it then?
i'm saying the webm format doesn't like CGI for some reason
i watched the scenes back to back and the Webm is fucking up somehow.
I'm watching the show you goddamn autist.
What the actual fuck are you trying to say here?
How does it differ? Explain with more detail.
>Dark souls speed run
Wow, big wolf on campus over here.
Well that Webm has a weird frame rate and color for starters
someone with editing knowledge could probably tell you the technical reasons.
there's a very large difference between the show and that clip.
Isn't that the part where he was trying out his technique where he rolls under the attack of some dude and then comes out of it with a slash to the belly?
If I recall correctly from the manga he came up with it during a fight, and then he kept doing it for a while to show off.
>frame rate
It doesn't matter what framerate its at, it's the torso's movements that look like somebody is moving a fucking doll.
It's the Mars of Destruction of our time. You got to have actual brain damage to enjoy it on an unironic level.
>torso's movements
that's directly tied to the frame rate mang.
>directly tied to the frame rate mang
The framerate doesn't animate things, idiot. Merely upping the framerate doesn't make things move more naturally.
This guy.
It pains me to recognize it, but this show is awful. I m only watching it because it s Berserk but hell, the rendering/lighting is ugly, the CGI is badly integrated and the animation sucks.
The only good point besides being Berserk is the characters models are actually good.
I don't care whatever fuck "anime fans" say, but you cannot deny that and makes bocu no piko looks like Oscar material
cutting the frame rate in 1/3 is gonna make animations look shitty man.
it's obvious in that ZOD webm
as his hand just transforms between frames.
>character models are actually good
I totally agree, friend.
Oh you were talking about the anime? Good fucking joke. They all look like garbage. Especially Guts.
Holy fucking shit dude if you are seriously try8ng to defend this atrocity then you need to start reflecting on your life
the only reason because i watch this shit is that it's berserk
Don't think so. Armors are detailed, nicely done and the characters of the show are faithful to their manga version. The rig sucks but the model in itself is doing his part.