The butler was Chamo.
UQ Holder
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I'm not even mad.
Now for some fun. Who remembers that ending to Negima?
It's time for Touta to learn that in his future, Eva will ditch his timeline and go dimension hopping.
So she's finally becoming relevant again? I completely forgot her name.
Now how about we finally see what happened after the end of Negima but before the epilogue.
Chao? Well. inasmuch as Dana is showing Touta the end of Negima. Remember, Holder takes place in the timeline where Asuna sleeps. So in his future, Asuna will wake up late, Eva and Chao will greet here, and then they'll take her back in time to create a new timeline that has a good end.
confession time.
rejected of course.
Confession time again. For anyone who doubted Akamatsu's interview I suppose, he's throwing it into the story now.
Also, Touta thought he was going to see Eva.
Image 404'ed
Negi is about to confess to her?
Reupload page, it's not showing up.
yeah, of course she ends up a total hikkikomori in the good end timeline. So, I'm not sure if that works out.
Forgot about that faggot
Maybe she just wants to be a stay at home wife.
working fine here.
Is she still a NEET?
Not here, and the archives weren't able to grab it either.
She will become a NEET after this, so I don't expect anything good to happen.
No, user, she's a student. She'll become a hikki in the future though.
wait. are we soon going to find out who won?
Looks like the full raw here:
>because akamatsu is tired of writing manga that other vampire will never show up and UQ holder and negima will be wrapped up together in one fell swoop
Well, Chisame was the girl he liked. We already knew that because Akamatsu told us.
As for who won, well, in the Holder timeline at least, it kind of seems like no one. As for the good end timeline from the Negima epilogue, I guess we might see.
>As for the good end timeline from the Negima epilogue, I guess we might see.
that's what I'm talking about
It is worth remembering that he shouldn't be able to have children in either timeline though.
Oh hey, it's wolfy.
>Chisame won
Fuck yeah.
We don't know just yet. She might turn him down, which can be likely. And it looks like Ken is going to merge timelines somehow via Touta and Dana asspull.
I'm guessing we will see what happened to Chisame in Touta's timeline in a chapter or two.
I wonder if it's terribly different.
It looks like this timeline Negi never got with anyone, considering it took 50 years of training and hunting to take down the mage of the beginning
Remember when this was an actual new series and not a continuation?
Remember when shitters claimed it can stand on its own merit?
Yeah, get fucked.
Sure, but she became a shit in in the good timeline. I feel like she might have done that in Holder's timeline too anyway.
It could have. Then Negimafags complained.
Yeah, I'm honestly not too sure if she'll actually end up with Negi, since the epilogue implied she only talked to Negi every now and then and spent most the day in her room, while Negi was creating the elevator.
But Ken seems to remember everything about Negima!, that isn't Negi's childhood friend, so he probably has something in mind
I liked UQ, but it couldn't hold up for as long as it had without Negima!. Ken's biggest issue was that he didn't know if he wanted to make it a loose sequel, or a more connected sequel, so it became a bit schizophrenic for a while. Now it seems like he's taking the more direct sequel approach.
Did this happen in negima? I dont even remember
No, everything shown after the page of Negi and his classmates hugging Asuna after coming back, is new information of Negima's ending. It went to a 7 year time skip immediately after Asuna came back.
No, he had to end it before even finishing the story. UQ is just him finishing what he started.
>shit in
shut in. Forgive me, I wasn't insulting her there.
No, this is after the end but before the epilogue. We knew Negi rejected those two though thanks to the epilogue.
No scans yet?
It's both.
>Also, Touta thought he was going to see Eva.
Does he want to be cucked this much?
Why did Chamo turn into a ermine again? Was he strong before?
what about it?
with dat panty skill i know
We know this for months. She was the one he loved.
I stopped following the threads a year ago more or less.
I'm fucking happy for this right now.
So he liked the Naru clone.
dat 3 shotas and 1 loli
>doubted his interview
What what what? Inform me what this is about.
It's more fun when it's continuing Negima, the greatest manga ever.
Though it DID hold up quite well...
Is this serious? The one he liked is Chisame?
I don't even mind. That's pretty cool.
Hm, yea, I see it. Personality is vastly different though. She's far better than Naru, that's for sure.
Like anons have said a few months back in an interview (scans were posted) he confirmed that Chisame was the girl Negi liked back then.
Nice. I need to find that interview.
It was pretty obvious during the final arc that she and Negi had something going on. I mean, Asuna was only surprised about it for like 1 second.
Yea, but other candidates existed
>Nodoka (I know she got rejected)
>Asuna (really)
>Ku Fei
...and I guess that's it. You could make an argument for several characters I guess.
>Chisame wins the Negibowl
For me, Yue was gold, Chacha was silver and Chisame was bronze so I can live with this outcome. Or rather could have if it had ended way back when. What was the point of keeping this a secret for half a decade?
If you operate under the assumption that it was supposed to be someone unexpected, meaning someone he didn't interact with much but still appeared often in the story, then Chacha is pretty much the only real alternative.
Is the interview translated somewhere?
Once the magic arc went along, it became obvious that Ken was enjoying writing Chisame and Negi as he liked the chemistry back in the Mahora Festival.
And not to mention Asuna being out of the picture for the said magic world arc
Though he still respects Asuna's importance as the designated main heroine
I never liked either... No idea why people like them. But they ARE good characters, I have to admit.
Touta better not end with the Save-Point girl.
But he totally is, isn't he? Fuck. I don't dislike her but he has better choices.
>Yue was gold
my brother
how many springfieldbowl Eva has lost?
On one hand Kirie's popularity is literally the only thing non-Negima keeping the series from being cancelled.
On the other hand its fucking Akamatsu the asshole
She's losing to DIO, and even got cucked by her loli past self
She just can't win
UQ Holder isn't popular?
I know Negima was damn well popular and carried Shounen Magazine.
It's not super popular. It's still getting an ova and then a tv anime though. So it's not super unpopular either.
Even the OAD that comes with the tank is about Negima.
UQ Holder itself has middling popularity, but Touta and crew are pretty unpopular. Look at the tank sales for the ones where Negi didn't show up.
It's her own fucking fault. Touta would do anything for her but Eva got cucked so hard by Negi and Nagi that she doesn't even want to win anymore.
She doesn't want to fuck some disgusting test tube baby retard abomination.
Thats why she killed his parents
>Eva got cucked so hard by Negi and Nagi
Fuck them. Touta has superior taste, if only Eva would forget about these niggas and lived a happy life.
>On one hand Kirie's popularity is literally the only thing non-Negima keeping the series from being cancelled.
Sauce: Your ass.
Look at the popularity poll from this very chapter retard.
>Yue offered up a threesome
>Negi still turned it down
BUT WHY? The two best girls!
Fate killed them.
>Not realizing the twist is going to be Eva killed them and decided to spare the child
Evangeline would never harm anyone. Didn't you learn anything? She's a fluffy bunny.
>Couldn't get with Nagi
>Couldn't get with Negi
The next logical step.
I did. She is the most popular, so what? The rest comes from your ass. It's not even that surprising with all the screen time she got. Even Eva is 5th, below Touta, Kuroumaru and Karin who were not in Negilma. If people were so attached to Negima she would rank way higher, there is no Negi or Nagi in this top 5. UQH is not super popular but it is not in danger of cancellation either.
Shes cock crazy and they stole Negi semen.
She probably destroyed the facility to get it back.
If it was good enough to stand on its own, then Negimafags complaining/leaving wouldn't have affected anything.