What are your top 5 most & least cucked countries?

For me it would be:

Most cucked:
5. Netherlands
4. Germany
3. Denmark
2. Sweden
1. UK

Least cucked (this was actually kind of hard):
5. Japan
4. Poland
3. Austria
2. USA
1. Switzerland

How are we in the least cucked? Economically we are doing well but socially we aren't anywhere near a model country, unless you only consider smaller cities in which case you are probably right.

The only degeneracy hotspots are big cities, pretty much every other county is Republican so I'd think were all right.

>Poland or Japan not being #1
Explain your reasoning leaf

UAE should be one of the non-cucked ones, instead of Austria.

Where is France? Why aren't they cucked? Are you one of those french leafs. Also why aren't you criticizing Canada. It's obvious they are in the top 5 most.

wheres Italy? and you misspelt Australia

>Canada not on the most cucked list
You are blind to the issues facing our country my guy.

Germany and the UK should be at least tied.
Denmark should be behind the Netherlands

Most cucked: (Lowest to highest)
5. Netherlands
4. Canada
3. Germany
2. Sweden
1. UK

Least cucked: (Lowest to highest)
5. Nothing
4. Poland
3. Austria
2. Switzerland
1. Japan