CNN goes all in -- calls Trump a racist

CNN says Trump is a racist and that being a racist should lead to his impeachment.

Are the days of President Trump numbered?

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but there's nothing wrong with racism

what did Trump say that is racist?

wrong response. there's nothing wrong with racism. trump is racist and thats ok

>trump is racist
classist maybe but what else is new???

Nothing, but CNN can guess what is in his racist head.

Absolutely nothing wrong with racism.

>t. nigger
>CNN says Trump is a racist
ono is it the bedidi of the ed for drup

are you... what... I can't even....

nothing wrong with it

CNN literally calls trump racist every fucking day. This is nothing new

Who gives a fuck what CNN thinks?



He offered amnesty for 1.8 million illegals instead of opening the borders. How can you claim he isn't a white supremacist?

Holy shit, they finally went there. Drumpf is finished now.

here he is:

Sometimes I wish that Trump wan an actual white nationalist


Q said they would say this

doesn't even adress him as President Trump. The nerve of these seditious bastards

They've been saying this for like 2 years now nobody fuckin cares

yes Trump's days as President are numbered. 2550 more days, nigger

>This should be said without excuses, explanations, caveats
That’s how (((they))) make him (((racist))) from the jump. (((Accepted fact and starting point)))

Oh baby lets go


Oh man calling ole' Donald Trump a racist! Such creativity. What will they do next? Call him Hitler or something? geeeez.

I guess him saying a country that is over 90% white with the highest GDP per capita in the world and 80+ year average lifespan creates better immigrants than a brown shithole where they literally eat dirt is racist.


indeed, its painfully obvious they are trying to make trump look as bad in the public eye as possible before the SOTU.

This crazy racist must be stopped!

It has been a while since I have referred to a sitting president as "President Name" . hopefully we will eventually elect someone worthy.

OK I fucked up the exact quote word for word but doesn’t change the spirit of it

I used to get pissy about this too but to be honest the press referred to pres. Obama as "Obama" as well

(((CNN))) is anti-white. This must be said without excuses, evasions, caveats, or any other type of nosery.

Obviously yes. It just didn't work the previous 800,000 times they called him a racist because of assorted various reasons. This time it will work for sure!

You're on the opinion section, dumbass.

I heard that This Will Be The End Of Trumps Campaign

Great response.

Racist is just an anti white hate word
The cnn Jews just hate white people

Racism ie a beautiful thing. Dont hate other races. Love yourself and your own. Identify where youre race shines and others fall.

You can have racism without hate. You can respect other races knowing your own is superior.


(((Narcissistic psychopaths))) are known to project.



This. They jelly of our good looks and physical strent topped off with high IQ. We're the MVPs on planet Earth.

We should be colonizing the stars by now.


It's an opinion post. CNN (or any other news site) is not liable for any opinions of others posted on their opinions section.

>without caveats
typical nigger. no class or style just some spear chucker raping crocodiles

You guys do realize someone's going to kill Trump one of these days and the implicit lesson learned will be: "Racists get murdered in America"
You realize that right?


CNN is as racist as it's KKK founder Theodore Turnerowski

It will also be the start of the Second Civil War.


Only if the shooter isn't white

>CNN, who claim to be a professional news agency, are not responsible for any opinions they publish.
>Meanwhile right-wingers go to jail for posting rude tweets.
It's depressing. Worst of all, it's whites doing this to each other. That white bitch taking the lad off to jail in pic related only serves to remind me that the white race is not worth saving or preserving. The only logical response is to become a scavenger and live out the rest of your days doing whatever it is that you love. Self-sacrifice is foolish.

The fuck.
White black muzzie lefty rightfag

We had the same shit happen here with Him Fortuyn. Media slandered him as racist (he wasn't) and some white leftyfag killed him. High tensions but nothing more


It's not a valid word, just a bogus pejorative. No one should be afraid of the label; it means you're doing something right and all they can do is name-call, rather than form a coherent argument.

Nothing is "racist." It's not a real word or concept. That's how they've been winning for so long. They just call you that name and you're expected to give up in fear or shame.

niggers over the last few decades of been revealed to be utterly useless and have crashed numerous countries just by being there

this should be said without excuses, without evasions, without caveats.




Nah, he advocated for East Asian immigrants too apparently. Also its not like Ukraine is not a white shithole.

What is wrong with you?

You are a racist scumbag

I'm having deja vu, I feel like I've seen Donald Trump is a racist before.


who gives a shit

The first 3 minutes and 13 seconds of this video is evidence of demonic forces at CNN. Michael is aware of everything that is happening. He says nothing and smiles when she complains about the abuse.