Animation thread


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Does this have a proper closure?

As in the fight? There's more to it.

That shit was gold back in the day.

wtf I hate America now

Can't have an animation thread without the legendary meme animator

did someone say legendary meme animator

No, the show itself.

Nah, that's it really.





This gave me chills

The best.


>most of this thread is yutapon


>looks great untill 0:29
Fucking minecraft man Are there any other anime that use CGI in a way that's actually good? I actually really loved this scene, felt dynamic as all hell.

He's the GOAT animator after all.

>the bomb touches the ground before detonating
this makes me so goddamn mad every time I see it
I also still find it silly that people get so crazy over the 2 nukes when more people died much slower and painful deaths in the continued napalm drops prior to it

Why do people hate this show again? The animation was really damn good and the OP is fantastic.

Also Reigan best boy.

Go check Etotama, it probably has the best CGI in a TV anime series.

No doubt. And I fucking love most of this stuff here. But god, it's kinda embarrassing at the same time.

Has he done any really good martial arts scenes? No flying robots, or crazy shit. Just fists and kicks.
I guess Sword of the Stranger is close, but it's swords. I wanna see some good martial arts stuff.

People don't hate Mob, it's just over-shadowed by OPM's popularity. I personally prefer Mob.

Its very manly story, it has no moeblobs so the memers spam "fujobait".
After all most anime is about cute girls being boring in a highschool so makes sense majority of Sup Forums doesnt like mob.

Are you sure you're on the right board?

Sup Forums fucking loves Mob. We have huge threads any time a new chapter is done. And there was threads for like a whole week when season 2 was announced.

>all that in his base form
How low he's fallen these days. Being hokage was a mistake.

His older work has some less flashy action scenes. Cowboy Bebop, FMA 2003, Soul Eater, and the Escaflowne movie should have some of what you're looking for.

Is it worth checking the manga/web comic out for Mob? Finished season 1 and liked it but it sounds like there's a lot more to it later down the line.
Every time I hear Mob mentioned there's always people talking about how it's overrated or that it flopped. Wait, there's a season 2 coming as well?

Okay, I laughed.

I prefer opm over mob webcomic
The anime improves upon the Mob webcomic greatly, reigen is much more sinister in the comic actually.

>s it worth checking the manga/web comic out for Mob?
Short answer: Yes. Then you wait for Mogami arc animated which is never.

Sinister? Are we talking Warou Salesman-level sinister or? And I've not actually read OPM past where the anime left off, really liked Mob but it didn't strike as big of a chord with me. Probably going to read both either way because they're both far more enjoyable/interesting than the other shows I've seen recently.

Wha-what is THAT?

Its an edit to make berserk look like south park.
>screw you guys im going home

That's not an edit my lad, that's from Berserk 2017.
CGI is our new overlord, Berserk and Kemono Friends have the best animation in over 2 decades.

I thought it was legit


It is, it's painfully real. There's nothing worse than being a Berserk fan in the past year.

God why does this look so much more stiff than the animation of DBZ? It lacks so much impact.


Because is a kids show and kids dont give a fuck.


It's magical


DBZ was a kid's show too and it looked pretty fantastic, not even a DBfag.
What the hell happened with Super? It looked actually good during the Black/Zamasu arc.

Why does that bomb (and any others i guess) have that parachute?

Super is such a perfect storm of shit. Not only is it's art style ugly as fuck, it's horribly animated as well.



The parachute creates drag, which in turn forms a layer of high pressure air over the bomb. When it detonates, the blast is reflected by the parachute's drag back to the ground thus creating a more precise explosion onto the target.


What the fuck, DBZ used to be an absolute king when it came to how impactful the animation seemed, half these hits barely look like they've connected.


That is a very precise answer. Also why they were suppose to be used with fuel air bombs.


any anime that get's popular enough to be talked outside of Sup Forums regularly will then get hipster hated here. They don't actually hate it.


>Somebody actually made this, thought, yep that'll do, and gave it a go

Is this shit just the Berserk 2016-17 of hand-drawn animation?
Makes sense.

Why ever bother saving some shitty webms of dbs figths?
Its not funny bad like berserk either.



i know fuck all about physics, but that seems kinda wonky? why would such a seemingly small thing have such a pronounced effect on a force that can level buildings?
i'll take your word for it though, thanks

Ok this one has to be fucking fake, there's no way someone got paid to make that.


I dont know but this made me laugh so hard

remember user that Atoms are the basic blocks of matter.


is there really literally female broly now?

This is just fucking pathetic, damn.

The spectacle of a mushroom cloud wiping the slate clean so to speak will allways be a powerful image compared to isolated napalm attacks.

The nuke is pop culture.

How anyone could watch the entirety of these scenes and get hung up on the squared off debris can only make sense to me when I remember that a lot of anime fans actually have cognitive disorders of some kind.

This bomb is making the same type of energy that keeps the sun energized. It's not really the size but the act of it making fusion energy, if I recall correctly

are the animators just lazy or what?

>why they were supposed to be used with fuel-air bombs

Nuclear weapons were intended to be used with a weapon that wouldn't be designed, engineered, and implemented for nearly another 50 years?

lmao DBZ's animation cant even compete with shows like Yawara and Macross

You can never attach word "lazy" to animators.
Its a crazy work intensive career.

Which part of dbz are the second shots from?

Share some sakuga from those shows, never actually saw them.
There is such a thing as lazy animation though, they could at least hire people with bigger talent rather than hiring sweatshop workers.

but why it looks this bad?


Its a rehash aimed at really young kids.
Its probably just a part of a marketing campaign for toys.


Shouldn't have fused with Nail Piccolo, his fashion might've been dope, but it causes shit like this to happen


This anime was good shit.

Reminder that digital animation is good and can do great stuff on shoestring budget.

Reminder that throwing the word budget around has no meaning since you do not know how much time or money was allocated.

Naruto was always better when it wasn't about Naruto.

>What the hell happened with Super? It looked actually good during the Black/Zamasu arc.
well the Freeza arc was before that

Alright that looks good, now someone post the pain fight

>people still think the Pain animation is bad...

It may not look conventional but that's just the art style - the animation itself is very rich and fluid


Webgen is so ass