
>niggers and spics breeding out of control
>next generation becoming evermore degenerate
>whites need to rise up and take charge of our country

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Racist ass larping piece of shit. The most evil atrocities in history have been committed by the hands of the white people. The world would be better off if white people never existed. I hope your pathetic excuse for a human white Nazi skin head ass gets lynched.




Ignoring complications like
1. Hitler: white
2. Trail of Tears: white
3. Hiroshima/Nagasaki: white
4. Trump: white
Need I go on?

Fuck knows what atrocities you'd do if you could. Look at Rhodesia, I can't imagine what kind of genocide you'd pull if you controlled the world

we're ignoring it, because it literally doesn't fucking matter. Imagine the death toll of not having government, due process, medicine, bandages, any kind of cure to any kind of disease, shoes, food surplus, factories, electricity, clean reliable water etc. We've saved more lives than we've taken. If you'd rather you didn't have any of the above, in exchange for 15 million black lives MAX, you can be my guest

A world with 15 million black lives MAX sounds better than being in a world with a single honkey.
White people have stripped us of the ability to own this world.

soon you fucking filthy nigger SUBHUMAN
bow down before your white mastas like a good black boi

You'd literally have no electricity, or clean water. How can you own the world if you die when you're 2?


>I dont have children because of muh overpopulation

The strong will survive. If you choose not to have children it's because you're weak.

Nothing to do with the thread but I wanted to send this on the Internet

we wuz fighting to be our own people free from white demons taking our land, culture, and resources. White people fought over how to own blacks

Niggers haven’t built a city since the dawn of civilisation


HAHAAHAHAAHAHAHAHA, La cretura reveals himself

Shut up nigger, I'll show you an atrocity when I beat your black ass into a new undiscovered shade of black with a power cord.

Timbuktu was one of the most advanced cities of early people, built entirely by black people. White cities couldn't compare to the sophisticated structures Timbuktu had. Take that "niggers haven't built a city since the dawn of civilisation" shit back to your double wide and fuck your sister with it.

Not cool. Us black folx just want to live life in our own communities. White people always trying to invade our lives and move us somewhere else or steal our culture

Amen brother, we will rise up and restore power and glory for all our brothers and sisters. We will show the white evil for what it is and teach the devils the power of the rope.

Please move with your community, I would actually fight on the same side as you, so you can have a place wherever you want. At some level, we owe it to you

We can tell you're the same guy

fuck off Canacuck. We don't owe them shit

Also that's a George Lincoln Rockwell quote, I doubt a non-shill would disagree with him