>98% Muslim
>Banned the hijab, calling it the dress of prostitutes
>Banned Arab/Muslim names for children
>Forcefully shaves beards of Islamists
>Forces mosques to disclose their list of donors
>Forces mosques to only give sermons 15 minutes in length and about government approved subjects
>Bans women from mosques
>Only allows men over the age of 18 to attend mosques
>Banned Muslims from under the age of 35 from travelling to Mecca for Hajj
>Banned all books written in Arabic
>Abolished Muslim holidays, schools and businesses forced to remain open, mosques forced to close during holidays
>Forcefully closed 1,500 mosques preaching extremism
>Forcefully closed 600 Islamic clothing stores

Other urls found in this thread:

How the fuck have the mushits not overthrown them yet considering how violent those sand apes are

Sauce or GTFO

>mushits vs mongols, yeah that worked out so well for the muzzies last time in A.D. 1258

Tajiks are Aryan

didnt the mongols convert to islam?

not this shit again.. Kys shitskin

They had a civil war over it actually

>"Every Indo-European is a White Aryan"

No. Islam spread in via the Arabs and Persians. Tajiks are basically just Persians.

They are literally Aryan (Iranian).