
>people here unironically watch dubbed anime

There is a special place in hell for you

Why the fuck does dubbed anime even exist?

Other urls found in this thread:


Because some very special folks can't read and watch something at the same time. Imagine the kids in highschool who had to read aloud and took a million years to read a sentence, but worse

Better then those fucks whospoketheentiresentenceinoneowrdlikethis.

Watch out, you might trigger the autistic Ghost Stories fags and get them to start fellating their shitty Family Guy-tier dub while spouting inaccurate bullshit about how the show didn't sell in Japan despite evidence to the contrary.

Go watch Shikibane Hine dubbed it is the worst dialouge that has ever defiled my ears.

I'm deaf so I need the english dub.

Why would anyone have a need to read anime? Just watch the fucking RAWs.

I try to give dubs a chance every now and then but immediately close them because they're so goddamn cringeworthy. I'm not sure if it's just the English VAs being shit, or if its exactly as awkward in Japanese as well. Their lines sound vocally good though (in character), even though I don't understand shit.

Because some dubs are better than its Jap counterpart

>hhow the show didn't sell in Japan despite evidence to the contrary.


Bad acting combined with trying to awkwardly lipsync

You'll notice movie dubs are much better than TV dubs.

The important thing is to not be distracted from the animation. If the English dub isn't so bad that it's more distracting than having to continually focus on the bottom of the screen to read subs, then it's fine. Elitist fucks will tell you to learn Japanese, but that'll just break the illusion that Japanese dubs are somehow inherently superior and there are more useful things you could do with your time.


I can't read and watch at the same time but I'd rather rewatch an episode than to hear half assed voice acting.

Pic unrelated.
Found the brainlet.

>fag with no sense of humor

>the illusion that Japanese dubs are somehow inherently superior
Yeah, how strange that Japanese dubs would be superior for Japanese shows. And that French dubs would be superior for French shows. It's almost like the original track has inherent advantages over other ones.

>there are more useful things you could do with your time
>proceeds to waste thousands of hours watching dubs

>easily amused moron

>literally too autistic to concentrate on subs


Dub anime seems to be door where a lot of people decided to watch anime, and it used to be the way a lot of cable channels transmitted their shows.

God knows I wouldn't be here if I haven't watched Tenchi Universe dubbed.

Dubs did nothing wrong

>fag with no sense of humor
I bet you're german.

>easily amused idiot
Spotted the dumb amerifat.

Because I can't stand Goku's Japanese voice and it makes me want to claw my ears out.

Besides that I mostly watch sub though.

Anime isn't an intellectual pursuit, user. You aren't going to impress anyone with how hardcore you are for missing half the animation.

I'm just saying that Japanese VAs can act badly too, you just won't pick up on it so easily when you don't know the language and are barely even paying attention to the spoken words because you're reading the subs. It's far easier to tell when acting is bad when you're intently listening to your native language, which is why English dubs are so harshly criticized. I'll admit they're rarely great or even particularly good, but as long as it's not offensively bad, it's better than reading subs.

>implying I'm amerifat
Try Spain, faggot.

There's nothing wrong with dubs, but it's funny when dubfags repeatedly point to the same ten dubs released over the span of the last twenty years as proof that they're somehow good. And then they name trite shit like Ghost Stories which was only funny when you're an underageb&. Which is probably why they like it.

That explains the stupidity.

All these words for a brainlet. I'm surprised.
>I'll admit they're rarely great or even particularly good,
That's all I wanted to hear.

because some people let young kids watch anime and they are are not good at reading yet, otherwise it's pretty dumb indeed

>actually defending dubs

>And then they name trite shit like Ghost Stories which was only funny when you're an underageb&. Which is probably why they like it that explains the stupidity.

It sad that you made this thread because it makes you mad that people enjoy something than you not. You did it for the purpose to trash talk the english dub of GS. And the worse part is that you do this in every GS thread and now you make one to trash talk.

>he trash talked some shitty dub so he must be the OP
Sure thing, detective-kun.

>I'm going to pretend there's different guys trashing GS dub.

Nice try prick. Your way to post is too damn evident.

I didn't say I was a different person, ESL-kun. I said I wasn't the OP. Try to keep up.

>n-not me

whom art thou quoting

The cowboy bebop dub is better than the sub, it's the exception.

>can't even reply properly
Why are you even here.

So I can get (you)s from dubfags, obviously.

Build wall, paco

I mean that's pretty sad. So sad that you don't even quote me to avoid giving me (you)s.

Fuck off reddit normie cuck

It's not nearly as sad as you continuing to give me yous. Feed me.

For toddlers and amerilards.

Their point about looking at subs is utterly moronic. You should be able to glean the meaning of a sentence just by glancing at the shape, that's what the human brain does


This is an example of a good english dub. That scream after 1:02 is just so perfect.

People who watch dubs have undeveloped brains (toddlers, americans)

This place is full of people who can't form opinions or find anime/sources without getting spoonfed literally hand-to-mouth. Besides the ironic shitposting in this thread, I wouldn't be surprised if there were people who actually are incapable of doing such a simple task as you describe.

Don't forget normies who want to poz themselves

Kill yourself

KYS cuck

English dubs are pretty much on their way out for imported japanese

You can see many Japanese games coming to the west without english dubs nowadays

Now less normies will infiltrate my chinese cartoons.

I know the truth hurts but you have to accept it as it is.

KYS cuck

After you, denialfag.

Follow your own advice.


This normie needs to fuck off back to re:ddit if he's going to defend dubs.

Its easier to watch shit i dont care about if its in dub because i dont hafta focus on it. Like im watching BnHA in dub.

I feel like half of you are shitting on dubs because you've watched dubbed anime long ago that was shit, the other half is simply memeing. I do agree there's plenty of shitty dubs out there but you can't deny the fact that some of it is infact very well done.

Did someone say dubs thread?

You don't belong on Sup Forums, use any other website please

Baccano dub>>>Sub
yu yu hakusho dub>>>sub

but these are the only anime I watched dub most of them are trash

Speak for yourself. When we used to get anime on tv it was always in japanese with subtitles and nobody complained

Can never get them when I wan't them.


You need Hellsing dubbed in your life.



And i am glad for that

Czech these dubs

Just use normalfag like anyone else

>i dont hafta focus on it
If you don't want to focus on it and enjoy what you're watching then DON'T FUCKIN WATCH IT. Put on a fucking CD or something

I'm pretty good.

Maybe in other countrys but not in america atleast



i am enjoying it but i dont care enough to pay full attention because its not amazing. I also wanna watch it for completion sake since its so well regarded. It also has great character designs

Hellsing dub wasnt good at all just because it had accents on it

>Why the fuck does dubbed anime even exist?
So that I can have it on my off-screen while drawing furry porn.

The thing is that weebs can't tell if the Japanese dub is good or not because you don't know how Japanese people in real life talk like. They sure as hell don't go YAMETEEE and HAYAI in squeaky voice every seconds.




yes they do

Doesn't really matter, they have the director there coaching them, automatically better than a reinterpretation. Saying dubs are better is like saying a translated novel is better, it's retarded.

But if you don't know the native language the translated novel probably is a bit better.

I'm not though. But Japanese dubs aren't really much better with all things considered. I often find the VAs to be inappropriate for the characters. Combined with squeaking voice and the weird anime way of talking where everyone gets emotional and overreact to everything, it gets kinda dumb. This is why I prefer the manga.

Subs are translated too, but the jap voices in the background keep them honest so they can't go full rewrite, and also provide the right tone

>all of these great character designs are stuck in a shitty mobile game

That's acting Japanese buddy, they talk the same in dorama

>actors are specifically trained in the art of voice acting at schools dedicated to the craft, some of which are staffed by esteemed former voice actors
>California valley girls, Texan hicks and New Yorkers who failed the community theatre circuit and listlessly speak words into a microphone while wishing they were doing anything else but dubbing trash anime for the sum of a can of Chef Boyardee as payment

How can dubfags ever fucking recover?

That's why it's called voice acting. The argument that "they don't talk like real people" and "that's not what real Japanese people talk like" is ridiculous, because that is the point.

What's funny is that a lot of dubs do the same thing, and it's even more unnatural and stilted there. And if the actors aren't trying their hardest to imitate seiyuu, you usually get lifeless acting, lethargic intonation and trash line readings from people who aren't even bothering to act or put on any voice other than their normal speaking voice. I'll gladly take the melodramatic acting over shit acting.

Yoooo dont act like some japanese shows arent also littered with voices who are theowaway idols or tarento

>Japanese dialogue: You never cease to amuse me
>Dub translation: You never fail to bore me

How the fuck?

I don't recall saying otherwise. It's easy to tell the shitty actors apart, anyways. Still doesn't change my point. Dubfags remain btfo.

Dubs fags are just cucking themselves like the normies they are.

yeah now go and deliberately choose not to watch Cowboy Bebop with english dub
I also watched dubbed:
>FMA Brotherhood because I couldn't stand Ed's voice in the original
>Planetes because I really liked Jamieson Price as Yuri
>Gankutsuou, I don't remember why but it could partially be due to Jamieson Price

The overly liberal use of cuck and normie in this thread makes it seem like we are being rused.


What if it's precisely because they don't talk like real people that it makes dubs bad? Would you say unnatural acting is a good acting? I'm not saying English dubs are any better. I'm saying that both dubs are shit and weebs like you give Japanese voice actresses too much credit for simply because they can talk like a 8 years old boy and that they're Japanese.