Thread 1 Fire up the ovens we are at war with Tuvalu again and this time we will genocide those mongoloids for real.
Tuvalu Takeover Thread pt2
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Tuvalu is 100% non white.We would have to send 200-1000 people to australia or other first world counties and bring in more whites than people we send away to create a ethnostate.
Why did we changed to holy cruzade.
Not complaining tough.
We keep them as a second class until eventually they all die out
Fuck Tuvalu, we need to build our own atoll like the Chinese military. If it's out in international waters then it's fair game.
First things first: we need to figure out how to build an atoll.
Why build a simple atoll? we eventually could but taking this Island would be a show that we are a force to be reckoned
Bump for white ethnostate
I just posted it in the last thread but if this is the updated thread. I will give /pol access to an island my family bought off the coast of Chile a few decades ago. It's 5x7 km. Has a relatively usable dirt airstrip. And 2 natural ports that can be developed.
All you guys have to do is build infrastructure as there's only 1 dated generator on the island and about 4 even slightly salvagable buildings at this point. If there's enough interest I'll post coords. But if it's used, over time I'll ask you boys pick up the tab on the stipend I pay to Chile to keep the island (think taxes but more like get off my island extortion)
Since its a small island there is no way to expand,we might have to annex a few other micronations eventually
True. But why not do both?
We need sovereign Sup Forums territory. We need to explore our options: that means invasion, construction, and possibly even independence movements.
Has anyone considered moving en-masse deep into northern Canadian territory and then declaring national independence?
International committees are fun ruining faggots,
what business is theirs what happens to some shithole island out in the south pacific
The first few threads are all fun and games. Then some anons start taking it too seriously and start drawing up (un-ironic) battle plans and suddenly everyone who posts in these threads start getting knocks on their doors in the middle of the night and men in plain white clothing start trailing them home and they get calls in the middle of the day from anonymous West Virgnia area codes.
It happened last time. You've been warned.
In the event of your hypothetical exercise how would you stop an international invasion?
>become charismatic benevolent rulers with the popular will
>charisma and autism are mutually exclusive
>invite Chinese to establish a military base
>chinks take a good portion of the land and fill it with chinks
I absolutely refuse to pay Chile one single penny. If they want our brass then they'll have to collect it: in bullets.
That is oddly specific
wheres you sense of adventure user. if youre not getting v& occasionally, youre not trying hard enough
>tfw Sup Forums succesfully invades Tuvalu
>tfw USA and NATO intervene to rescue Tuvalu
>tfw Sup Forumsacks beg for help to Russia and China
>tfw Russia and China agree to help
>mfw Sup Forums provokes WW3 by invading an island much likely to dissappear in 50 years
Oh, and DON'T pick up those phone calls. The 304 area code phone calls I mean.
I'm interested, and more actually close to that island
Of course, there are several threads about it, a somewhat serious one is starting an amish like community in the US
Guys guys guys
So let’s say everything goes swimmingly and Tuvalu is invaded and raped for its existing resources, and whoever would’ve given a shit ignores the call for help. Now we need to generate capital, and I’ve got the perfect solution. Since we aren’t Somalians with sub IQ, pull a captain phillips but this time actually do it successfully.
We either have to let china/russia build a military base or let rothchilds set up a bank.
Well then it's decided. We need to invade the UN.
kek. i bet the genset is one of those old lister HR3s
Any female agents?
I'm so ronery.
welp. shit just got real
False flag anons need to get to work. Under proxy our team must false flag as a different island nation and constantly harass Tuvalu into action.
>Being this desperate
ill check it out, whats the name of it and how high are the taxes?
Haha fag, you can’t catch me because I browse in INCOGNITO MODE.
Tell me where the heck it is, I can get there.
I don't know. Every time I've picked them up it's always either dead silence or a very faint breathing (probably male). Sounds like he is 10 feet away from the phone.
I can't tell if this is a legit thread like the old ones, or just an honey pot made to round up a bunch of neet Sup Forums users into conducting violence against a sovereign country.
Make are ok if they're gentle but firm.
Any links? I would unironically join that community.
Jokes on them I don't have a front door
Not all of us are that autistic, there must also be a charismatic sociopath in here
>1488 HE IS HERE
We should have a long time ago
That's why it won't work with /pol tards. Sorry I mentioned it. But there's shitty pipe dreams like invading a fucking country with allies, or there's creating a legitimate nation state. I only offered because if you assholes develop it, I can at least feel decent about owning because it's nothing but a headache at this point.
Post coords. maybe google can give us a better look at the island to get a feel for agricultural and infrastructure situation.
nigga chill. you can go to war with chille once you have something worth fighting for.
Post coordinates please, and pics if you have them. Would be very interesting for future options.
>not furiously masterbating to make the cia niggers feel akward
Look for the threads
Allow open and free scientific research without restrictions. Literally all the companies.
>not furiously masterbating to the glows in the dark
Threaten to break the firament if they launch a counter-attack
How the fuck would a neet actually do anything to fucking Tuvalu?
If anything we should spin our wheels forever until Trump fires them for their completely wasted cianigger budget.
That being said, if shit goes down in Tuvalu, we all gotta go innawoods.
>Sup Forums successfully invades Tuvalu
>takes over government and civil institutions
>US Aid nigger (pic related) makes satellite call to Rex Tillerson alerting him of the takeover
>Sup Forumstards sitting in thrones being sexually attended to by qt 3.14 slav imports...
Is this really what you want Sup Forums?
Is this sedition? I'll have you hanged for this, you yellow traitor scum.
The locals are fucking brainlets, so we dont physically remove them but subjugate them under the guise of liberation from corruption.
Brainwash them to work for us and write the past regime off as evil.
Isla San Pedro.
Its about 500k USD per year.
>Radio contest on Amateur Radio tonight
>Cute female voice call "CQ Contest"
>To shy to answer her
>Just sit and listen to all the Chad Hams QSL and QRZ with her
>Dream of our life together
>She falls off a ladder and dies while hanging one end of our dream dipole antenna in my fantasy
>Turn off the radio
>Come to Sup Forums
>your breathing is so fucking hot.
>Sup Forumstard hears a growing hum interrupting the moans of his slav concubine
>ignores it
>humming noise grows louder
>Sup Forumstard stands up covers his 10" cock with his loin cloth and steps outside looking to the sky
>sees pic related
What do?
Curious, why?
96% of tuvalu is island niggers.The other 4% is a diffrent type of island nigger. We could create a rwandan situation and let the 4% oppress the
other 96%
Use my spic super powers to become a POC when needed
finally a real bread, more legit than drumph "happenings"...
How deep of an ethnostate are we talking here?
Only true whites descendant of the roman empire?
$500K per year? Taxes? Damn that's too much for what it's worth. Why so expensive?
There is some buttcoin richfag Sup Forumstard that raffles off coin. His faggot ass should fund this or be run off the board next time he shows up.
I know where there is a big CAT diesel generator unguarded, but how would we ship it to the southern hemisphere? Maybe borrow a freighter?
Sigh. Have you played 'Company of myself?'
Do it. Try not to kys, user.
>Sup Forumstard picks up the phone
>Sup Forumstard calls Chinese embassy and pledges fealty to Chinese masters
>Tuvalu is now Chinese territory
>Rumbling in the distance
>Rumbling grows to a buzz
>Buzz grows to a growl
>Sup Forumstard grins, nods, and retires to the chapel
>He gets to his knees and starts thanking God
>It's finally happening
Since fuck DNA and and shieet, anything looking white is accepted, in other case nuremberg laws
Fuck off Shareblue and Deepstate.
>Being this much of a newfag
Fucking Tuvalu threads again, kek
Pol never change
yellow team gets dazed by the actual light of the Sun. It goes very badly
It's a fucking island. Idk man my family did real estate on a huge scale and so so I, as well as DOD contracts. Which means I can handle logistics but I'm not in the way of stealing diesels. Unless it's from out of the US. In which case I dont care go for it I'll ship it there.
make an arma map so we can simulate the operation? leasing a few tanks and landers can't be That expensive, how much does one or two shellings cost? this is actually feasible
Fuck man, if an effort to build on your island goes underway, I will legit pack my things and move, I have nothing to lose and would be willing to kill for a chance like that, let alone pay a fair monthly rent.
That game doesn't look bleak enough for me to understand it.
tu va lu va tu va lu oy veyyyy
gonna take this country over
let's make some memes
til they're down on their knees
execute them, we'll kill everything
written and performed by pepe's midnight bumpers.
Run a Sup Forums plantation or sweatshop until the economy can justify an army. Then we secede.
>not slowly hooking them into the conversation and then asking what they're wearing
I said this in the last thread. Get the /biz/ fags to pool together their crypto and we bribe and cheat our way into control
I'm told that some of the phone calls were quite angry. I've never gotten the angry version, but I remember some anons who talked about it last time tuvalu threads were popular. Sup Forums doesn't remember what happened last time, because I have a theory that all the people who got the angry phone calls were scared shitless off Sup Forums. I remember shortly after the angry phone call posts and the creepy videos of the men in white shirts that tuvalu threads abruptly stopped.
This is what the Japs tried to do. And you crackers got all mad about it and nuked them. My Jap grandpa actually helped. After they locked him up for being a jap!
I'll think about it in the next few days. I've amassed quite a bit of wealth (mostly inherited and built upon) and have a few companies that work with me on the West Coast. I'm currently in contract to purchase some 6x6 2 and a half tons and 5 tons from the 90s. If I get reimbursed over time for those, they might be valuable in building. I'm going to get 8 2.5's for about 6k each plus shipping a s 4 , 5 tons for 7.5k. but to move those that distance is probably 5-10k each. Any other anons with money wanna chip in? I'll run the numbers and make a thread in a few days. Probably around 8PM US eastern time.
>We pretend to be a Communist Revolution
>All Commies are welcome!
>Just sign a Manifesto stating you're a Commie
>Right this way, Zer!
Pic related
>tropical island heavily militarized white ethnostate with mail order Russian brides
Meme it
Oh, like the Americans?
Ok well let's see if I can convince my wife to take a prolonged sailing trip. House is paid for so we could rent it out and go.
Do you have any of the videos,im courious now?
Why don't Sup Forumstards give 1 dollar between them all, buy an island, invest in industry and infrastructure, and create an ethnostate without the risk of invading a shithole like Tuvalu?
You don't feed nor import more of the second class citizens
>come to my fortified murder island where I hunt peasants for sport
Oh no, you aren't wearing my skin.
>even owning a phone in this day and age
So my portuguese and spanish blood will not get me raped by a dozen of autists?
saturday night with kadgar
>Please don't invade Tuvalu
Nice try, TIDF.
you bet your ass it will/wont
If you're gonna be a homo, I'll tell you. It's basically a teleport game puzzler. You have a shadow you. Then you flash back with you and the gf replacing the shadow. Just a puzzle scroller. And then you get to a level where she gets left behind to finish the puzzle. And it goes from a puzzler to this heartbreaking shit.
Based man, do it. You are unironically in a position to begin the ethnostate, even if it is technically under Chilean jurisdiction. We could set up a compound, allow those who are at least eighty-percent white to immigrate, and legitimately make a future for white children. If you were serious about this, and allowed some way for anons to reach the island, you could become the Island Fuhrer.
It depends on how femenine your penis is. But it shouldn't
Had a genuine chuckle. Woke the wife. Thanks.