Why are burgers obsessed with lawns
>expensive to maintain
>waste of water
>waste of time to maintain
Why would anybody waste their time on a worthless lawn when they could grow fruits and vegtable?
Are Americans really that brain dead?
Why are burgers obsessed with lawns
>expensive to maintain
>waste of water
>waste of time to maintain
Why would anybody waste their time on a worthless lawn when they could grow fruits and vegtable?
Are Americans really that brain dead?
we don't water that shit it just grows when it rains dumbass. unless your in the southwest of course.
I dunno, it looks nice.
And maybe keeping the property value high in the neighborhood keeps niggers away.
you still have to waste your time cutting it and maintaining it, and it could be used for a plant more useful than grass
Why would you grow food in a place where the soil is made of metal dust
It's a dog-whistle to other whites signaling that they won't get raped or shot.
Because we don't live in a commie shithole where water is a scarcity.
Because they look good and are nice for family.
But I'm sure you have a much better time wallowing in your studio apartment in some nigger-filled
shithole city, you fucking faggot
Because we would rather put our resources and time into a landscape rather than pic related.