Millenium Child

Hello Sup Forums. I was born on January 14th, 2000, and I am here to tell you about my generation, and how “based genz.” Is just a meme.
>inb4 blogpost
>inb4 newfag
BTW, I’m reposting this because the mods moved it to /bant/. This is clearly politics.

The newer members of my generation are going to destroy the genz momentum as soon as it takes off. The kids born early, (1995-2002) or the older teens and young adults, are people who have expierienced wholesome and fufilling childhoods. I can say with certainty that my highschool and soon to be college peers will be the last children to learn how to ride a bike, play by themselves or with friends, learn to play a sport or engage in an activity they enjoy, go to a playground, pick themselves up after they fall, and generally just learn how to do things on their own. When I look at my little brothers who were born in 2005-2006, I don’t see them as a real human. I feel an emotional and intellectual disconnect from them. Mainly because my parents gave them iPads and unrestricted freedom. The youngest brother is starting to grow fat because of limited activity, browses instagram cat memes and YouTube all day, and can’t make friends because of a lack of social skill. He doesn’t know how to ride a bike, nor does he get outside much. The older little brother plays on the PlayStation all day, and although he has friends, they all live halfway across the country in California and he plays call of duty with them on the weekends. He can ride a bike, but he is so weak due to atrophy that the muscle he has can’t peddle him up the smallest of hills. He has an iPad too.
Everywhere they go, they bring them, and my parents don’t give a shit. At the dinner table, when my parents would once snap at me for bringing my Nintendo Gameboy, now hosts my little brothers soulless minds staring at a screen. I don’t have little brothers. Just button pushing lobotomites.

All of my friends and relatives that I keep in touch with have the same problem, where after 2008 the parents just stopped caring. I call this form of parenting “IPad Parenting,” which it truly is. That brings me to my next point, the parenting situation. My parents used to give a shit. Keyword, used to. I was horrible at math until my mom sat down with me and pressured me to learn, giving me one example and telling me to do the rest, then spot checking all of my answers and explaining to me what I did wrong. I would do the next assignment right, and now I have great calculus skills with no help from mom. If I got a bad grade, I would be grounded until I brought my grade up. My little brothers now lack discipline when it comes to education. My parents practically do the work for them because just like them, they just don’t care enough about the future. My parents gave me strict but reasonable rules, and a list of chores to do if I was to get any allowance. I did dishes, helped my dad while he was working from home and couldn’t do something, fed and walked the dog. I still do these while my brothers lounge at home and get allowance for essentially doing nothing, which they immediately spend on a video game or app. The family unit is slowly breaking apart because of laziness, and it’s happening in other households where parents are afraid to discipline their kids. Also, there is a mentality that everyone should get a participation trophy and no one gets hurt. Another result of modern day parenting gone horribly wrong because some retarded soccer moms didn’t want to make kids feel bad for not winning, which means when my brothers still did play sports they now turn into whiny bitches when they don’t get something I have, like increased allowances for actually doing stuff.

So now on to the schools. The schools are inherently broken, at least in my district, because white middle class kids who live around the school, have to share the school with bussed in beans, half of which are on food stamps and welfare and a good 25% without legal status. Because the school forces diversity, there is an extremely tense atmosphere where all the white kids sit in one area of the lunchroom and all the beans sit opposite. The school district, which is composed of half beans because they bus them in, and the other half lefty, because school board members usually are, finds any fight or other matter between a bean and whitey guilty finds the bean not guilty and sends the white guy to suspension due to systematic racism or some suburban SJW made up word. Because of the bean influx, all of our sports are shit except soccer, and classes are segregated as white people only in honors and AP and beans in regular classes. The school board also found this rayciss, so they force the cream of the crop of the beans in the regular classes, so like a B+ as a high and nothing below a C as a low, into our classes where it fucks them up and slows all of the white kids down. Back to the Apple devices, sluts now have a 24/7 hookup device and every girl is interested in image more than grade. Instagram is king, and if you don’t have one you might as well be a nobody. The kids like me who have the common sense to use the internet when it’s reasonable and not time to take notes or do things that actually matter are shunned by the general consensus of the school.

Lastly, if you’re an average student, you’re revered as some sort of Albert Einstein for being able to do first level algebra by the beans. Although I admit that there are a lot of right wingers at our school, it’s mostly kekistani cringe. The real right wingers, like non RINO republicans, libertarians, racists, facists, and confederates are actually a sizable portion, but not enough to put a major dent in demographics. The majority of the genz shadow play is seen here. Sure, these genz will capture the spotlight as a conservative generation, which they are, but they’re mostly RINOS and libertarian kids who followed the meme and swung hard white because of the beans at our school preaching hate for white people. Make no mistake however, most of the campus are phone zombies and literal sub iq beantards, and the racial makeup of genz is separate races meaning no inbreeding but still hovering at above 50% white. (At least in my sect anyway)

Anyway, just giving you a heads up that Genz will mostly turn out like GenX and the Silent Gen, just a generation that doesn’t matter and maintains the status quo.


youre probably 40 fucking years old pretending to be gen z, oh look guise another defeatist post...saged2deth

I remember your last thread that the mods removed, bump. It’s really sickening to see the state of young kids today. Their childhoods have been tarnished.

That's what is sad about your generation, we all hoped the new crop of young people would be an improvement over the Millennials but instead your generation is MORE isolated, asocial, fearful, risk-averse, and sheltered than Millennials were by their Boomer parents. None of you even see the point of learning how to drive a car, balance a checkbook or do a load of laundry, which to Gen X kids like myself were considered crucial IRL skills that were effectively mandatory for being considered in the runnings for mature adulthood.

your witnessing why places like 4chins are becoming a political battleground. how do you get the vote out of someone who was ipad parented. memes, quick and funny, something that makes plebs feel good for a split second and remember something in the sea of infinite visual stimulation.

You an old kike
And your scared

>The real right wingers, like non RINO republicans, libertarians, racists, facists, and confederates are actually a sizable portion, but not enough to put a major dent in demographics. The majority of the genz shadow play is seen here.

I'm 25 and when I was in highschool I didn't know a single kid in that category. Everyone loved John Stewart and hated George Dubya and didn't know anything about Islam and racial crime statistics.

>balance a checkbook
you must be under 65 years of age to participate on this board

>Because the school forces diversity, there is an extremely tense atmosphere where all the white kids sit in one area of the lunchroom and all the beans sit opposite.

you dislike people resorting to gang mentality but reject their integration with whites. wow milleniums ARE retarded.

perhaps canadianism

This just means that those who are woke in GenZ will be fucking nazis. That's the meme.

Top kek kid, keep up the good work, you can make a difference

Your forgetting that in nazi germany only 25-30% of the population considered themselves to be a part of the nazi party. People are typically left-leaning until they get older. The fact that the younger gen has any population of rightwingers should tell you something.

This was all due to the recession. It demoralized the nation when the bank weren't punished but instead rewarded while millions of families lost their homes. Everyone knew someone that was affected. Now people are too afraid to rock the boat because people realize just how much more expendable you really are. For every 1 person with a job, a good paying one, 1,000 people would fight to replace you. Life has turned into a reality popularity show. You are chosen by what you did on Youtube, how many friends you have on Facebook, by your political views. This is 21st century American inequality.

This right wing popularism is a honey pot. Everything is being collected to be used against you. America had a chance to make things right but instead voted to give more power to the corporation.

America chose hate instead of love. You ensured your own unfulfilling futures.

dumbass he's telling the truth
kids these days are completely worthless, what do you expect they've been pampered to death

>my little brothers who were born in 2005-2006, I don’t see them as a real human
This. '97 here. When I was in high school everyone 2 or 3 years+ younger than me were so cold and robotic. They did terrible in grades and all developed extremely isolated hobbies. Their only interconnections with one another was normie culture like guys singing One Direction without shame or spouting the most entry-level memes. I'm not sure if this is the Hitler youth or the end of the globalistic, indentitiless line.


When it was the first time you got your dick sucked?

You are the only man left in the family. It's your duty as a white man to step up and educate them.

Even when they taught us it didn't matter outside of the general concept of learning how to track our own money, user. We also learned how to type on electric typewriters even though we had whole labs full of computers with internet access since you can't delete if you fuck up when learning to type via typewriter

I also took a elective photography class as a junior in 1996, even though it was the same year digital cameras started taking decent resolution images without requiring a fuckton of chemicals and darkrooms to see your photos

I believe OP

I have observed and understand exactly what you mean OP, lived through the early 2000s as well here.
This is why it is immenesly crucial that we raise children that will reverse this sickness creeping into every facet in our lives. For example, when I was back in high school, our age group and above were normal height and were sort of the standard image of high school except with the Internet and smartphones still being a prevalent constant in their lives.

I look at the freshman and I seriously am concerned about the future, everyone on smartphones already revealing they've had sex, the males are all short and skinny while the girls are short-average while looking either like a grown woman or a borderline child. Obsessed with popular media and whatever the blips tell them on their phones. This isn't even the half of what is wrong and I sincerely believe and warn that we must reverse this by having many children raised with a truly human childhood, let it collapse, or accelerate it.
We live in a clownworld.

>tfw people born in 2000 can now be adults

m8, parents have the boot on my throat and I’m leaving for college soon. If I try to get them to get active or go out and find friends, they shrug me off or I shit you not they will text my parents which will then text me to knock it off. I remember my parents broke during 2008. My Parents bought the house in 2007 and they were in the red for a while. Then I remember that thanksgiving my boomer grandparents telling my dad boomerspeak about the hard times they went through and all you have to do is walk in and shake the bank managers hand. My dad worked overtime so much and my mom got part time. I think that was why it was so easy for my parents to just hand them an IPad when it came out, so they didn’t have to deal with them as much and they could focus on work.

Probably true.