Why is he so strong?

I'm genuinely curious.
Nihilism renders any goals you might think of meaningless and therefore makes any action towards those goals also meaningless.
Let's face it, most of the people who are nihilistic are neets with no will or motivation to do anything that doesn't gratify them instant pleasure.
So why would a nihilist, such as himself, go great lengths out of his way to attain such incomprehensible power?

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The heart

You don't need to be heartless in order to not find motivation in anything.

Because he's a true *Hollow*.

>expecting bleach to be consistent

But why would someone who considers everything to be meaningless care about being a true hollow?

Because he wanted to understand what the others have that he doesn't.

In the end, he did.
It was... The Game

He doesn't care about being a true Hollow. He just is.
By rejecting everything, by embracing nothingness, he became truly empty (hollow). That's why he's more powerful than those other posers who still cling to things. Trying to fill the void in their souls makes them weaker than they could be.

He was working and training really hard to make sure other will view world meaningless so what nihilistic feelings he had would not be his alone.

>implying Ulquiorra trained to get his power
So basically you don't even understand what a Hollow is. They're "born" strong, because their personality, their convictions are stronger, so when they transition from Menos Grande to vastolorde their personality is the one who takes over that mess of flesh. Ulquiorra didn't train to get his power. It's just that he kept surviving longer than anyone else.
Moreover, it's abundantly clear that during the whole Hueco Mundo arc, Ulquiorra is looking for meaning. He wants to be proven wrong. That's the only reason he does everything he does during his screentime. Honestly, I can't think of someone who does that as a true nihilist.
Also, you should read the Ulquihime doujin Kubo wrote bleachness.livejournal.com/646106.html It tells you everything you need to know about Ulquiorra's strength and his fascination for nothingness.

He didn't do anything to obtain that power besides survive

why Ichigo get fodderized by Grimjaw in their first fight when Ichigo without Bankai fought pretty good against Kenpachi who defeated the number 5 Espada?

Because you need to build up tension.

*why did Ichigo

Kenny wasn't using TWO HANDS

Kenpachi subconsciously lowers himself to his opponent level so he can enjoy the fight.
Also tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/TheWorfEffect

Hello Rebbit

Best character and Ulquihime best ship.
I'm still mad.

I don't even understand how to browse that website but ok.
I just think Tvtrope is useful when you don't feel like explaining a plot device.

I guess that works, but even so Ichigo fought pretty good against Byakuya, pretty sure Grimjaw can't beat him like that

Bleach doesn't much power of friendship bullshit which is nice but it's powerscaling is still a fucking mess, it's like Ichigo downgrades after the end of every arc

Oh well I'm a little lost time to rewatch.

My brother of african descent.
I'm mad too. All these years I hoped he would come back and he ended up being the only espada who never came back. And even worse than that, he was forgotten. Nobody so much as mentions him, and he was cucked by Ichigo beyond his grave.
Maybe it's for the best he never came back because only suffering was waiting for him, but still.

Why did he fight if he was hollow

The worst is, I think Kubo made an interview where he said
>yeah, I never expected to be so much outrage after his death. I had no idea he was popular
>well, if I ever brought him back, it'd be for comedy, like Hitsugaya

Ichigo's power fluctuates wildly based on how stable he himself is. Ulquiorra himself notes this when he first sees Ichigo. Basically, when Grimmjow comes calling the first time, Ichigo is unstable because his inner Hollow is throwing him off his stride, which is why he goes to the Vizards. This kind of thing happens more than once, like when Zangetsu helps Ichigo focus his power to beat Kenpachi. Ichigo also only did so well against Byakuya initially, after that he started to slip to the point that his inner Hollow had to take over or he would have lost.

Because he was 3D in a 2D world.
Like every other "strong" character in Bleach.
Don't try to make sense out of Bleach, it's either Kubo's favourite guy who wins, or the one who is required to win to keep the story going, even if it means you have to disregard previous buildup and context in the process.

Reading the final arc now, was Kubo on crack or something? There are some absolutely ridiculous Sternritter, Renj's bankai redesign is trash compared to his old one, Ichigo's Quincy shit is dumb and so is all the shit about the false Zangetsu. It all read like an excuse just to give him another redesign.

I'm going to keep reading it though.

Nihilism is for lazy people with no motivation in life who needs to make themselves feel smarter without putting any effort, so they resort to the cheap answer of "nothing matters".

Pic related is the only nihilistic character done right.

>user not understanding what nihilism is

The Doc is the polar opposite of nihilism though.
His entire view is that everything matters equally in the grand scheme of things, but no one has a broad enough view to realize it.

I consider myself to be a nihilist (I believe that life has no inherent meaning and that while meaning can be found for yourself, it is rare) but I really don't think of myself as smarter. I actually sometimes wonder if I'm just stupid.

Glad to see your blog is doing well.

It's doing alright.

Are Jizzelle and Bambi alive?

No, only Candice and Meninas survived, I'm pretty sure. Which is fine by me.

First of all you're a moron in assuming that Bleach is coherently written and makes internal sense, so it's not out of question at all for a character in Bleach to have contradicting traits given that it's badly written shit.
Second, there are various kinds of nihilism and a nihilistic set of beliefs need not necessarily affect your actions.

because he was a popular character

Is this the Tokinada guy and his boytoy in the backgrownd?


Literally who?

Head of an noble clan and his aid.

Did he give his aid AIDS?


We may never know.