Characters who had better voices in English than in Japanese
Characters who had better voices in English than in Japanese
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You could also post Freiza, Goku, Gohan and Vegeta.
You first.
Frieza was better in japanese tbqh
The rest were better in English, yea. What were they thinking by letting a woman voice goku
my nigga
no one is better in english, end of the story
Characters who had better voices in Spanish than in English
Well, it's true. The original voice of Goku is unlistenable. Eng voice fit him a lot of better.
Vegeta has a pretty good Japanese voice.
You start
>Characters who had better voices in Japanese
Android 17
Future Trunks
>Characters who had better voices in Latin American Spanish
Android 18
>Characters who had better voices in Latin American Portuguese
Mr. Satan ("Hercule", lol)
>Characters who had better voices in North American English
>ITT delusional dubshits
Will you ever fuck off you damn parasites?
>he thinks the japanese dub for dbz was good
Pic very unrelated right?
worst part of the english dub is how they say kameyyyyyyhameyyyyyyha
Cell is a very bad example to use considering he is voiced by motherfucking Wakamoto!
Literally every DB character.
Dragon Ball is so vastly superior in English it's not even funny.
japanese original > latino dub > american abomination
english-speaking "people" can't pronounce anything without their ugly accent
the way they say "kratos" also makes my ears bleed
So you're not a person?
Full Metal Alchemist is the only acceptable answer.
Spics in full swing. You fucks are responsible for how bad this franchise is now. Go back to deviantart and mowing lawns, you stupid orange-selling pedros.
Definitely the cast of YYH
Maybe not superior but both ENG and JAP are good for different reasons
All Might dub is fucking god tier
It is but the Engrish is definitely missed
When he was a child it was fine but as he kept on growing older to have the same voice is kinda dumb
Also King Kai. Fucking christ his Japanese VA sounds like he's perpetually on the verge of going to sleep.
>Americans skip Dragon Ball and start watching the story with Z when it's already halfway through
>Replace the iconic music with generic trash to make it sound more hardcore
>Replace characters' names
>Constant talking because no moments of silence are allowed for some reason
Americans butchered the franchise and have a completely wrong idea of what it is, but surely it's the spics that are destroying it. Also, other than bad animation the franchise is fine now, but if you think Super is destroying it, reminder that Toriyama only made Battle of the Gods which started the franchise's revival because he was mad at Americans for making the live action movie.
Nanchatte / ”Just kidding." could not be more appropriate.
Nope. Kuwabara sounds like a total retard.
It's the best fucking part.
Don't even nips watch Cowboy Beebop in English?
That's what makes it good
Also us pedros got the best version of frieza hands down
>dissing on wakamoto
yeah how about you just kill yourself bud
Maybe because he is on the verge of actually dying because he is so old.
Last I remember it was you burgers who had to come crawling to mexico to get the dbz tapes to even record because Toei didn't give funimation shit.
All of Cromartie
I thought for the longest time that Freeza was a female. Femininen voice (english) and no dick in sight, i mean come on.
Wait are you meming, I just got caught up with the sub. I watched episode 12's version of " Go Beyond Plus Ultra" and it was impossible for me to not see Armstrong.
It's only because you bean chuckers were bribing Toei with dirty peasant but admittedly tasty foods. Your filthy water probably gave them the shits and now they can't sit down and animate for more than five minutes at a time.
Glorious german dragonball dub checking in
Will....I admit they fucked up the My Bulma scene
this is why I will never watch the dub
found the pleb
his dub doesn't fit his personality at all
It's a nip thing.
Stupid, yeah, but its done in OP and nardo too.
Almost every one in baccano
Yusuke and Kuwabara
it fit in the localization where they changed his personality. I could only watch one episode of Supers Sub because him and a few other characters felt so off. I know how he's supposed to be, but I will admit that I did like some of the localization changes they made to goku in Z
>engrish is better than actual English
Lay off the koolaid for once
He sounds like an actual man and Goku has about as much personality as a rooster for cockfighting.
>anyone ever being better than norio wakamoto
you are delusional.
>Dissing Norio Wakamoto
Kill yourself.
That's only because you're a stupid Toeishit who's only seen anime Goku who acts like a retarded 5 year old
I could see you disliking a man that actually acts like a man
Utter shit taste. Digusting Amerifats.
No it doesnt. Sean cant into gokus real personality like at all
Literally all of Hellsing Ultimate
Really the entire main cast of DB and DBZ
And next you're gonna tell me you prefer Goku being a literal retard aren't you?
You are kidding right?
Just because it had accents doesnt mean it was good same goes for baccano
Literally anyone here.
Dude, goku aint superman like your dub tried to chance gokus personality
Fuck, now I want to re-watch it.
they all sound like retarded wine sippers pedro
All Might and Deku are probably the two highlights of the dub. Everyone else is highly decent except for Grape
Is it weird that I hate grandma goku but holy shit she did a really good voice for black.
Perfect Cell is fine both.
Frieza is fine both.
Vegeta I like both.
Its just goku I dislike.
Gohan in sub sounds a bit better tho, he's more timid than the dub version.
>Japanese Freeza
>Latin Spanish Freeza
>Latin Portuguese Freeza
>American Frieza
u cant speak spic? how shameful.
But it's not solely because of accents, true it helps set the mood and atmosphere but that doesn't invalidate the voice acting itself.
The series version.
>Intentionally ignoring Chris Ayers' Freeza
Alright, big guy
Chris Ayers is hands down the best frieza.
>Constant talking because no moments of silence are allowed for some reason
This. So much this.
See Gohan's rage part:
Sometimes silence speaks volumes, much more than words.
Yep, shame that the Major sucked in the films dub.
PT-PT has the best voices desu.
PT-PT dub is pretty amusing;
This is borderline porn.
Still better than the american dub, though.
Wakamoto's Cell wasn't that good aside from his shouts
We wuz porn dubbers and shit.
Holy shit.
I like Dameon Clarke and his different voices for each form but saying he's better than Norio fuckin' Wakamoto is a bit of a stretch.
bait, alurcard is voiced by based jouji
>talking shit about Wakamoto
No fuck you nigger, you have no taste.
i cant watch dbz in jap because of gokus voice
this guy in super just makes me sad
our dub is basically a parody
Literally Piccolo
besides the whole america fanboyism is lost with english voice-actor. Detroit punch sounds just lame when it's a yankee yelling it
And you dubfags dare complain about Goku sounding like an old woman?
gotta love angry fish merchant vegeta and opera ginyu
I like Jap voices better, but everyone in the dub except for Seras is fine. Definitely not the worst dub I've heard.
First time watching the dub and most everybody is okay except for Minoru, whom they gave some kind of weird lispy action that I'm not sure is appropriate. I also didn't care for Fumikage, whose pitch is a little high considering the deeply serious tone has in the original.
The rest were okay to good, though none of the girls spoke except for Tsuyu's "ribbit"s.
>not liking Wakamoto
Abridged is better than any official dub. Prove me wrong.
they're just trying to mimic the english dub mostly. Their Vegeta is pretty good though, but Sabat is better in Kai
Abridged is literally not abridged at this point, it's just them copying the original English dub of the series with catty DC-tier quips every few seconds. I haven't so much as cracked a smile once in the past 8-9 episodes.
This drink's on you, Sup Forums.
everyone in here, even though its not so much the voices, but the dialouges that are better
They actually improved it, the original was terrible
Portuguese Ginyu's grunts sorta remind me of portuguese General Blue, I guess it's the same voice actor.
Tbh, I like portuguese General Blue, he sounds really funny and it's not out of character, he's flamboyant even in the original.
Tem que ver a questão das dimensões, Portugal é um país com população e mercado menores, o número de dubladores e estúdios de dublagem deve ser bem menor. É uma pena que o sotaque brasileiro divergiu tanto do português, se ainda fossem parecidos, a localização de um serviria pro outro e vice-versa.
Se não me engano na América espanhola é apenas uma adaptação pra todos os países. Já a Espanha também usa uma dublagem própria, assim como Portugal.
But Vegetas original voice is so much better than the American dub. His seiyuu (who is, in fact, the same as Reinhard, from LotGH) gives him a very elegant regal style. On the opposite, in English, his voice is almost that of a monster in comparison; too brutal for the Prince of the Saiyans.
You can't compare Chris Ayres' Frieza to anything else, it's one of the top contenders if not the perfect equivalent of JK Simmons cast as Jameson. There is no other choice.