Shokugeki no Souma

My Rindou-Senpai can't be this perfect.

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She looks great in a ponytail but what's with that ribbon? I never liked ribbons like that, Chitoge in Nisekoi had one too.

It's actually the scarf the rebels wear on their upper arm

Season 3 when?

>rindou and tsukasa will win while their other member jobs

How predictable.

Reposting so you people don't delude yourselves.
In this bout, obviously it'll be 3-0 for central.

Next round, we'll have souma and the umis.

Souma will fight Eizan(who wants revenge) and defeat him.
Takumi will fight sword and defeat him, proving he has surpassed subaru (who obviously will lose this match).
Megumi will fight the teddy-bear 3rd year girl and louse BUT, she wont' be useless, because her assistance will be what'll give Takumi and Souma the extra power for their win.

This is how it'll go down.

>Souma will fight Eizan
no thanks.

In a single chapter Soma and Kuga had more gay moments between them than Soma and Takumi through the entire manga
>Soma basically stalking Kuga
>Soma catches Kuga's fan in an awkward manner
>Kuga blushes at Soma (twice!)
>Soma trying to comfort nervous Kuga (seems pretty out of character for him)
>Kuga thinking how Soma makes him mad (read: wet)
>dat kabedon
>Soma pledges to avenge Kuga if he loses (again, pretty out of character)
>Soma worrying when Kuga goes against Eishi
I'm not even talking about the cover.

>megumi losing so early
enough with this meme

You missed another important thing, Soma wanted to relieve his pressure by clapping his hands on Kuga