Shokugeki no Souma

My Rindou-Senpai can't be this perfect.

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She looks great in a ponytail but what's with that ribbon? I never liked ribbons like that, Chitoge in Nisekoi had one too.

It's actually the scarf the rebels wear on their upper arm

Season 3 when?

>rindou and tsukasa will win while their other member jobs

How predictable.

Reposting so you people don't delude yourselves.
In this bout, obviously it'll be 3-0 for central.

Next round, we'll have souma and the umis.

Souma will fight Eizan(who wants revenge) and defeat him.
Takumi will fight sword and defeat him, proving he has surpassed subaru (who obviously will lose this match).
Megumi will fight the teddy-bear 3rd year girl and louse BUT, she wont' be useless, because her assistance will be what'll give Takumi and Souma the extra power for their win.

This is how it'll go down.

>Souma will fight Eizan
no thanks.

In a single chapter Soma and Kuga had more gay moments between them than Soma and Takumi through the entire manga
>Soma basically stalking Kuga
>Soma catches Kuga's fan in an awkward manner
>Kuga blushes at Soma (twice!)
>Soma trying to comfort nervous Kuga (seems pretty out of character for him)
>Kuga thinking how Soma makes him mad (read: wet)
>dat kabedon
>Soma pledges to avenge Kuga if he loses (again, pretty out of character)
>Soma worrying when Kuga goes against Eishi
I'm not even talking about the cover.

>megumi losing so early
enough with this meme

You missed another important thing, Soma wanted to relieve his pressure by clapping his hands on Kuga


She needs a dick, my dick.

She will literally eat it.

I think it's just Kuga, he makes things gayer.

I'll grow another one.

Where are the twins to give Kuga a power boost?

those fucking lips

Do you think he is considered hot in-universe like Eishi and Takumi? Yeah I know
but manlets can be sexy.

>we will never get a Valentine's are
>we will never see the girls act cute and make homemade chocolate for their boys
At least we'll get Christmas next year, right?

I don't think so, no one seems to have the hots for him or call his looks at all aside from him being a manlet.

Doubt it. Tons of mangas use the holidays as an opportunity to make a chapter about it (halloween, valentines, christmas, new year etc) but SNS hasn't had one since the start of the manga 3 years ago. All we get is 1 page art before the start of the chapter.

I guess asking for a side chapter is asking for too much.

Who will lose the hardest?

So Subaru is gonna win or its gonna be 1-sided slaughter?

Needs porn.

Normally I would say Kuga, but this ch seems to set up that while he'll lose, he'll put up a much better fight than anyone expects.

I like him but he is the most expendable rebel and it kinda seems like the tipical shonen set up where Takumi can take Sword later and finally the two settles their differences.
I think his stalking on every elite would be relevant though.

Both of them will lose, screencap this.

Of course they wlll, but now now.

Is Kuga actually Chinese or did he just decide to go all in on the Chinese-shtick since that's his style of food?

Kuga can not hope to win, but even 2-1 lose would be very satisfying against Eishi "Mr. Perfect" Tsukasa.

His eyes are stylized differently and much more slanted than others. So i think probably?

Rindou's going to throw right?

He's just a chinkaboo

>one judge prefers Kuga's food
>Tsukasa goes full autism and shuts down
Kuga will technically lose but he'll take Tsukasa down with him

We got that one CP.

That would actually be cool.

Who would Yuuki even give hers to?


Her brother

Yeah its a seiyuu joke

What is with Isshiki attracting flat chests.

Isshiki stole Megumi's chocolates actually.

Isshiki always seems to creep on Megumi for some reason.

my kuga can't be this cute

Well I definitely prefer him to Takumi and Curry, but Shifu still takes the top spot for his gay options imo.

Any chance we get to see the Onsen Ova? I saw a couple of screenshots but still no torrent to be found

It was posted in the other thread.

>implying anyone ships him with Soma
Not even fujos have taste this bad

I have this feeling that Kuga is going to be the only one to win.

I think all three rebels will lose but we will know more backstories.

i would expect to see some commentary on how everyone that was expelled lost to some of these guys. At least a little bit more of Hisako vs Somei, just as an excuse to get her naked again

I dunno, I heard a lot of people going on about it back in that stupid ass bear arc.

Nah, he will lose but it will be a close call for Tsukasa this time and he will go full autism like some other user said.

Such a great art and character designs wasted on a shit manga.

It was gay ass fuck but pretty sure the preferred Hayama ship is him x no screetime.

Yuuki's not that flat. Though I guess she is relatively flat in the sea of titty monsters.

So is Giga going against Rindou?

Inb4 he somehow explodes from trying to copy her

He sounds like a fucking jilted lover.

Depends. If she wants to go for more Saiba references she'll throw and then challenge literally everyone left standing at the end.

No, against the chuuni.

That white ribbon makes me think she's gonna backstab Eishi

>slit eyes
Its like he knows exactly what we want when we want it

>backstab her husband

For fun!

I want Subaru vs Momo

That'd be inconsistent with the judges being established to have an objective view about judging, but it's interesting.

And I dont want another Souma match, we can all dream.

All I want to see is Subaru trying to copy Momo.
>Konnichiwa, MOMO DESU.

So he is the only one with a chance to win.

Guess you could say that but a 3-0 to central seems much more likely desu

>The rebel side is all dudes

What's the point when they can't even give us stripping foodgasm eye candy? That qt judge better get an extra large serving of octopus to make up for this.

>inb4 they off-screen Megishima vs. Rindou and Giganigga vs Katana

>Takumi can take Sword later and finally the two settles their differences.
If this happens then Souma is taking Tsukasa on and winning.

Not before Eizan.

The difference is that one is a literally who and the other is the final boss.

Who the fuck? He is getting beat by Megumi's side dish.
He is still the 5th seat.

>What's the point when they can't even give us stripping foodgasm eye candy

Do you not like how Tosh draws naked men?

Still waiting on the day where it's confirmed she's a better cook than Eishi and she was sandbagging the whole time.

i thought azami and joichiro were fighting too? what happened to that?

Where did you even get that impression

>those sexual fangs

Obviously so no hair gets in the way or in the dish

Kuga a cute tho.

Unironically Megishima.

I'm not gay or anything, but this is the best pairing in the manga.

>not gay

Fujoshit fuck off.

>tfw kuga is trying to add souma to his harem
Can anyone stop this manlet

He is impure. IMPURE!

>Tsukasa is too weak to please her.

>Stalker Gorilla
I loved this part.

Here's the link to the OVA

Doubtful, sadly

Why? it was not popular enough???

For me i'm glad we won't be getting a S3 soon. I want Risa to voice Erina again so I rather wait for her to return from her hiatus than for a S3 to happen

That would blow my mind and truly set up Rindou as final boss, but nah.

>what happened to that?
Nothing, you imagined it.

It's pretty telling that the 4th OVA won't be original content, but will continue where the last ep of season 2 left off.

We've known that for months. It's the Autumn leaf viewing.

so do you think all 3 2nd round participants of Rebel squad are all going to job? Kuga losing is pretty much a done deal. Megishima is also likely to lose against Rindou, But what about GiggaNigga? He seems like a wildcard.

Sword won't lose his first match.

yes user. That's not really a necessary response to what I wrote, since nothing there suggested otherwise, but yes.

Preach it.