Raildex Thread

Season 3 is almost upon us

Other urls found in this thread:


How many TOUMA IM HUNGRY will there be in S3?

Just enough to bankrupt him

>Beef or Fish arc will be skipped
>no flight attendant with nice body

Many, but she'll also get body slammed by Touma

Today is the day, anons.

I want you to stop and take a step back. Do you remember the days of Saru Lock? Do you remember the General purge? Do you remember the days of gore and pig spammer and THK? Do you recall when we were tricked, baited and switched on Index's anniversary?

I do. And I'm sure many of you do as well. Even now, we face adversity every single day. For 9 years, we have dealt with this. For almost a decade, we have endured the shitposting. Several times, it almost broke us.

But, we persevered.

And here we now stand, despite all odds. Strong, resilient, withstanding the endless trails each and every time. We have developed a sense of begrudging comradery that most fanbases could only dream of. We have taken back our threads from the brink time and time again. We have demonstrated that while we may be battered and maimed, our spirit remains unshakable. Truly, no shitposter can stop us when we are united.

My fellow raildexfags, the time to stand united has come again. It is time to bring forth our tremendous resolve and secure our victory. Today, Dengeki will ask us for our dream. And today, we will answer them.

Now my friends, let's meme this together.





>Season 3 happens
>Its CG shit
>Its 12 episodes
>With outsourced episodes everywhere
>And Nagai filler
How would you react?

I believe in you TsuchiAnon

Miki would die

>6:22AM in nip land right now

When will they update the site?

You have to write the reason as to why you want that wish granted too. Good luck with the moonrunes.


So, is anything actually happening this time?

Didn't you all learn your lesson from the last dengeki festival? And the one before that? And the one before that?


Season 3 SOON




There's always the next Dengeki Fes.

I salute you.
have a rare photo

This time is different. Believe in the memes

> 電撃が総力を挙げて、あなたの夢を叶えます!!
> 電撃が総力
Railgun season 3 confirmed.

I'm believing.

What did you think the lightning bolt in Dengeki's logo meant, user?

For Index III: 禁書3期アニメ化してください!
For a anime of all of OT and NT: 禁書完結までアニメ化してください!

Don't kill this for me user.

Miki harvesting that feelings.

God damn it they found out

Wait, what the fuck? Are these real?

Yes. Taped for the mobage.

How the fuck can anyone deny Season 3 at this point, holy shit

what does it say?

Fucking HYPE

I believe in your semen

We just need Stiyl or js06 to help us make a short message

Praise Kekota everyday for season 3

Is Abe the biggest Toumafag out there?

>Practices lines in his free time at his own house

Yes. And I love him for it.

Mobile game.
You thought we were this excited over some vague dream page?

Some times user hypes fucking nothing


I can't wait for It bothers me.



>Not a gekota suit
Shame on you, Abeshi.

It's fucking happening also kamikotofags BTFO

It's all going smoothly

Season 3 NEVER

Just write "I don't need a reason to save a series" in moon.

>the month all other seasons were announced

>not writing "It bothers me"

I like it

I will wake up tomorrow and season 3 will be announced, right user? We are getting it this time, right?

Mikoto will win the Toumato bowl

This year for sure TsuchiAnon!

No, we are just securing it for sure by forcing Dengeki to acknowledge us. Actual announcement during fall fes


We need Biagio to bless us

Nah mate

Biagio will only bless you if you post crack ships.

You mean the Taco__ bowl

Fall fes. TsuchiAnon is just carrying out his duty by hyping everyone into action

It's fucking happening.

Who cares about these tho

Go back.

Aleister please

I think I'll shoop that Index into Othinus

Your trips just confirmed Crwoleys influence holds weight

>All these digits

Index 3 SOON

No one cares about Index anyway

Nah, they confirmed the opposite

>Beast 666

Meme magick at work

Index 3 SOON


Heavy Ice soon.



All of you are failures
Like Aleister

Nope, you were BTFO like 3 times

Kamikoto C O N F I R M E D

Which means we will succeed

I wasn't even going for it and I got close

Misaka has best genes
Would clone her a billion times and impregnate all those clones with a billion of myself



Aleister please

Literally no one cares, kamikurocuck


You hold no power here, whore

when did I even mention kamikuro?



Season 3 tomorrow?

Why doesn't Touma just use a potato for an electric side kick instead?

Don't post that at the beginning of a thread.

Fairy End?


Is it too early in the thread for an Ask Aleister session?

Alright, let's settle this once and for all; is Mikoto winning the Toumabowl?

Getting some mixed messeges here.