Realistically, can white women be saved at this point?
White women
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No. If you need a hole to cum in hook up with a white woman. If you’re looking for a life partner date 1st generation asians.
Not until Jews are exterminated
the women that are christians or aren't in major cities are pretty much saved desu
wasnt michigan a party school? theyre probably running to suck dick in this pic
Nothing can be saved at this point.
Disregard obvious shillism
The only way to save White Women is to have White Men like this!!!!!
When muslims were raping White women...White Aussie heroes starting kicking arse!
Yeah I do want to save them and even in times like these there's always a woman somewhere worth killing and dying for.
Well meaning femanons, just pretend to be men in the civilized threads and nobody will sperg out.
This, most white women have burned coal in their lifetime. Relationships have been disasters until I met my Taiwanese qt. I'm never going back to white women.