This Huffpost map is actually damn accurate

And I like it a lot. This should be how the world should be.

>no go zone
Absolutely savage, tufftoast

>probably ok

We've got our eye on you.

this is great except mexico and central am should be mexico and south america should be part of america

>the only country besides America that's probably Ok is Australia

This chart is accurate.

OH I GET IT Trump is a big anti-globalist meanie and racist

ill take argentina and uruguay i guess

Wow, nothing about the jews.
These things never mention jews.
Jews always flying under the radar.

why's there no chinese on Sup Forums ?

>probably ok
cheers cobba

Don't forget mountain Jews.

>OH I GET IT Trump is a big anti-globalist meanie and racist
Not really. The map correctly labels everything in Europe as "Germany" and labels the Muslim world Muslim and the commies commies etc.

>why's there no chinese on Sup Forums ?
What's the Great Wall of China?

Say, is that Hitler's Germany? I kid.

best stay on our good side pardner

;_; dont play like that

>Palestine is muslim clay again
>We lose Turkey (and istanbul) and bosnia, but get all of india, se asia, half of china, 1/4 of eastern europe, and most importantly, Japan

I'm ok with this.

>Probably ok
What did they mean by this?

Thank you HuffPo. In between your relentless cock sucking and milking of ethnic men’s diseased testicles with your constantly flapping about Trump lips you oven dodgers FINALLY got something right.
Come over and I’ll buy you a light beer because you’re still at your core faggoty fucking little girls who are too ugly to be Friztl’d who yet ironically can’t sit on a bar still because your anus is somehow even bigger and cavernous than your opinionated mouths. I’ll find you a bench to sit on, in the beer garden away from me.

>israel not mentioned
What did they mean by this

The world according to MSM: Russian hackers

all this picture needs is a brainlet huffpo wojack in the bottom left corner

i mean.. probably

We will. The (((same assholes))) that run your nation also run ours!

I haven't seen these "maps according to" since Bush times
Really makes you think

>no Poland
>no Haiti
>no Norway
>lame recycled muslim joke for China
>nothing for the Korean peninsula
I'm triggered by all the missed opportunities

>map doesn't label Israel as capital of America
The left really can't meme

How come when trump never says these things or even implies them, its racist

But Huff Post making a stereotype map and publishing it to 50 million people isnt racist

and the left still cant meme. sad.

>eskimo muslims

a meme is born

And their stereotype map is amazingly accurate

As a west coaster I hate it. America Centric maps that pit china in the west and date line in the mid atlantic riff so that we start off every day and euro mutts get the lag. That way kids dont have to wake up for school in the dark and can wait till dawn to start day. london and NYC exchanges can fuck off proper, btc hubs will be the west coast first. CHI's new Chinese exchange will flourish. Obamas library gets shut down for bribes and scaffolding wire tap permits against citizens. The CIA is dismantled....

awwww who am I kiddin, its civil war time bitches! Baby killers and Soy boys vs right wing death squads!!!!

ITs another I . L . L . umati sssssssuuuuuperr SLAMMMMMM!!!

Are you a fan of our vetrans from the meme wars? Then you dont wanna miss the fireworks at this weeks high class bout. Its shaping up to be a battle royale of mortal kombat. A Tag MEME bout that defies all boundaries as JOHN CENA JOINS FORCES WITHH The Megaladon himself.

DONALD J. TRUMP!!! *^/*Trumpets blaring */^*

Watch as They Take on Killary Kunton and Obuma Bin FISA at the State of the Union.

Start Rubbing Those tits together time warner cable because its about to goooo doooown. Buy now for only .01 btc and let the salt flow like refined pure white sugar cane plantations.