ITT: Entry Level Waifus
That's not an image of your waifu, OP.
>Not Hinata
I see Hinata meme'd 10x more than any other waifu on this list(except Misty). Who the fuck likes Sakura?
Definition of entry level. One of the cases where switching to a new waifu is acceptable.
People who were kids back when Naruto started airing and still have the same waifu they did back when they were kids.
Same thing for many of those late 1990's/ early-to-mid 2000's vidya/American animation female characters.
I don't get it. Is anyone going to post anything entry-level or not?
>C^2 instead of Kallen
while I have to assure you that my butt remains unhurt, I must voice my sincerest belief that it should be the other way around
>not liking Elsa
Tali is the MEme waifu. She was magicked into prominence on the strength of forum incantations about what her sweat might smell like.
>no Evangelion girls
Shit list.
both are entry level
Fucking accurate
You successfully made me mad.
Hasn't Rosalina surpassed Peach in being a "meme waifu" by now?
Why are there Sup Forums, Sup Forums, and Sup Forums sections but no Sup Forums section? Live-action television and movies have a bunch of generic waifus that millions fawn over.
>Waifu bait
Well yeah why would you want those
>Dick bait
Pic related
Nobody on here wants to see 3D
>changing waifus ever
>no Asuka
I wonder who could be behind this post
>meme waifus
>oh boy I guarantee mines on ther-
Oh pleasantly surprised
>yfw you realize that there are people who have flavor of the month "waifus"
>yfw you realize there are people who use the term waifu for girls they wanna fug
I seriously hope I share this board only with people who have had one waifu and stuck with her all this time.
I'm a polygamist. I have no limit to the number of waifus I can possess. What are you going to do about it?
Call you a pleb on an anonymous image board!
Having more than one waifu will ruin your laifu.
you keep telling yourself that you heartless bitch
tfw nomura is the only one who can get tifa's tits right
>meme waifus
>no CC
My one weakness.
Monogamist lies.
Best grill since the first day of pokemon
Ever and always, brother.
Hypnosis will never not be arousing.
it's a patrician fetish for sure
if these are entry level waifu, whats a advanced level waifu ?
The older, more hated, or more obscure, the more advanced. The most advanced is the waifu no one but you knows of.
>The most advanced is the waifu no one but you knows of.
So, OC?
>more hated, or more obscure, the more advanced.
Wouldn't people just play the "oh this user is just being contrarian" card?
Can OC be a waifu? I was referring to something in anime or manga that you did not create.
That will get played regardless if you even disagree with the popular choice for best girl or waifu.
If only 5 people know the show your waifu is from you can't exactly be contrary
>tfw your waifu is dead
A-at least she's alive in my heart right??????????????
I think my waifu might be a meme I still love her though
>He only has 1 waifu
>tfw someone reposts your image
delet this
You savage. Holy shit. Too accurate.
>not Asuka
>not Megumin
>not Saber
>not Misaka
>not Chifusa
Come on, you totally dropped the ball on this one.
>Not Megameme
>not Satania
>not Sento
I'm so glad my waifu is considered a "literally who" by now.
Misty may be entry, but she's never been beat since.
It's just not possible.
I believe you're using that word incorrectly.
Pokemon characters haven't been cool in years
No, she is dead.
>meme waifu
But she is, though.
Glad I am not the only one
Shut the fuck up don't talk ill about my OG waifu Hinata
It was Sakura, the fact is Hinata was the patrician taste but every Sup Forums faggot couldn't stop wanting to be Sasuke and fucking Sakura in their imaginations.
Hinata was the correct choice, but no one gave a fuck until she blew the fuck out of salty fags at the end.
>Not Chitogi
>every single love live
That's cheating
What the hell does "meme" means at this point. Do people think that using it makes your post more funny or something?
>no juri
Spotted the Jurifag
What is sex with both of them like?
pretends she doesn't want it then begs when teased
a lot
Entry level doesn't mean bad, you can't change how you feel, user!
literally anyone from NGE.
>a bunch of waifus
>actually taking waifuism seriously
If we're talking Yu-Gi-Oh girls at least post a chart with almost all of them.
I'm curious how being hypnotized increases her breast size tenfold.
I forgot to add Selvaria as well.
also this
"As your master my first order is for you to go get a breast implant"
I'm 30-years-old, user. I don't need Pokemon to remain "cool."
No I mean they haven't "looked" cool for years. They're all sterile now.
>this thread
Hello, f/a/cebook.
I only discovered my true waifu recently, but I've always been infatuated with pokegirl designs.
pic related is mai waifu.
Oh, the new pokecharacter designs. Yeah, that's ass.
It was Misty and it will always be Misty.
Does /vp/ have good taste in Pokegirls?
Aren't you a little too old to have a waifu?
Real waifufags stay with their waifu their entire life.
Dexter's Mom turns me on.
I can't see that happening for real, do you know someone like that?
I've seen some Japanese guys. I'm 27 myself and I love my wife more than this world, and I bowed to stay with her forever.
Hmmm. Where does the term "waifu" come from and how old is it?
Of course not. I also have a wife.
But this is my story of my waifu: I lived in Okinawa for 5 years as a kid, back in 1995-2000. Pokemon came out. The Gameboy game was the most popular thing, of course and it was awesome (I got Red, it had Sandshrew, he remains my favorite pokemon) but also extremely popular for us (and stateside relatives) were the original Pokemon Trading Card Game. I received a lot of cards, both for myself and for cousins. And I was cool, because I could send JAPANESE cards! No internet Amazon those days, sucker, you had to MAIL STUFF!
And then I got this card.
It was the first time I had ever masturbated. Didn't even know I could use my hands, just humped the Hell outta my pillow. You see, it's a powerful thing when your first orgasm is associated with an anime girl. She will always be my waifu.
why not use popular then
Oh, I get it. Everyone has something to hold dear, even a fictional character, I have some as well. Glad to know you are not delusional about it and happy. I'm proud of you grandpa!