>tfw i've seen literally everything and nothing can surprise me no more.
Tfw i've seen literally everything and nothing can surprise me no more
>this is how neo-Sup Forums looks like.
Come on, you know it's true.
Why is this considered a lot?
>below 5000 entries
You know that there are people with like 2K completed series on MAL, right?
btw, 180 here
>200 is literally the are minimum to not be a pleb who shouldn't even be here.
Given OP thinks this is a lot and unironically made a green text thread with a MEAL OP, he still shouldn't post here regardless. I have been thinking we should bump to 250+ minimum; at least 50 notable shows have been out since the 200 idea was first floated what, over ten years ago.
drop more shows, faggot. stop eating up garbage.
If you actually picked those animes instead of forcing yourself to watch every single of them just for the number count, its ok.
>96 days
>233 completed
So you don't watch any OVAs or shorts?
Because I'm at 123 days and 933 completed.
700 here and I've pretty much watched everything that is worth watching.
That's not even that much...
I've watched most of whats aired since 2002 and I'm still finding things worth watching.
If he's anything like me then he watches them but doesn't record them on mal because it feels like list inflation.
Are there really people who have seen less than 300 anime posting on Sup Forums? Why bother. Not surprising he's a retarded feels poster
>Itt: watching garbage shows to brag about watching garbage shows on an anonymous forum
I only watch shows that really grab my attention and spend rest of my time not watching anime
>Used to watch 20 shows a season
>Currently only watching two
Am I getting old, Sup Forums?
Then get out of Sup Forums
I only watch shows that Sup Forums recommends.
No, you are getting your own taste on what you watch
You only watch shitty shows then.