Are all JCs rich?
Are all JCs rich?
Some are quite poor.
No. Their parents, however.
I'm pretty sure Machi wasn't.
>that shitty old projector
They are rich of character
What the fuck is a JC?
Is that guy in the background her "uncle" who "photographs" her to earn money?
I would enrich them if you know what I mean.
I'm so tired of this JC meme already
That's a bear
I'm so tired of this guy already
reddit speak for loli
It's 2ch speak actually.
Not all, only the slutty ones.
Machi is poor as fuck
2ch is jp reddit so yeah
Some are very very poor.
Manga also uses the term.
no it's not
Was only used in specific instances shit schoolgirl topics like clothing etc until mods then started targeting loli threads for awhile then it busts into the scene and was spammed like no tomorrow.
This is the stupidest shit that gets regurgitated regularly.
Loli ojousama is the best kind of loli.
Loli a cute.
Yeah it does!
Kill yourself, newfag. The two terms don't even refer to the same thing.
JCs are just bigger lolis just like how toddlers are smaller lolis
Toddlers are gross.
And 'waifu' means cute anime girl I like and 'memes' are funny words inserted to images on facebook and you think you're not a huge fucking faggot, right?
JY are better than than toddlers.
Not even a pedo, but I really like that Machi fanart.
Maybe some incest will cure your babycon complex.
JCs are the best!
owo posters should be gassed
Actually I'm a JC fan, but anything is better than toddlercon.
How much for the JS?
Can't we just say jailbait?
JY are fucking cute. I want to take care of them.
No lewd allowed.
that would be more like JK
What exactly is this pic implying?
It's me and my ojou.
JS, JC and JK are all jail bait.
Any JCs, who have resorted to prostitution for money?
look at loli and high school + prostitution tags on any online hentai emporium (perhaps exhentai or nhentai if you can't surpass the sad panda)
I wish
look up kansai enkou
don't ask me for links
I 100% guarantee no one on Sup Forums will be using this terminology a year from now. The only ones using them are impressionable children (mental or otherwise.)
Considering they can do enkou, sell their panties and probably do other unspeakable baito, they are only not rich by choice.
be careful not to suggest that things which don't last are not worthwhile
the ephemeral nature of this site is its very foundation and reason for being
I should hope that people won't be using that word a year from now, but that they would have already created new terms with which to refer to underage persons
My wife Machi is so cute.
Anime too
No need. We await this year's poll.