Finlands next president

Finlands next president

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Holy shit... You're kidding right.
Wouldn't mind getting WHITED by her tho.

she looks like one of those mature ladies that take in refugee children to help alleviate their "sexual" frustrations

"I do not know which is more terrible: inattention to social misery such as we see every day among the majority of those who have been favored by fortune or who have risen by their own efforts, or else the snobbish, or at times tactless and obtrusive, condescension of certain women of fashion in skirts or in trousers, who 'feel for the people'."

Love how that was the first thing you thought, shows how obsessed you are with refugee sex

Are fins elves?


Yes, don't trust elves

What's her name?

Yes, she's a an elf who hates foreigners and wants Finland out of EU.

Thanks for the name, finfag.

Story checks out.

Just reading that made my dick hard.


Oh totally

With polls that bad, she has less of a chance than Donald Trump being President of the United States!

Tolkien was one of the original Finnoboos so might be.

Our media is full blown lobbying for Niinistö, these polls aren't really trustworthy. Not that I'm saying she's going to win, I'm just saying that there might be a chance that there will be second round.

Bit of a difference between a couple of points in some Amercan swing states and 53+ points in the national popular vote, mate.

> greens 10-19%
They are even there.

Finnish presidents look like THAT?!


I'm just ribbin' ya. Don't be a sour Kraut. But in all seriousness we can't let this woman get the nuclear puukko.

Why the hell not? What would go wrong?

Clearly this Elf is bigoted, she won't allow any poor Orcs into her country.

They should be more like the Realm of Man, Osgiliath is a prime example of the benefits Orcs bring

I just voted for her with my parents. MAKE THE TRUMP MIRACLE HAPPEN, FINNBROS

What the fuck, I love Finland now!

I have to say Finland I would love to impregnant that milf and suck on her mega milkies.

still would


ooo veyyy

Yes, Space Elves to be exact.

at least orc politics makes sense

Hmm... Makes me think...

She's a christian though, so this might be a way to distract even the goy orcs like you.

Fucking dropped

>Hyvää huomenta!
>H-huh? Y-yeah, you too...
Lord knows I'd still smash.

really activates my almond

>implying there is a right winger in the west who's anti-Israel
Time to face reality. If you want the right to win, you have to accept that pro-Israel views come with it

Mmm finish women are so fucking hot.

How could I get a Finnish gf?

Stop bullying her! She is only wearing that because she is Christian!

She looks like Russian bimbo

>How could I get a Finnish gf?
be Swedish

Pretty sure there is a little Russian in every Finnish person these days same with Germans.

Shoutenings to pic, do you masturbate to it when Jamal and Muhammad are having sex with your girlfriend and mother?

>Then give away your GF to a refugee

I dunno, Swedish women aren't really my thing. I mean, how can you even like this?

How old is she? Making me rethink my stance on older women desu.

>when your lips are naturally purple

Fucking disgusting.



Is it common for finnish women to have almost snow white hair? never really cared about finnland desu.

40 sounds right. She is beautiful. I guess white women can age well if not living in a terrible society

She's gorgeous

>Be me
>right winger
>hates israel

Check mate Pekka

That's a bad example.

As a finno-swede I can only confirm that it isn't 100% true but not completely false either. My grandfather got mad pussy when he came over here to work.

C'mon now friendo, I am sure he only intended some light banter.

desu = desu

those weak comebacks
Come on Pekka Poikki, you can do better! or do I need to take you back to school?

Sorry I lied I tried to trick you but that other idiot intervened

desu = TO BE HONEST, fucking retarded ass piece of shit word filter

It's the other way around retarded amerimutt.

>As a finno-swede I can only confirm that it isn't 100% true but not completely false either.
wtf I'm a Fenno-Swede too. Finlandssvensk etnostat, när? Jag försöker skämta lite med Veli-Pekka Poikkis i tråden men de blir bara arga

I see that you did not answer to my question, so I take that as a yes.

At least we have school, you homo Peters are most likely going to ban it because being educated is racist for your poor refugee kids that have huge beards

Come here and I'll educate you with my puukko

>Be you
>A muslim caliphate
Checks out

Got fucking rekt, cuckboy


Just voted for her an hour ago. Felt really good.

>Be me

A somali

Did you get orgasm in the booth?

Told everyone I would vote for Väyrynen but I'm voting for her


På Koskenkorva och sill ska vi bygga de Svensk-Finska etnostaten från Jokkmokk to Karjalan.

Ja :T
Lite bus med grabbarna ska man ju kunna ha utan att dom ska bli arga

>Come here and I'll educate you with my puukko
Mora>Puukko as history has shown, boyo

still doable

If there would have been a picture of Laura then yes I would have.

Låter suveränt faktiskt. Finlandssvensk härskarras. Fan blev lite sugen på sill nu

You swedes are still stuck to 1700s or something when you were still something? You are like that little kid who used to be able to walk but got hit by a truck and is now derping around with a wheelchair.

would racemix with

If it wasn't for us you would have lost against pretty much everyone. Your empire was a thing only because of our fighter race. You couldn't fight for shit

We could throw rocks at you now and you would instantly surrender

No Swedish, you must have misread. I expected better from you Finns, that I a half Finn would be meme'd at so POORLY.

Can you drag your somali ass to somewhere else?


En dag, en dag så!

No we're not. I love you finbland

it's like they are screaming invide me and rape my women

Very pretty for an older gal

If I had a Somali ass I would. But I do not, I am a Finn-Swede. Have you not been listening?

Get your half mongolian ass out of heres :--DDD

Tfw we Fenno-Swedes get bullied by Finns but not by Swedes on Sup Forums. Odd world, isn't it? Btw bro do you have grey eyes too?

because Sup Forums is the worst board on Sup Forums and average polack has smaller brains than starving aids niggers of africa
everyone ITT should kill themselves

show bob



this guy will be your emperor


where the fuck is he looking at? hahaha wtf

Odottavan aika on pitkä.

This dude's fucking face kek

>foolish coffee mug merchant
