What arguments, as a Christian, i can have against racemixing...

What arguments, as a Christian, i can have against racemixing? In all Christian threads people seem to cite in favor of it, ''as long as they're Christian''. But there are proof that that is detrimental to a society, to a household and to a culture. That it enlarges the gaps between individuals of the same culture. So why the Bible, an alleged absolutely right and unquestionable, tells me to accept anything and anyone as long as they're Christian too, no matter the long term costs?

I'm not doing this to bait. I legitimately want to know. This has been buzzing my mind for a while.

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God created races for a reason. If he wanted us to become one race he would've just made us all disgusting Amerimutts.

what'cha slidin, rabbi?

Seems fair enough. But i want something i can preach. People will just re-cite that one part that says ''Romans and Greeks''. Any verses of people sticking to their own tribe?
There was no other board i could ask this. Feel free to check the catalog for more important threads.

well time to dump christianity and embrace a racialist spirituality instead

But Christianity raises valuable points, and can be said as the foundation of Western civilization. I just want to understand how can i make the relation of it and traditional, tribalism values. I can't just ditch God because of something that may be a misinterpretation by the masses.

Western Civilization has failed then

I think the problem isn't racemixing itself, more like the propaganda, that pushes it.In a traditional Christian society, it wouldn't be a big problem, like it is these days, you could tolerate individual cases, and it wouldn't be harmful to society.
Don't argue against race-mixing, argue against the media, and governments, that are pushing the idea to young men and women.

Is America a more Christian nation now than it was any time prior to the 1960s? The answer is obviously no. But until recent years racemixing was frowned upon by most of the country, why is that? If old America was more Christian than us, how were they more racist than us? How did they reconcile that?

the races whose skulls are similar to this one are what created western civilization, have you forgotten that christianity had to be adapted for sale in Europe?

Funny thing is, this whole Amerimutt thing works best when applied to immigrants

>I-I'm American, i even have the papers to prove it!

My son... be sure to get a prenup with a conversion clause. If she converts to any other religion other than the one outlined in the pre-nup, sole child custody goes to daddy.

For the Christian explanation, read:

You cant.. The whole thing is a hysterical joke. Its like some kind of weird nightmare where all these stupid ass people keep doing annoying shit and it makes no sense. Its like some weird ass bizzarre dream that you keep having but never resolve. Its like going to a family gatherin and your old saggy 90 year old grandma getting your face with her breath smelling like nigger cock telling you you are horrible and must die and be stripped of your rights for being a white male. Meanwhile she has dementia and doesnt even rememeber her name.

TL;DR: We're fucked.. Just do what you want and party like its 1999 and make the best of it. Theyll capture and kill you either way.

If it wasn't a bad idea it wouldn't be bad that government was pushing it.
That's what i'm asking. How did they reconcile that?
I'll look into it. Care to say a bit more about what you gather from it?

There are none. Your jewish god was pretty clear about the issue when he gave Moses' son leprasy because he dared to object to Moses marrying a nigger sow.

Not only is Christianity not pro-race but explicitly against pro-race sentiment. Christianity thus is anti-white and its followers, if white, akin to coalburners who need to share those coalburners' fate if we're ever going to get out this mess we're in.

dope filename

>But until recent years racemixing was frowned upon by most of the country, why is that?

Because its fucking pointless. It makes Jamal stupider because it creates a clash of civilizations and values. Monkeys cant into humans.

Our entire earth has perrished and gone into a permanent nightmare mode because of a handful of these monkeys that were brought over here. All for them and their arrogance the entire civilized world is destroyed permanently. We could have easily prepared them and sent them back, they did not yet pick up the immuno-diseases that would kill native, they could have easily gone back, but doffus wanted to send them to south america (WTF??, liberals were called republicans back then and they did this to us.). If it was any other race of people they would have enough humility to understand what was going on and migrate elsewhere or assimilate, but not niggers.. They have no clue.

Do you think god would have wanted any this? It would have to be an evil cuck god.

kek, you know it's from Serrano right?

Just read it. It is short and an eye opener.

From the biology viewpoint, mixing races and related species produces monsters, and makes the offspring more prone to genetic diseases. This is because each race has chromosomes that NEED to be paired with others to compensate certain problems, and racemixing results in those dependencies getting broken.
>ligers have gigantism and die of it.
>Mixing Honey bees and African bees result in dangerous Killer bees
>mixed children higher health and behavior risks

Jesus probably didn't know about the existence of negroes of asians. This would conflict with omniscience. Damn. Umm, God didn't want human populations to come together as one as they did in the construction of Babylon which is why he originally separated people. Doesn't really fit along with christian universalism and egalitarian core.

There really is no christian arguments against racemixing. People kept pretending there was because they saw the insanity with creating a race of Brazilians, but they didn't want to give up their faith. The truth hurts. You really can't be a honest christian and put biological materialism ahead of christian belief in equality and universalism.

Here's the redpill for you

One thing, don't ask this question on Sup Forums. Take it to infinitychan's /christian/, where the anons there are well versed in scripture. If you ask this question on 4 or 8/pol/, expect a lot of "christcuck" slurs or posts encouraging you to ditch the kike on a stick and whatnot.
To answer your question, the Bible doesn't explicitly deny race mixing, nor does it encourage it though. Take with that as you will. God does not look down upon those who prefer to marry with their own race. However, be cautious as to not fall in the trap of that which is race worshipping, which a lot of anons here are guilty of. Acknowedge that there are differences between other races, and that some races are better than others, but know that there are outliers in every group. I hope this answers your question.

I’m positive you can quote Old Testament all day long... hell, the Old Testament is all murder death kill over racemixing

>beast of the field
Is that a way to talk about your brothers in Christ?

of course I do :)

as head of your household in a good christian home you should be able to raise your big christian family to respect your wishes when it comes down to race mixing.

I don't like the editing on these images, but its great to see someone else reading Serrano on here.

The only post worth reading in the thread desu

There is a ton of stuff in the Old Testament against racemixing

Tell 'em that God doesn't mind speaking the truth about different races:

We see here in Titus 1:12 "Cretans are always liars, evil brutes, lazy gluttons."

Snowniggers are as dumb as niggers.

Because it's the Old Testament.

That seems good. Thank you. But another question; If those niggers/outsiders claimed they were Christians, would it be acceptable? Or a stranger is a stranger nonetheless?

>God created all the races
>He put them on different continents
>Somehow he wants them to be destroyed
There are ways to argue against racemixing, another one is with the passage from Revelation, where it cites "all the nations in the world", where nations clearly means peoples. Hence, destroying all the different peoples by mixing is against God's will, since they all have to show up in the end times.

creativity is what distinguishes us from the other races

here kys.

Which still is better than WE WUZ DA REAL JEWS.

The Bible says that you shouldn't lose your time with endless genealogy, that as long as he accepts Christ as his saviour he will be recognized by God.

So there's nothing against or in favor of racemixing, but it's not like many "minorities" are devout christians anyway.

You could argue that the world's human and cultural Diversity is part of God's creation, and that race-mixing and open-borders erases it.

It won't work, but that's the problem you run into with Religion.

>So there's nothing against or in favor of racemixing
All over the bible it preaches race mixing.
By the time of the New Testament, Israel had become extremely exclusive, largely forgetting her mission to the nations. When the Messiah arrived, however, foreigners were present ( Matt 2:1-12 ). During his ministry, he constantly interacted with them, indicating that God’s love embraced the world ( Luke 17:18 ; John 4 ). A Roman soldier pronounced a eulogy at his death ( Luke 23:47 ). Death broke the hostile powers that caused human divisions ( Eph 2:14-18 ). In Christ there was no longer any important racial, linguistic, or ethnic difference ( Gal 3:26-29 ). Pentecost ( Acts 2 ) reversed the judgment of the tower of Babel ( Gen 11:1-9 ).

At the same time, there was the realization that while members of the church had their citizenship in heaven, they were resident aliens on earth ( 1 Peter 1:17 ; 2:11 ). Before the coming of the kingdom, they had to live a nomadic existence as strangers and pilgrims, much like the patriarchs of the Old Testament ( Heb 11:9-16 ). They must live in hope and faith, praying for the invasion of the kingdom and waiting patiently for the gift of a new Canaan, a new Eden, where they can reside with their God (Rev. 21-22). Meanwhile the church must act by helping literal strangers and foreigners, remembering her own identity and God’s love for the powerless ( Matthew 25:35Matthew 25:38Matthew 25:43Matthew 25:44 ). Hospitality (philoxenos, lit. love for the stranger) is to be a characteristic of the follower of Christ ( 1 Peter 4:9 ; cf. Rom 12:13 ; Heb 13:2 ).

Thanks user.

Embrace Deism.

Your favorite pastor is a fucking kike.


Not gonna lie, that pic filled me with rage.

nice get, this is what you have been looking for start with the playlists


>In Christ there was no longer any important difference
Important difference doesn't mean no difference at all, if your hearth is with the Lord then is no important how do you look or what nation are you from.

Why do you listen to a jew's interpretation of the Bible, they will read what they want to read.

Also, is Christianity the foundation of Western Civilization or Ancient Greek Philosophy?

That means you still have some dignity left, something that's missing in the coalburners of the soul that shill this kind of disgusting cuckery on this board.

I never said it was ok. I just said it isn't denied nor is it encouraged. However, it is proven that race mixing has detrimental effects on the child produced. In that case, it would be better that race mixing is not undertaken.


holy shit that is a goldmine, Heil Hitler!

there are no Christian arguments against racemixing. Maybe you shouldnt be against racemixing?

Because that's how universalist religions work silly. An European christian is worth just as much as a Sudanese christian. Brothers under Christ.

It's almost as if you're following a desert cult pushed into Europeans to destroy them.

So, what can be done? Christianity is unattainable, then. We know the dangers of multiculturalism and racemixing, but Bible seems to promote it. So, what can one do?

To who i can turn to?

Can't this be just considered interpretation, like the animals and humans part? Why can't it be interpreted as people from different tribes?

The tower of babel is where God forbids people all learning the same language, seperate nations are specifically ordered by God. The language confusion is just the method to ensure the tribes stay apart. One reason it is a sin to teach English as second language to ethnic people, it has done enough damage already. Teaching English is bad for both cultures, Advertising and propaganda can be used on ethnics by international elements, destroying their tribal life. Also a Somalian can try and chat up your daughter. Both bad.

>So, what can be done? Christianity is unattainable, then. We know the dangers of multiculturalism and racemixing, but Bible seems to promote it. So, what can one do?
Well, the answer is quite obvious.

I should add context, Tower of Babel is actually a great work of teamwork done by people together to glorify their civilisation - not God. But God foresaw the evil of an international centralised power system for evil. Hence him breaking it up. We must prevent the learning of shared languages wherever possible.

>Bible seems to promote it. So, what can one do?
I'm willing to show you definite proof that the Bible is against race mixing and even mixing between different nations. Are you willing to hear me out, because I'll be writing 1 or 2 big posts here with Bible verses and explanations.

It really doesn't. Paganism just seem like Catholicism; a bunch of people worshiping this week's new deity. What is there to believe in?

I most certainly am. Please go ahead.

You know what to get rid off, that's enough to occupy us for now.

Hiel Hitler

>To who i can turn to?
You are a white man why must you turn to anyone but yourself and your people?

God created races specifically to prevent cooperation between them.
Whites will never be understood completely by other races, and other races will never be understood by whites.
That's not a bad thing. Let us keep separated.
God created different parts of world for different people. Forsaking them is not only going against wishes of Almighty, it is also stating that He could make a bad, hostile environment.
If they are Christian, good for them. We should not deny them any sacraments, if they want to marry between themselves, priest should bless such union. However, taking for account that white is more likely to be understood by white, it would be much better for marriages to stay racially coherent, where partners understand each other.
Not too mention, blacks have inherently different charasteristics than whites. That is because they were placed in a different environment and gifted accordingly. If they leave that environment they are at disadvantage.
Think about it. If you left civilization and settled in some African tribe, you would be disadvantaged. Even after 200 years have passed, your offspring would still be disadvantaged, it's not their environment. Similarly with those who leave tribalism for civilization.

>What arguments, as a Christian, i can have against racemixing?


Did Joseph question the race of his wife's son?

Be like Joseph, goy


Race mixing, "miscegenation," is an affront to God and there are several reasons why it is offensive to Him:

1) It cripples God's original design, the plan God had for every race. He gave each of them distinct characteristics which would make them different from all others, while at the same time making them an important part of His world plan. "Race mixing," is an attempt to destroy God's plan for the races.
2) God created all things to produce "kind after kind." This is a biological law which is as strong and lasting as the "Law of Gravity," or the "Law of Harvest," both of which can easily be demonstrated as true.

As you study the Bible, it becomes apparent that God wanted each race to remain pure. He even designated certain areas in which they were to live.

3) Miscegenation violates the inherent "blueprint" for the genes of each human body. In spite of liberal arguments to make all men "equal", biologists know that each race is distinctly different, in bodily formation, in inherent intelligence, and in the very structure of their blood cells. All races are not biologically the same. Of course it is "politically unacceptable" to discuss this truth, but this fact doesn't change it.

>1) It cripples God's original design
Why do you worshipp a retard who couldn't think of removing the possibility of interbreeding?

What arguments, as a Christian, do I have against Boyle's Law? Or in favor of Object-Oriented Programming in computers? Or what did God say about what laws should be enacted to ensure bridges are constructed to certain specifications?

Sometimes secular arguments are perfectly sufficient for secular questions. That said we'd have a hard time justifying doing evil to nonwhites, but protecting our own is more than reasonable.

>Jack Mohr's
Right nice source! I really like how its on a website from 1992 and by some literal who.

>One reason it is a sin to teach English as second language to ethnic people.
Not really a sin in itself, because differentiation runs deeper than only language.
English culture will be obscure and alien even for someone who is familiar with English language. The further you move away (i.e. Western Europe, Europe in general, caucasoid race) the more obscure it becomes. Due to differences in experience, history, culture, etc.: Pole will reason differently than the German and Chink will reason even more differently than them both.
They will never understand each other completely.
The real sin would be to try to abolish those cultures and set course on creating some universal, brown man.

Those are nice arguments.

All (((Christians))) need to be gassed, you are all lowest tier Aryan caste drooler IQ useful idiots nigger tier believing in zombie space jews who were their own father born of virgins blah blah blah shit all stolen from countless other religions namely the Vedas the true aryan doctrine

Think you're right. I was being a little facetious and overstating the English thing. However I guess CivNats love to push that learning English will fix all the problems for immigrants for example, and as you say it's not as simple as that.


First of all, I think it's important to look at the overall Biblical narrative of the concept of nations and peoples and countries. The Bible defines a nation as a "family", if you look at the way "family" and "nation" is referenced across the Bible.

At the very start of the Bible, in the Old Testament, it is clear that God wants human beings to live separated in their own countries and nations. One of God's first commandments after Noah leaves the ark is that they should "be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth" (Genesis 9:1) -- the exact same commandment he gave to Adam and Eve in Genesis 1:28.

At the tower of Babel in Genesis 11, humanity has come together to build an enormous temple that will reach in to heaven. As a result, God confuses their languages and once again spreads them out across the earth as he originally intended. What's important to keep in mind is that nations and peoples already existed before the tower of Babel. God gave us our peoples and nations and countries. This is even spelled out explicitly in Acts 17:24-26, where it says: "God that made the world and all things therein [...] And hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth, and hath determined the times before appointed, and the bounds of their habitation."

When God gave his promise to Abraham, He explicitly tells us that the point of His promise is that "through thee [Abraham] shall ALL of the NATIONS of the earth be blessed." The fact that he uses the plural, "nations", is important, because this is a key to realizing that God intends for all of the nations that HE CREATED to remain until the very end, because in the Book of Revelation, the different "NATIONS" are mentioned over and over again. In Matthew 25:32, it says that "before him shall be gathered ALL NATIONS: and he shall separate them one from another, as a shepherd divideth his sheep from the goats." It is clear that the nations remain until Christ returns to this earth.

Now, let's get in to some specific Biblical mentions of God forbidding race mixing and nation mixing.

In Leviticus 21:14-15, God says to Moses:
>A widow, or a divorced woman, or profane, or an harlot, these shall he not take: but he shall take a virgin OF HIS OWN PEOPLE to wife. Neither shall he profane his seed among his people: for I the Lord do sanctify him.

This entire passage is testament to the fact that God intends for men to marry within our own nations and not to "profane his seed among his people". People will typically use two arguments to try to debunk this doctrine: 1) they'll tell you that Leviticus isn't applicable to Christians because it dealt specifically with the priesthood of the Israelites, and not with the common man. There are two problems with that argument, a) if God's "higher standard" for the priesthood is that they marry within their own nation, then it's clear that God's ideal marriage is not a race mixed marriage. What's good for the goose is good for the gander. And b) we as Christians are ALL PRIESTS. The idea of the "priesthood of the believer" is one of the main beliefs of Bible believing Christianity. Every single Christian is a priest, and there is no difference between the priesthood and the congregation. When Christ died on the cross, the cloth that separated priests for church-goers was torn. So this passage 100% applies to all Christians, as does all of Leviticus.

The other argument they'll use against this is that 2) God was only referring to other believers, not specifically your own seed, just other believers. It is true that God commands us to only marry other believers, but that is a completely different commandment that's brought up on many other occasions as a separate argument.

When Leviticus 21:14 is specifically applied by the Israelites within the Bible itself, it is clear that the passage is referring specifically to marrying within your own people, and not just other believers. In Ezekiel 44:22, Ezekiel specifically brings up this commandment, and it is quoted like this:

>Neither shall they take for their wives a widow, nor her that is put away: but they shall take maidens OF THE SEED of the house of Israel, or a widow that had a priest before.

So, it is clear that the Bible is referring to your genetic seed, namely your own people, your own nation -- not other believers. Believe it or not, but Leviticus 21:14 is actually applied on a 2nd occasion within the Old Testament. In 2 Chronicles 22, we learn that the Israelites took this commandment very strictly, because Jehoshabeath was not even allowed to marry within the broader house of Israel, but she was required to specifically marry within her own tribe of Judah.

When it comes to only marrying other believers: yes, the Bible is extremely clear that we should not marry non-believers. This is clear both from the Old Testament and from the New Testament. But that is a completely separate argument. And I interpret these Old Testament passages (Leviticus 21:14, Ezekiel 44:22, 2 Chronicles 22, etc.) literally: TAKE A WOMAN OF YOUR OWN PEOPLE FOR WIFE. These passages NEVER mention the idea that she only needs to be a believer. It's nonsensical to pretend that it's solely referring to believers in God when none of the passages mention that at all.

Some Christians have a warped idea that because we are Christians, we belong to one gigantic globalist nation, and that our old physical nations don't matter. This is clearly completely false, because 1) God intended the "NATIONS" to be saved, not one gigantic nation. 2) This is mentioned nowhere in the entire Bible, in fact, nations and peoples and tongues and kindreds are continuously mentioned throughout the entire Bible from Genesis to Revelation.

It is true that we as Christians together spiritually form the "body of Christ" and that we are a "special people, a royal priesthood, a chosen generation" before Christ, but as human beings living on this earth, we belong to nations and peoples and kindreds that God intended us to belong to and that God created.

God NEVER intended all of humanity to be mixed. In fact, it is clear from Revelation that when Satan comes in the end-times, he will be the one to unite all of humanity under a one-world globalist government and a one-world religion where everyone will live in peace and believe in Satan. The Bible says that Jesus Christ came not to bring peace or to unite, but to divide.

The Bible is strictly against globalism. If it was true that God or Jesus intended us to all live together as one gigantic nation, then why did the Holy Ghost speak in different languages to all of the adherents at the day of Pentecost? Why does Jesus Christ give specific messages to specific churches in specific nations in Revelation? Why did God divide us up on numerous occasions in the Old Testament? Why was God's promise that all NATIONS should be blessed? Why are the nations still in existence when Christ returns?!

It's a completely false, Satanic narrative that nation mixing, race mixing, globalism, mass immigration and nation-wrecking is Biblical. IT IS FALSE. IT IS OF SATAN.

Don't think you've read the bible mate: Jesus actually makes a whip and chases a bunch of (((merchants))) out of the temple courts.

perfect example of why you all need to be gassed or at least herded properly the kikes and masons wrote the bible and own the churches why in the fuck would a Jew or a mason be against you fucking idiots you are literally their bitches. their army of useful idiots along with the communists Muslims, getting you all to fight is their goal you stupid half wit, and really at this point I don't have much of a problem with it you all so stupid you are dangerous and if you are stupid enough to believe the shit they feed then die for them because of those lies you deserve everything you get you are not Aryan stock. Take off the meme flag faggot you do not deserve to fly the Aryan symbol of truth and enlightenment you stupid nigger the Reich would shit on you for being so stupid
I am a Biblical Scholar in fact I know the bible a hell of a lot better than anyone here better than your preacher bubba and I know what it really is a masonic cipher

Wrong. Before the Tower of Babel humans already all spoke one language. He created the confusion of tongues due to their pride and arrogance. It had nothing to do with race mixing.

im no expert but i read once that the church protected all greek and roman knowledge once western rome fell

Have you read St. Augustine's City of God? There are two spiritual nations, one of the earth, the other of God. We do belong to a nation that is not of this Earth when we live under God.

I'm not sure what argument you are attempting to make, but the nation of God (or the spiritual Jeruasalm) is not of this world and is on a pilgrimage throughout our time here on Earth.

>What arguments, as a Christian, i can have against racemixing?
Not buying into a humanist cult would have been a good Idea, but now you are actually associated with people like the lovely pope.

Honestly, the main reason why I am not a Christian is because I had to justify all of its Humanism and Universalism, but I simply can't.

Wrong, humanity was already living in different nations before the tower of Babel, but they became united. They were in sin, because God and had twice commanded them to spread out and replenish the earth. So when all of the world united at Babel and began to build a tower, God became wroth with them and created languages to make our separation permanent.

The tower of Babel story is rich with doctrine, and obviously it symbolizes more than just the Satanic nature of uniting all of humanity -- for example, it symbolizes the problems with a works based salvation, but the point of separating humanity is one of the main doctrines being taught with the tower of Babel story.

Hate to break it to ya bud, God isn't real...

So did the muzzies, I guess Islam belongs in Europe now too, inshallah.

I agree with most of what you just said. My argument is that although Christians belong to a spiritual nation and are looking for a heavenly Jerusalem, we as physical human beings still live on this earth in different physical countries and belong to literal nations that God intended us to belong to. The idea that nationhood is done away with in Christ is nonsensical on so many levels.

wtf are you on about

Bible explicitly states not to date outside your tribe. Tribe is old speak for race or culture.


My God this girl is so beautiful
I can imagine dudes sailing to Troy to get her back if some chad had taken her away

Mixed children usually have difficulty assimilating with the native populace and tend to have identity issues. That's all you have to say, really.

I'm sure there's also some gene-related issues that you can look up online.


Thank you, user. You have opened my eyes. If you could screenshot your posts for me to save, i'd be very thankful.

Old testament is for Jews
He didnt open your eyes, he just circumcised your dick

All of these are good points.
We're not worldly, that is correct. But, that we're not worldly, doesn't mean that until death laws of this world don't apply to us.
For what is of this world will pass. Nations included.
But that it will pass, doesn't mean it doesn't apply to us. Hunger is of this world, have you never felt hunger? Your body is of this world, are you not feeling your body? Etc.
Or, in other words, your body will die, does that mean you shouldn't value it? Of course not, it was granted to you by God, despite its flaws and sinful desires.
It is only when what is of this world overshadows spiritual, is when it becomes a problem.
So in short: love your nation, your family and yourself, but not with greater love than that you have for Creator of them all.

>Bible explicitly states not to date outside your tribe
>doesnt give the verse
Fucking why dude, you know someones gonna ask for it.

No problem mate, here's a screenshot!

Ahh, a dispensationalist. I didn't think you people still existed.